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Caught by social media: German expat who helped Thai wife sell BBQ chicken to be deported - he's wanted by Interpol


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20 hours ago, Vacuum said:

There's always a reason why some foreigners go to Thailand....

There's always a rotten apple in a barrel, but I really believe that 99% of expats who move here to stay

are decent people.

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5 hours ago, mikebell said:

She could hardly blame the police who failed to find him in two years or the immigration officers who allowed him into the country in the first place.

If he was smuggled back into Thailand, then he wouldn't have gone through immigration or had a visa stamp which could have been turned into an extension. Therefore the IMM police would not be looking for him. He could easily get lost in Pattaya for a while but when you go up country you tend to stand out more.


He was somewhat unlucky that somebody took a video of him helping out at the chicken stall and it went on the social media. That is where the Imm police would have seen it and looked him up on the database to find that he was illegal, I suspect that they looked at the Interpol site and found him there. Perhaps the embassy found that he had not registered with them, used the embassy letter etc and they also may have looked at the Interpol site and tipped off Immigration that he was a wanted man.


Always remember that no act of kindness (helping his wife out) goes unpunished.

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1 hour ago, Miami007 said:

Wow.. where to start...

Selling drugs and child pornography- he deserves what happens to him, if he gets convicted 

But at least he will be in German jail.. I am sure that is better than a Thai jail.

People running from the law and hiding in Thailand are giving all farang a bad name


And the German embassy staff noticed the FB post?  How? Do they have so many people that they can check FB for any postings involving German citizens? Or is there an algorithm and software that tracks what is being posted? Hmm.. 

It's very simple actually.


It would be easy to establish that he had headed to Thailand. Contact their German Embassy in Bangkok who simply make a 'Google Alert' in his name, and as soon as his name crops up on the Internet, an e-mail will be generated with a link to whatever had been reported. In this case it even told them where he was and what he was doing.


Of course if facial recognition was used, his ID is beyond question.

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28 minutes ago, Caldera said:


I guess by "married a Thai woman" they mean the traditional marriage ceremony only, not an official wedding at a district office. I cannot imagine that someone who sneaks into the country by boat and who has an Interpol red notice in his name can get the paperwork done to get legally married here.

Perhaps they got married in Germany?


"The couple had come back from Germany for Naen to give birth and while they were here they were helping run her mother's stall while she was sick. 

When they child is healthy enough they will be returning to Germany where Max has a business to run and where he wants their child to go to school."

Edited by Vacuum
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12 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

He was lucky he found some temporary refuge in a lady that would take him in.  He was also lucky he wasn't reported for working without a permit as I have read many foreign bar owners have been prosecuted for picking up a broom, washing dishes, etc.

Western foreign bar owners??

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he should have kept below the radar if he wanted to stay.he stuck his head above the pulipet and now he is caught.who he  paid the tea money to stay in Thailand that is no longer important he will leave go to prison in germany and banned.not clever

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1 hour ago, Tongjaw said:

Why not ask a better question. Why do so many foreign countries allow their criminal trash to leave the country? Why blame Thailand for allowing them entry, they managed to get past their own immigration. 

He is a German citizen.


That means that he can go almost anywhere in any EU country without checks and leave the EU in the same way. He can catch a plane and apply for a visa on arrival (certainly in Thailand) which gets him to an Asian country. He can bribe someone from another country to land him in Thailand which he did.

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20 hours ago, Vacuum said:

Guess they don't read the Interpol site regulary.   How's the 'hunt' for the red bull kid going btw?

Vorayuth (he's not "a kid", btw) is allegedly not in Thailand, what jurisdiction do you think that the RTP have outside their own country?

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19 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

Posting videos on social media is hardly living under the radar. He ties in first place at the moment with the Thai lady who boasted she got off a drink driving charge by paying a bribe. They haven't got two functioning brain cells between them.

He didn't post it on social media!

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2 hours ago, LongTang said:





I found it highly amusing that there is a comment in that that five year old thread that says this is the final nail in Thailand's tourist trade's coffin.


The bugger just wont die, will it? ????

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15 hours ago, ukrules said:

I guess if your name is ever mentioned in the media someone somewhere is checking to see if there's any interpol red notices out for you.


I did a check for him and can't see his name on the list....https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/View-Red-Notices


Not every notice is shown on the website because international police forces don't necessarily get their information from a website.

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13 hours ago, elliss said:

She is young enough to be his grand daughter .

Welcome to Thailand .  

Hope the folks back home , dont read about this ..

How did you reach that conclusion, do you know them?  He's 34 according to the OP, how old do you think his wife, who is pictured also, is?

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5 hours ago, owl sees all said:

It has been pointed out to me that when I'm fishing, if i catch a fish and put it back that's OK. But if I do not return it, and keep it for someone to eat, then it's working.


Has Red Bull man been mentioned yet? I'm sure he was at the Austrian F1 at the weekend.

"It has been pointed out to me that when I'm fishing, if i catch a fish and put it back that's OK. But if I do not return it, and keep it for someone to eat, then it's working".

Why would you believe obvious nonsense such as that?


"Has Red Bull man been mentioned yet? I'm sure he was at the Austrian F1 at the weekend".

He has been mentioned but what is the relevance of his maybe being at the Austrian F1 event?

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10 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

He has been mentioned but what is the relevance of his maybe being at the Austrian F1 event?

"Caught by social media: German expat who helped Thai wife sell BBQ chicken to be deported - he's wanted by Interpol."


Do the Thai authorities want to see justice dished out fairly? The Interpol system can work; sometimes!


Red Bull man has gotton rich because of the Austrian part-founder. Is he off the Interpol list now? Has he ever been on it even?


And the Red Bull driver won the race. Everyone's a winner.

Edited by owl sees all
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