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Just now, tomazbodner said:

"sexy but sour face immigration officer"


Wonder what she thought of you.


And PS: You ALWAYS write Reentry permit number (or Non-Quota Immigrant visa number) in Visa field on arrival card.

Absolutely agree; she no doubt saw what he thought of her & acted out.

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7 minutes ago, BestB said:

Who cares what she thought of me? She is there to do a job , nothing more , nothing else.

I reckon she would disagree with you, she is protecting the country, the values, she is "something"! sad init ???? 

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6 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Exactly.  I always thought being a sour-faced, pedantic, miserable bastard was part of the job requirements for Immigration Officers.  It certainly seems to be in the US and UK!

I agree but who would want that job?

They are obviously just sick of dealing with people must be a huge burn out position.

They stay for a steady pay check and benefits otherwise, they hate all of it.

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11 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

The re-entry permit, as the name implies, is what you're using to enter Thailand, not the extension of stay or your expired visa. She was right.


All your comments about her being sexy but having a sour expression and throwing your passport down are just irrelevant embellishments on your part to rattle the cages of the Thai bashers.


if you've been here over a decade and can't understand how to use the re-entry permit when returning to Thailand that certainly says something about you, not her.





Menstruation, also known as a period or monthly, is the regular discharge of blood and mucosal tissue (known as menses) from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina Menstruation stops occurring after menopause, which usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age.


Re airports

This dangerous occurrence makes us men more miserable and victimized  at this time when combined with a sense of importance eg immigration it can end in tears  chin up lad!

  • Haha 1
8 minutes ago, mdalco said:

The same happened to me at Swampy last month. The TM6 was filled except the "Visa Number". I passed her the passport opened with TM30 on the extension of stay page. As I had written that my intention to stay in the country was 1 YEAR, after I inserted my fingerprints and she entered some data in the computer she told me: "Do you know that I can give you only 30 days?"...

I told her: "I have 1 year extension of stay", and she answered me: "Why didn't you write the Visa number?"..."Because I don't know which number I have to enter". She threw my passport and told me to go back in the line and ask to the assistant in the queue... This is the attitude...instead of insert herself the number and finish in 5 seconds, she sent me back and she lost another minute to remake everything (and of course I lost a lot of time more because I went back to the queue....)... the Thai bath is stronger compared to other currency, but the main reason about the decreasing number of people here is the Thai attitude, and if you ask me why I stay, it is because I am long married to a Thai lady and we need to stay to "take care her family", but if things continue to be worst, could be that we will leave.....

She did you a favor by not giving you a 30 day visa. Count your blessings.

Just now, tomazbodner said:

You do know that visa does not guarantee you entry into the country? That it's up to immigration officer whether they let you in or not? So if she thinks you are not a desired person, she could, whether you have visa or not, reject your entry.

It was a re entry permit, n'est pas?

9 minutes ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

You do know an immigration officer, by law, doesn't have the authority to deny you unless you meet one of very specific legally-defined criteria, right? Last I checked "didn't fill up TM6 correctly" was not one of those criteria.


Stop being apologists for Thai immigration - the way they have been treating foreigners, and long-term stayers in particular, is abysmal. Many have already left Thailand because of it, many stopped coming, and many will leave in the future if immigration doesn't stop this nonsense. And then they'll cry when the economy goes to shit, which is already starting to happen.

Sorry, but you are quite wrong. As quoted in post #31 above, the IO at point of entry has wide discretionary powers. This is not exclusive to Thailand either; almost all countries operate a similar system giving the decision whether to admit or refuse an alien to the IO. By all means research the matter to see if I am correct or not.

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