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Disasterous day at CW

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I am intending to apply for my extension of stay tomorrow (2 July 2019) at CW based on 65k income per month. Today (1st July) I attended the Bangkok Bank branch at CW to request (1) Letter certifying ownership of two savings accounts used for International transfers. This was granted and a letter received; (2) Letter confirming all International transfers from 1st January 2019 to 1 July 2019. This was generally refused by Bangkok Bank, on the basis that my home branch (Phrakhanong) was responsible for producing such a letter, but that in respect of one savings account where the dates of International transfers were longer than 3 months, they could not include that at all, again referring me back to Phrakhanong branch.  All the bank could produce for me in respect of the other savings account, were signed forms, one for each international transaction for the months of April, May and June 2019. I have the savings account books proving the International transfer deposits (FTT Code) into each account, bank statements itemising each FTT entry for the period 010119 to 010719. The CW branch insisted that their computer system only allowed them to issue a letter confirming international transfers for their own branch customers. Is this a new policy of Bangkok bank because I have not read the like of this on the forum? I am hoping that Immigration at CW will accept the evidence that  I can produce - any advice on this scenario appreciated?


My second point relates to my current non 'O' extension of stay that expires on the 14 August 2019, with my current 90 day report expiring on the 10 July 2019. I applied online on 30th June but the application was rejected on 1st July - ADMIN stating that - 'Please check expiry date of visa in your passport.' It appears that Immigration has ignored completely the 90 day reporting deadline of 10 July 2019. Am I right on this assertion? Fortunately, I have a complete set of printed papers supporting a 90 day renewal and will seek the advice of the 'Immigration Helpdesk, tomorrow. Any help or comment on this appreciated.

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Last thing first. To my knowledge, if you apply for a 90 day online you must apply "before" 15 days prior to the actual report date.


One always have to get printed statements initiated from the bank where their account was opened--this is now new and it's not a new rule.  And, you can't wait till the last minute.  It can take some time to produce those printed statements...

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While the CW Bangkok Bank can provide letter confirming you own the account and current amount in it, this letter is generally for those using the Bt800K in the bank method.   They can provide such a letter regardless of your home branch.


But for those using the monthly income/method which is a completely different letter you generally must get that from your home branch and even your home branch may only be able to "immediately" go back 3 months in verifying international transfers....beyond that they must request info from the head office in Bangkok which may take up to a week....then they can complete the monthly income letter.   Best to go to your home branch monthly...but no longer than 3 months....to get a free Credit Advice for the the transfers....then you can use those Credit Advice for letter preparation/proof at immigration.

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23 minutes ago, Pib said:

Credit Advice for the the transfers

Could you post or know of a place that has copy?  Expect would be worthwhile showing rather than trying to explain what wanted (fear asking for Credit Advice would get deer in headlight look and we would be told we have no credit).  Idea to get every 3 months sounds good.

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Could you post or know of a place that has copy?  Expect would be worthwhile showing rather than trying to explain what wanted (fear asking for Credit Advice would get deer in headlight look and we would be told we have no credit).  Idea to get every 3 months sounds good.
Just write and say in English "Credit Advice"...the Bangkok Bank rep will know...or know after asking their supervisor.

I may try to scan and post a redacted Bangkok Bank Credit Advice tomorrow. The Bangkok Bank Credit Advice comes in a half page format.

The format varies between Thai banks but they call them Credit Advice or Advice of Credit. Various examples been posted in related threads by various TV posters over the last few months.
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27 minutes ago, Pib said:

While the CW Bangkok Bank can provide letter confirming you own the account and current amount in it, this letter is generally for those using the Bt800K in the bank method.   They can provide such a letter regardless of your home branch.


But for those using the monthly income/method which is a completely different letter you generally must get that from your home branch and even your home branch may only be able to "immediately" go back 3 months in verifying international transfers....beyond that they must request info from the head office in Bangkok which may take up to a week....then they can complete the monthly income letter.   Best to go to your home branch monthly...but no longer than 3 months....to get a free Credit Advice for the the transfers....then you can use those Credit Advice for letter preparation/proof at immigration.

I was under the impression that the 800k letter and the letter referred to by the OP at (1) were, in fact, one and the same? And that any Bangkok Bank branch or sub-branch (and not just one's home branch) can produce this letter. Certainly the Bangkok Bank sub-branch in the Big C complex off Highway 36 to the north of Rayong assured me 6 months ago that they could produce this letter for my upcoming retirement extension based on 65k monthly income, even though my account is held with the main branch in Rayong.


And might not the OP's reference to a letter as per his (2), in fact, be a misnomer for a specialised type of statement such as one confirming the foreign provenance of monthly transfers - which, as already said, can only be produced by one's home branch? As far as I know, the only type of statement that can be produced on the spot at any branch (or sub-branch), irrespective of the home branch, is the 6-month one listing all transactions over that period.

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I was there for three hours today too, waiting for wife to renew her Thai passport.  I haven't been there for a couple of years but no less busy than before.  We arrived from another province about midday and left at about three P.M.  Parking was diabolical but we were really lucky and one of the parking wardens helped us squeeze in.   The big TV screen had full lists of applicants in three categories, A, B, & N, from what I saw.    Not sure if there was a separate numbering system from a.m to noon but she was an N. category in the high 600's and between noon and about 1pm they had only got to the 200's but about 2pm  a lot more staff must have come on because they started really moving through quickly.  She was finished just before 3pm and the cumulative total was by then over 900 and still going strong.  They must have gone well over a thousand.  Being able to do more on the web like other countries would cut the cattle down a bit.  I did her other passport last year by email from rural Thailand on a Monday night and it was delivered by courier and Thai rural mail from my country to her here on Friday, the 4th day.   Today she was told 7 working days before it comes in the mail but at about 1/4 of what her N.Z. one cost.  Ah, but that was not Thailand M.o F. A., was it? (Rhetorical question.)  Today looked chaotic but they cranked the numbers through.  There appeared on the TV to be about 70 different counter numbers manned from around 2 p.m.   I can sure see it only works well if you have all paperwork and documents needed, done properly first

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My Thai wife was at the same location, applying for her Thai Passport too - number 952. We arrived at 1350 and as you say, the staff vastly increased and we were out of there by 1530. It was the only positive result of the day,

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7 hours ago, mosan said:

Last thing first. To my knowledge, if you apply for a 90 day online you must apply "before" 15 days prior to the actual report date.


One always have to get printed statements initiated from the bank where their account was opened--this is now new and it's not a new rule.  And, you can't wait till the last minute.  It can take some time to produce those printed statements...

I’ve received statements from a BKK Bank branch I didn’t open my account at. It’s like everything else here, it depends who you talk to at any given branch.

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1 hour ago, dcnx said:

I’ve received statements from a BKK Bank branch I didn’t open my account at. It’s like everything else here, it depends who you talk to at any given branch.

Right...how could I forget!!!

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It seems that receiving statements from a BKK Bank branch if within the last 3 months is no problem, but when it comes to 'income method letters', that is a major problem, unless you get it from the originating bank branch. You cannot rely on the branch at CW, like I did, thinking it would supply all I needed to satisfy Immigration.


I am now hoping that Immigration show a lot of leniency and accept the documentation I have collated, minus the letter detailing all the International Transfer deposits into my accounts. I will keep the forum informed.

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I find it amazing in this day of technological advancement, that a bank cannot go back into an account (at any of its branches) and find records of deposits and withdrawals going back years. Providing you have suitable identification as holder of that account.

Print them off and verify them, in a matter of minutes.

I can do it online on my overseas accounts.

I can go into any branch of my overseas bank in my home country and get verified copies of statements. 

Surely the systems here cannot be that antiquated ?



Edited by RJRS1301
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9 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:

I was there for three hours today too, waiting for wife to renew her Thai passport.  I haven't been there for a couple of years but no less busy than before.

To avoid any confusion that is the Department of Consular Affairs you seem to be talking about and not in the building housing immigration (which is more than a km from Chiang Watanna Road).  But agree they do a very good job if everything in order - but took over an hour to fingerprint wife last year when we had to do as skin worn off from work - can only imagine that issues new entry fingerprint scan at airport would create.  

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1 hour ago, lopburi3 said:

To avoid any confusion that is the Department of Consular Affairs you seem to be talking about and not in the building housing immigration (which is more than a km from Chiang Watanna Road).  But agree they do a very good job if everything in order - but took over an hour to fingerprint wife last year when we had to do as skin worn off from work - can only imagine that issues new entry fingerprint scan at airport would create.  

Thanks. I am sure you are right. Last time I was there was to get documents approved and stamped.  Wife could not say "Consular" and I interpreted her attempt as "Internal Affairs" who issue pp's in my home country.  Remarkable error as her English is very good.  Consular being an unfamiliar word.  But the rest is right and I have probably never been in the other (Immigration) place.   Good thing I wasn't standing or sitting, waiting in the wrong queue for 2 or 3 hours.  That would not have been 555!!!

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1 hour ago, RJRS1301 said:

I find it amazing in this day of technological advancement, that a bank cannot go back into an account (at any of its branches) and find records of deposits and withdrawals going back years. Providing you have suitable identification as holder of that account.

Print them off and verify them, in a matter of minutes.

I can do it online on my overseas accounts.

I can go into any branch of my overseas bank in my home country and get verified copies of statements. 

Surely the systems here cannot be that antiquated ?



Too much Hanky Panky going on in branches here (they operate like franchises). I'm sure the main Banks don't want them mucking around in their files...

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1 hour ago, The Deerhunter said:

Thanks. I am sure you are right. Last time I was there was to get documents approved and stamped.  Wife could not say "Consular" and I interpreted her attempt as "Internal Affairs" who issue pp's in my home country.  Remarkable error as her English is very good.  Consular being an unfamiliar word.  But the rest is right and I have probably never been in the other (Immigration) place.   Good thing I wasn't standing or sitting, waiting in the wrong queue for 2 or 3 hours.  That would not have been 555!!!


Yea...the Consular Affairs building is right on main drag of Chaengwattana Road....I circled the building below and it's also shown in the 2nd image below.  Parking can indeed suck...not nearly enough even on a slow day.  The Thai wife and I have been there to get her Thai passport renewed. 


The Consular Affairs building is about a kilometer away from CW/Bangkok Immigration which is about a kilometer away in the HUGE govt complex building containing many different govt agencies, banks, shopping, parking, etc.  




Front of Consular Affairs building on main drag of Chaengwattana Road


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As I have written before now is the time that the brown stuff starts hitting the rotating blades. Embassy letters for us unlucky (english speaking - coincidence?) retirees are all but done as the six month's validity is up. Now we will start to see how bloody-minded each immigration office is going to be about the 65k baht monthly transfers. I anticipate an awkward summer regarding proof that the transfers came from abroad and even the actual days of the month when each transfer arrives. And any other ideas for hoops to jump through that individual offices might invent. Also how helpful (or not) individual banks will be on the matter.  Liaison between Immigration and Banks? Yeah, right!


For me, my next extension won't be until next April.  Maybe by then a pattern will have emerged. Or not........ 

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1 hour ago, sniggie said:

I anticipate an awkward summer regarding proof that the transfers came from abroad and even the actual days of the month when each transfer arrives.

I was thinking of starting transfers every month (for the 40k THB married level), in-case it becomes useful 2020 onwards, but if they think it should arrive the same day every month????, that's just not going to be realistic, as it will be a manual SWIFT transfer. Weeks 2&3 of the month, a year in arrears,  is probably the best I can do????. Brought 50k over in June so may as well continue this month I was thinking.


The local Krungsi GBP FCD seems to tick most boxes, staff very helpful, SWF overseas code on SWIFT deposits from the UK, can print 1 years transactions in less than 5 mins etc.

Except the last visit (final test question perhaps) I appear to have found the only negative person, last time in, "can I withdraw some GBP in banknotes" (a minority of the account balance), how much notice would you need? "we don't happen to have any, I'll phone another branch...seconds later oh they don't have any either, you could try going to Bangkok for some", so this individual as much as said, (with a perceived unfriendly artificial grin)  no you will not get any currency out of my bank, unless you change it to Baht first (all the money in the account originated from overseas). Perhaps even down to the person, rather than the branch.

Still everyone else in the branch there seem to be goodies ????.

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I recently did my annual extension of stay in Pattaya using monthly income.  I had obtained "bank statements" for the preceding year from Bangkok Bank Customer Service counter in Tesco Lotus South - they could only do 6 months, so I had to wait one week while they obtained them from Bangkok.


When I went to Immigration, the Immigration Officer would not accept the bank statements and said I needed a letter showing each foreign deposit to my account for the year.  She gave me an example to use and said I should go to the branch where I opened my account as they were the only ones who could do the letter showing a full year.   I went to that branch and had no problem obtaining the letter; BUT, they said it would take some time as they had to print out the credit advices for the account (fee 500 baht) and then prepare the letter from the advices (100 baht for letter).  It took a little over an hour before they had the letter prepared which they gave me along with all the printed credit advices.


Back to Immigration -- the letter was fine (I didn't offer the credit advices and they didn't ask for them) and since they had checked all my other paperwork, took my 1,900 baht fee for the extension and told to come back next day to pick up the passport (this is the normal procedure for Pattaya Immigration Office), which I did and am good for another year.



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I was thinking of starting transfers every month (for the 40k THB married level), in-case it becomes useful 2020 onwards, but if they think it should arrive the same day every month[emoji3166], that's just not going to be realistic, as it will be a manual SWIFT transfer. Weeks 2&3 of the month, a year in arrears,  is probably the best I can do[emoji848]. Brought 50k over in June so may as well continue this month I was thinking.
The local Krungsi GBP FCD seems to tick most boxes, staff very helpful, SWF overseas code on SWIFT deposits from the UK, can print 1 years transactions in less than 5 mins etc.
Except the last visit (final test question perhaps) I appear to have found the only negative person, last time in, "can I withdraw some GBP in banknotes" (a minority of the account balance), how much notice would you need? "we don't happen to have any, I'll phone another branch...seconds later oh they don't have any either, you could try going to Bangkok for some", so this individual as much as said, (with a perceived unfriendly artificial grin)  no you will not get any currency out of my bank, unless you change it to Baht first (all the money in the account originated from overseas). Perhaps even down to the person, rather than the branch.
Still everyone else in the branch there seem to be goodies [emoji256].

The foreign currency deposits aren't covered by the Compensation Fund, i forget the actual name, so riskier than holding baht
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44 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

The foreign currency deposits aren't covered by the Compensation Fund, i forget the actual name, so riskier than holding baht


It called the Thailand Deposit Protection System managed by the Deposit Protection Agency.  And correct, foreign currency accounts are not protected/covered.  Has to be a "Thai baht" account to be protected/covered.



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5 hours ago, Pib said:


Yea...the Consular Affairs building is right on main drag of Chaengwattana Road....I circled the building below and it's also shown in the 2nd image below.  Parking can indeed suck...not nearly enough even on a slow day.  The Thai wife and I have been there to get her Thai passport renewed. 


The Consular Affairs building is about a kilometer away from CW/Bangkok Immigration which is about a kilometer away in the HUGE govt complex building containing many different govt agencies, banks, shopping, parking, etc.  




Front of Consular Affairs building on main drag of Chaengwattana Road


Thanks for the advice but I am leaving the country permanently on Saturday. Wife needs her passport renewed because it expires in a few months and she is traveling as well. She will be back to see family before I come back again. It's not mean to sound bitter, but there are lots of different reasons that I'm leaving for so apologies. There is still lots I'm going to miss and I am not going to enjoy fitting in back home but that's the way it's going to be.

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9 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

I find it amazing in this day of technological advancement, that a bank cannot go back into an account (at any of its branches) and find records of deposits and withdrawals going back years. Providing you have suitable identification as holder of that account.

Print them off and verify them, in a matter of minutes.

I can do it online on my overseas accounts.

I can go into any branch of my overseas bank in my home country and get verified copies of statements. 

Surely the systems here cannot be that antiquated ?



In Australia I asked for a 3 month printout. They said the system could only print 2 pages.


I closed the account then and there. So she asked if could fill in a form on why I closed the account. Easy, move technology into this century.

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1 minute ago, Sujo said:

In Australia I asked for a 3 month printout. They said the system could only print 2 pages.


I closed the account then and there. So she asked if could fill in a form on why I closed the account. Easy, move technology into this century.

The accounts I was referring to are in Australia, 

Never encountered that either at a branch or online when I needed it, was asked for fee at branch, but was wiped when I onjected

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19 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

Could you post or know of a place that has copy?  Expect would be worthwhile showing rather than trying to explain what wanted (fear asking for Credit Advice would get deer in headlight look and we would be told we have no credit).  Idea to get every 3 months sounds good.

Here you go.  Bangkok Bank might provide one of two versions of their Credit Advice. 


First image below is a full blown credit advice which is half page size that's printed on special computer paper...comes with a signature and lots of details/codes/etc.  It's the kind you really want.


Second Image below is a less detailed credit advice...more layman's style...no signature.


Bangkok Bank can/may provide both versions for the same transfer when asking for a Credit Advice.


First Image.  Credit Advice for a transfer I did using the OFX money transfer service.



Second Image.  A variation of a Bangkok Bank Credit Advice...it a full page size more in layman's style...less detail...no signatures.  This was for an ACH transfer routed thru Bangkok Bank NY.



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8 minutes ago, Pib said:

Here you go.  Bangkok Bank might provide one of two versions of their Credit Advice. 

Thanks much - have made copies to take for show and tell session in couple months.  ????

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Just to update you with my whole day spent at CW Immigration - in at 0745am and out at 1630pm, with the decision to not apply for a Re-entry permit (ran out of time) but seek one at the airport upon departure.


The machine allocated me ticket 306, but the department opened for business at 0800am and I went straight to the Information Desk, and explained my situation with regard to my points (1) and (2). The staff were extremely helpful and obtained me an 'L' priority ticket number 11 to deal with my Extension first,

I was in with the lady IO by 0845am, my wife explained in Thai my problem and in English the IO told me not to worry, that she would be in a position to help me. The IO examined the bank statements and the bank books and told me that for this year everything was satisfactory and that the Extension would be granted, but first I had to submit a TM30 form at Section 'B'. I was also required to write a letter addressed to 'Dear Immigration Officer' to follow the rules and regulations for 2020 in respect of the minimum 65000 baht per month and complete a drawing of my address location. The IO retained my paperwork until I had completed my TM30 application.


About 10am I saw the IO at 'B' - he explained that as I had not previously submitted a TM30 since 2014, I would have to pay a Fine of 800 baht (instead of the normal 1600 baht). I was required to complete an application form and submit it. All finished with the TM30 in my hand, when I returned to Section 'L' and handed in my TM 30 paperwork from Section B. Passport in hand with the Extension stamped inside by 11am and time for brunch!


At 1.20pm I obtained a Section A number A 464 with 220 persons ahead of me. This was by far the longest wait of the day, exactly 3 hours and out with Notification for 90 days in hand.


I found the IO staff at Sections Information Desk, L, B and A extremely helpful.


No mention was made of anything to do with Health Insurance, and none sought.


I hope this summary of my day is helpful to others likely to attend CW for Extensions of stay, etc. 

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In respect of the income method for 2020, the IO stressed the need to be strict about the monthly transfer deposits into my BKK savings account - I have 3 deposits each month - one is always due on the the first of each month and when the 1st falls at a weekend or a public holiday, then she stressed it needs to be delayed to actually transfer in the following month, rather than in the previous month. The other two payments are made every 28 days, either on a Monday or Friday - stressing to be mindful of public holidays.


I also forgot to mention that Section B required a copy of the Chanote documents, fortunately I had taken them with me, so no problem, other than to get copies made. (I am a joint owner with my Thai wife).

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Additionally, the Section B IO stressed the need to report within 24 hours, of any entry to the Kingdom, and recommended the online method, rather than personal attendance at CW.

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