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Immigration police arrest foreigners for a variety of crimes

Jonathan Fairfield

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2 hours ago, JASON THAI said:

A man from the UK was arrested when trying to leave Thailand, for not paying 5 Baht to use a toilet in a Pattaya beer bar. fingerprints from his beer glass was given to the police who informed immigration & he was caught out when trying to go home at the airport from there new scanning machines 555

I would have to say that is non sense

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18 hours ago, djayz said:

I wonder if those Chinese gambling den owners are the ones who also operate these highly illegal and addictive cuddly toy machines?

I bet they are , er I mean most probably are. In fact I would put my next door neighbours mortgage on it.

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Incredible. You can hardly talk about a criminal here. How and from where did they get this information?”


They can not just ask “send this guy back because we want him”. !!!  

They have to explain what kind of crime he committed to other countries police. 

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I am unsure how this fingerprint system to catch criminals is going to work especially with passports link up.


Right, first the fingerprint system is supposed to link you to a passport I believe and also it must link you to as database of blacklisted ' SUPPOSED '  criminals. I don't class visa over stayers in the same category as convicted murderers.


A few questions here;-


1. It is a new database, then at this present time, it is purely gathering peoples fingerprints to put into an online database. It can only crosscheck against those recently blacklisted whose fingerprints it already has. Yes or No?

2. Does it have the ability to check passports that are not using standard roman script? such as Chinese characters, Arabic and Japanese characters? because even if their name was transliterated to English script, (even a slight alteration on these characters, and they are open to different interpreted spellings)  would render the reading of the passport useless, or at least it would not show because it would not be an exact match. I mean just look at all the different Roman spellings on signposts for PATTAYA.

3.I have used this fingerprint system in Cambodia but on many occasions it has been ' down ' and we have been waved through at immigration with just the cursory checks from immigration and flicking through the passport. With the present queues we are told about at Suvarnabhumi, I wonder if this is a seriously practical method in its current format?

4. A TV member said they recently did both hands fingerprinted whilst entering Thailand but only four fingers on one hand when leaving. This system is just coming into force and I will leave in August for the first time since February, therefore, it will not have ten fingers on its records, so what good will it do taking my four fingers on leaving the country, as it will have nothing to compare them against, will it?


I am not saying it is a bad system, I am just trying to understand how it works and how it is going to stop the recent Chinese and Westerners from changing their first names and re entering using a new passport.


They also say facial recognition, if a person has set out to disguise themselves, can be difficult for a computer to pick up on.


The last time I was in Abu Dhabi, they used an ' iris scan ' I am told these are far more efficient.


However, even then, immigration asked me if it was my first time in the state or not.

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3 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

All part of the new  Get them evil foreigners campaign

raging in Thailand at present.

Locals just carry on with there crime,  no problem, its very small. :coffee1:



REMEMBER - no thai would do such a thing

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3 hours ago, rodknock said:

they can arrest all these people with notices from other country's.

why is it they have not arrested the red bull kid!!!!! i guess they are hoping it just goes away, the power of money!!!!

Interpol has red notices 11 Thai nationals, 8 are searched by Malaysia, 1 by Canada and 2 by the USA. None by Thailand, so what is it called if someone protects a criminal? Isn't it a criminial act by itself too? Does it mean top government members are criminals?  This in the land of smiles!

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1 hour ago, The Theory said:

Incredible. You can hardly talk about a criminal here. How and from where did they get this information?”


They can not just ask “send this guy back because we want him”. !!!  

They have to explain what kind of crime he committed to other countries police. 

That the problem - they don’t have to do ANYTHING!!

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53 minutes ago, Dragon Master 01 said:

It's about time the Thai Officials started to clamp down on all the illegal things that foreigners do in Thailand

And preferably deal with them with Thai laws rather than send them back home where nothing will happen to them and they'll just go back and do the same things over and over like they already do.

Most foreigners think they can do what ever they want and treat Thai people like slaves which they couldn't get away with in their own Countries with their own people.

They need to be thought a lesson and one they won't forget.

Don't worry. Thailand is teaching them a lesson. Just look at the lineup at the TM 30 fine window.

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10 hours ago, TDCNINJA said:

"In the third case, following a tip-off that foreign migrants had been working as masseurs at a spa for men in Soi Suan Plu 6 in Bangkok's Sathorn district, police rounded up 15 male workers. One was from Myanmar, two from Cambodian, eight from Vietnam, three from Laos and one stateless man. They now face charges of working without permission."


What the hell is a 'stateless man.'

Person has no identification as a citizen of any country.

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On 6/28/2019 at 12:34 PM, Isaanbiker said:

In the fourth case, 38-year-old David Sykora, from the Czech Republic, was arrested on June 24. He is a convicted thief who is wanted in his home country for a theft of goods worth 3,790 Czech koruna (Bt5,200).


  Incredible. You can hardly talk about a criminal here. How and from where did they get this information?


   Interpol won't issue a red note for him, nor would the cops know where he went to, innit? 

You are per definition a thief independent the value of the Theft and a criminal is a general term for breaking Law(s), but agree it seems to be a typing error when it comes to the amount in question vs the wanted allegation … 

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11 hours ago, helloagain said:

Can we have a thread thai police arrest thais for a varity of crimes 

I think we all know the politic and policy with" hang them high this pesky foreigners" and it have very little to do with the drop in ocean of crimes foreigners do here compare to their own folks. I wait only for "another wall" Yes it will of course be a copy.

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Is this for real?


I mean they were doing illegal things in their home country but not in Thailand, why should Thai immigration bother as long as they behave in Thailand?


Is there an extradiction agreement between Thailand and all countries in the world?


Reminds me of the protest in Hong Kong recently.


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On 6/28/2019 at 11:34 AM, Isaanbiker said:

In the fourth case, 38-year-old David Sykora, from the Czech Republic, was arrested on June 24. He is a convicted thief who is wanted in his home country for a theft of goods worth 3,790 Czech koruna (Bt5,200).


  Incredible. You can hardly talk about a criminal here. How and from where did they get this information?


   Interpol won't issue a red note for him, nor would the cops know where he went to, innit? 

Most likely that the Czech police found out he'd gone to Thailand - either by his passport records, or bank transactions etc. and made a request to the Thai police.


Like you, I doubt an international arrest warrant would be issued for 5200 baht - the Czech police however, can make a request to their Thai counterparts.

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On 6/29/2019 at 2:51 PM, Dragon Master 01 said:

It's about time the Thai Officials started to clamp down on all the illegal things that foreigners do in Thailand

And preferably deal with them with Thai laws rather than send them back home where nothing will happen to them and they'll just go back and do the same things over and over like they already do.

Most foreigners think they can do what ever they want and treat Thai people like slaves which they couldn't get away with in their own Countries with their own people.

They need to be thought a lesson and one they won't forget.

And from yesterday's ThaiVisa:-


"Video: Porsche driver slaps waitress and waiter - gets away with 10,000 baht compensation"


And assuming that the factory owner is Thai - what about the illegal things that "hiso" Thais do to their own people ("treating them like slaves"?) and get away with it apart from a small fine? In the UK he would be lucky to avoid  charges of assault and causing actual bodily harm and mental stress - slapping someone's face here is a far more serious thing than in the UK, but there again - Thai laws for Thai people!


 "They need to be thought a lesson and one they won't forget."

Edited by sambum
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"In the third case, following a tip-off that foreign migrants had been working as masseurs at a spa for men in Soi Suan Plu 6 in Bangkok's Sathorn district, police rounded up 15 male workers. One was from Myanmar, two from Cambodian, eight from Vietnam, three from Laos and one stateless man. They now face charges of working without permission."
What the hell is a 'stateless man.'

Was not several of the boys stuck in that cave stateless?

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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On 6/28/2019 at 10:44 PM, djayz said:

I wonder if those Chinese gambling den owners are the ones who also operate these highly illegal and addictive cuddly toy machines?

We all know that the Chinese gambling dens that get raided in BK are the ones that ran out of brown envelopes.

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14 hours ago, rvaviator said:

Was not several of the boys stuck in that cave stateless?

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

A stateless person is a person not considered a national by any state under the operation of its law .

Some stateless persons are also refugees.

My guess is a Burmese/indian refugee who fled to Thailand.

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On 6/29/2019 at 3:37 PM, sambum said:

"It's about time the Thai Officials started to clamp down on all the illegal things that foreigners do in Thailand"


Substitute "people" for "foreigners" and the BIB might find themselves having a job to do!


And just as an aside, how often do you hear of "foreign" cops "shaking people down" at checkpoints, off duty cops going on the rampage with  loaded sidearms, blind drunk on duty etc etc etc.


As for the rest of your post I find it a senseless rant with racist overtones.


P.S. How does one "thought" a lesson?

Some thought, some taught, and some got caught. Lol

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On 6/29/2019 at 10:48 AM, Redline said:

One department forced to do their job, so they have to promote the fact they are working ????

don't  worry that will have tired them right out, now  back to head in phone mode and bowl of  noodles.

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