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VIDEO: Crazed machete wielding farang terrifies neighbours in Pattaya


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2 minutes ago, Cuba said:

That was a rampage and a half.

Even if shit-faced drunk, most people would not resort to such behavior. I would recommend that the farang be sent to his home state with a ban on returning to Thailand. How embarassing for his home state. Then again,  some people think that an unhealthy, angry person with a machete is no big deal. I guess if a Thai male does the same, one can blame Yaba ????

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Definitely Canadian but sadly just another deranged foreigner disillusioned by the fact that the norms of civil society that would apply back home are not available to him in Thailand. 


Rather extreme reaction though. 

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How immensely amusing.  The article should be titled,

Johnny Goes Native - Cops Too Baffled By Foreigner's Native-like Antics, Leaves Cops Stunned And Unable To React

News at 6!

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Where I lived before, someone's house was broken into, the owner took his machine gun that the burglars did not find, went to the village square, and announced very controlled and composed, followed by a few rounds (blanks, he is not stupid and held a weapon before) into the air, that from now on, there would be an automatic machine gun installed in his house. 
Never had any burglars again.
I said: well done.

Now, what I gather from the Pattaya incident:
This guy seems to be in need of serious help, and seems not stable and thus is dangerous.
maybe cannot handle some unexpected occurrences in his life, may be in need of medication, who knows. I am no doc or psychiatrist.
I say: Get some help or be send off to the a clinic or asylum.

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1 hour ago, khunpa said:

He didn’t shout “We are the greatest”, so not American.

As a Brit, I can never tell the difference between a Canadian and American. They all look the same to me.

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I just watched the video unfortunately he sounds like he’s probably an American thanks for helping our reputation around the world dick!


When I first heard him start yelling at first he was saying something about his daughter and he was apparently upset about something that possibly happened to his daughter it sounded like anyway but who knows. So I don’t know maybe he did have a legitimate concern but then he just started spouting off all kinds of nonsense and he was not making any sense at all he was just saying all kinds of random stupid stuff just totally un-intelligible. He even made a few pretty violent threats as well. I don’t know what started it but this guy has issues obviously and that ain’t how you resolve disputes with your neighbors especially not in a foreign country or anywhere really.


I was thinking this guy probably needs professional help as in mental health treatment and that should probably be done in his home country. Sounds like he needs some kind of medication he appears to have some serious mental health problems.


Or maybe he just snapped one day it happens, sometimes people who are normal people under enough stress just snap one day and just go off. But I don’t know maybe he’s just a nutcase.





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5 hours ago, Lucius verus said:

Thats alot of cops! Maybe 10.

Obviously they had no idea what to do so departed empty handed.

Probably won't return either unless the farang goes berserk again at which time they will grab him.

Or maybe his neighbours got the message and are no longer pis*ing him off, therefore no need for further tantrums.

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Definitely Canadian but sadly just another deranged foreigner disillusioned by the fact that the norms of civil society that would apply back home are not available to him in Thailand. 
Rather extreme reaction though. 

Canadian? I was thinking he sounded like an American but he could be Canadian or from a lot of different places. Doesn’t really matter though anytime a white foreigner acts like that it gives us all a bad reputation. Because a lot of Thai people see us all as the same no matter where we’re from.
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Either he has mental health issues or he’s under a lot of stress and just snapped. I’m guessing mental health illness by the way he was just spouting off total nonsense and threatening people’s lives. He was definitely not right in the head at least not at the time but he really might have a real long term mental health problem. I bet he’s probably on this forum all the time lol [emoji23]. I’m kidding there are a lot of good people on this forum as well as a few crazies.





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Did I read this correctly? The bloke is threatening people with a machete in the street and the cops cannot arrest him or do not know how to arrest him? Could someone tell them what those things they carry on their belts are that are in a holster! Just shoot the idiot.

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:

What a doofus... Had to have been out of his rocker loaded with anger fueled by some kind of high, otherwise why would you do this to your neighbours the very same people you're supposed to live among them, these Thai will not forget it and one night a bunch of them will crack your head open machete or no machete...

Reminds me so much of the loon in Rayong with a YT channel and his rants about other channels and how his twin brother in America is plotting to kill him after loon stalked a foreigner he never met in Phuket . The stalked decided he had had enough of loon and beat the living crap out of him. YT loon continues to harass while he hides in his room downing beer after beer on YT crying to his followers what a victim he is for being a non stop bully. The same loon that claims the Thai government is making the baht strong to rid Thailand of all his enemies

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13 minutes ago, Formaleins said:

Did I read this correctly? The bloke is threatening people with a machete in the street and the cops cannot arrest him or do not know how to arrest him? Could someone tell them what those things they carry on their belts are that are in a holster! Just shoot the idiot.

I saw a drunk foreigner charge  the police while they stood back and did nothing. I reminded drunk idiot lucky he was in Thailand. Anywhere else they would  have shot him dead.

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7 hours ago, brokenbone said:

i believe him in his complaints, and he wanted to intimidate them into not littering his property.

he cant speak proper thai and they cant speak proper english,

alas he resorted to gestures to get his point through

But he can speak proper moron!


Maybe a customer of Mr Helmus from another thread.  No doubt he will get his comeuppance from his neighbours one day.  Unlikely to be many tears spilt, I would have thought. 

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Did I read this correctly? The bloke is threatening people with a machete in the street and the cops cannot arrest him or do not know how to arrest him? Could someone tell them what those things they carry on their belts are that are in a holster! Just shoot the idiot.

You know I was thinking that when I saw the Thai cop walk by in the video while he was still in the process of acting like a total maniac. And the cops didn’t appear to be doing anything about it. They didn’t need to shoot the guy but he should have been arrested. In the states that’s a disorderly conduct charge at the very minimum but when he started brandishing a weapon then it gets a lot more serious possibly as serious as a felony. I was wondering why the cops didn’t stop it, at least it didn’t look like they did anything but I don’t know maybe they did do something when the video stopped maybe it just wasn’t caught on camera. It’s hard to believe that the Thai police would just stand around and do nothing about it. I would have thought the cops would at least try to calm him down and deescalate the situation but on the video you just see one cop just sort of strolling by like he was just walking in the park while the incident was still occurring. That’s just what the very short video shows though, we don’t really know what happened for sure before and after the video maybe the Thai cops did deal with it and maybe the police know the guy maybe they have dealt with him before and know things about him and the situation that we don’t know. Maybe the Thai cops already know he has mental health problems or something. But I’m just guessing I have no idea although I bet I’m probably not far off with my guess.
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5 minutes ago, Mel52 said:

You know I was thinking that when I saw the Thai cop walk by in the video while he was still in the process of acting like a total maniac. And the cops didn’t appear to be doing anything about it. They didn’t need to shoot the guy but he should have been arrested. In the states that’s a disorderly conduct charge at the very minimum but when he started brandishing a weapon then it gets a lot more serious possibly as serious as a felony. I was wondering why the cops didn’t stop it, at least it didn’t look like they did anything but I don’t know maybe they did do something when the video stopped maybe it just wasn’t caught on camera. It’s hard to believe that the Thai police would just stand around and do nothing about it. I would have thought the cops would at least try to calm him down and deescalate the situation but on the video you just see one cop just sort of strolling by like he was just walking in the park while the incident was still occurring. That’s just what the very short video shows though, we don’t really know what happened for sure before and after the video maybe the Thai cops did deal with it and maybe the police know the guy maybe they have dealt with him before and know things about him and the situation that we don’t know. Maybe the Thai cops already know he has mental health problems or something. But I’m just guessing I have no idea although I bet I’m probably not far off with my guess.

I think if you are a cop in Pattaya then seeing someone waving a machete and ranting and raving is just another day at the office.  If they arrested everyone doing that then the jails would be overflowing.  Also it is unlikely that they speak or understand English and there is not much of a chance of any financial reward for them so why bother?

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Maybe the cops know him and they know he has mental health issues and maybe they just sort of keep an eye on him and just kind of put up with him if he’s mentally disabled or something. That is a possibility that he might have psychological problems if so he probably doesn’t need to be living outside of his home country. In fact in the United States if a Judge rules that you are mentally incompetent you are normally disqualified to be issued a US passport. But like I said I’m just guessing who knows. I just hate it when foreigners lose it over here or do stupid stuff it’s just not good for our image.



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