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Big Oud: I'm promoting tourism and friendly relations - and my address reporting app is easy!


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I can still remember the old immigration building in Soi Suan Plu. Literally mountains of visa applications in bags, to be carted off to be incinerated. Instead of gathering the data and only update your information when you go for your renewal the following year. It's impossible to change the past or past information.

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4 hours ago, Sticky Wicket said:

Thais can't think out of the box either.

Their boss gives them instructions and they mind isn't capable of any deviation at all in different scenarios

I take your point but observe I have run into this around the globe. Where the front line employees are not empowered to make decisions outside the perimeters set by the boss. Therefore even the slightest deviation requires checking with a higher authority to get an exception to the rule. Agree, critical thinking skills are a good thing but even the brightest is stopped but an inflexible top down management style.

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he is talking about an App. I cannot find an app just on their extranet a registration page for enquire a PW and  login. That I have requested weeks ago but still pending. But what app could I use instead?

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4 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Can he explain to me, in a manner that is logical, the purpose of 90 day reporting for people who have been here for YEARS, retired, married with families?

I don't hold out much hope for an answer to your request. How long have you got?

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4 hours ago, BobbyL said:

But the app doesn't work / when it does work no login details are sent. These people are like watching a satirical comedy show. 

Wife tried many times to use app when i recently returned. Each time failed. App is terrible and had to use computer to login and submit information. Even that was difficult with many tries. What it wants doesn't mean nothing to someone who is not experienced in doing this or dealing with immigration. Requests for information from my passport and entry were vague and didn't give examples to aid. So wife was lost. Reasons for submission failures were the same. Vague... 

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I have a question for all the people complaining  (for the record, I do think the TM-30 Thing is all ridiculous)... 

I am sure that I will get flamed for this, but don't care.... 


How many of you, instead of only getting on here and complain post after post , after post,  have attempted (had enough balls), to go to his office, and attempted to set up a meeting and discuss with him your concerns?

It might surprise him that a foreigner wanted to speak with him instead of just crying  and you may actually get a meeting.

If not,  then what have you lost?


If I lived near where his office,  I would,  why not.. 

What's the worst that would happen to me?  I get denied a meeting?

What could the upside be?  He might actually listen to the concerns?  Hat else could be a possibility? .. Might make an "acquaintance" of him... could you think of a better "buddy" to have when dealing with Immigration issues?


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4 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

Not one newsman has balls to ask him - no- your app does not work - what are you going to do about it?


At some point if anyone wants change some one has to ask, "where's the clothes or where's the beef or something like cut the bs and start telling the truth."

 Interesting, your network seems to connecting today. We've been dialing for months now it's good to know that your server is up and running today.


  To answer your question, the locals could bother less about what the hell is going on with regards to foreigners and immigration, as most do only think of foreigners to mean burmese and cambodians as I have been told many times, and they believe these draconian laws are here to check on only people from those countries. They believe europeans/westerners have an easy life already and the Thai government is just trying to look out for it's citizens here.


   So why would thais think like that you may ask? because most thai's are honestly closet xenophobes, they would really like to tell you to your face how they feel about the "INVASION" of their country by foreigners but their religion and culture makes it difficult for most of them to, so they'd rather let their government show you how they feel.


 Oh! but the the locals are always smiling to me and very charming you say? yes because that's their culture, they do that on impulse. The Russians always walk too fast not because they're in a hurry or are being chased, it's because it's what they're accustomed to. Let's learn to separate culture from personalities.



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5 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Can he explain to me, in a manner that is logical, the purpose of 90 day reporting for people who have been here for YEARS, retired, married with families?

Simple, because it has always been done like that before, and the person that set up the system could be very upset in case we change it.

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3 minutes ago, Xavnel said:

I have a question for all the people complaining  (for the record, I do think the TM-30 Thing is all ridiculous)... 

I am sure that I will get flamed for this, but don't care.... 


How many of you, instead of only getting on here and complain post after post , after post,  have attempted (had enough balls), to go to his office, and attempted to set up a meeting and discuss with him your concerns?

It might surprise him that a foreigner wanted to speak with him instead of just crying  and you may actually get a meeting.

If not,  then what have you lost?


If I lived near where his office,  I would,  why not.. 

What's the worst that would happen to me?  I get denied a meeting?

What could the upside be?  He might actually listen to the concerns?  Hat else could be a possibility? .. Might make an "acquaintance" of him... could you think of a better "buddy" to have when dealing with Immigration issues?


A long answer: - - - - My situation:


I have been retired in Thailand for just over 3 years.  I live close to my local Immigration office.  Every year the extension requirements have been different and it has been problematic.  This is primarily due to the fact that individual immigration offices have a degree of autonomy.  This is to overcome the fact that the existing laws are a dogs breakfast and difficult to interpret and apply so  - as you have seen on Thaivisa in the past - many different answers in post to questions.


Last year my local office got a new boss.  It was by sheer luck, during one of my 90-day reports on a very quiet afternoon I got to meet her for a chat.  She found out a little of my history (20 years in an Aussie police force) and, after talking "shop" for a while I raised a few issues.


I got the answers I needed: - My 1-year renewals are now (almost) trouble-free - this year's small problem:  The banks are not up to speed with the July 1st changes.


The TM30, problems:  Some software, Android apps, Apple and earlier Windows have glitches - still not sorted.  The pressure is on thousands of "licensed" accommodations to toe the reporting line.  If you stay at this type of accommodation it is wise to ensure they are submitting a TM30.  You can TRY and report your travel online but don't panic if you cannot.  In my case I went to my immigration office asap after trying to report and they were not particularly worried - BUT REMEMBER - this is the prerogative of that particular office!

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5 hours ago, intherealworld said:

They hate you,  that's why.

there can be no other reason for it.




Correction not hate its fear. Look how many times foreigners will be mentioned together with national security. But the fear is limited to a certain part of the population. 

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5 hours ago, BobbyL said:

But the app doesn't work / when it does work no login details are sent. These people are like watching a satirical comedy show. 

Perhaps they are clever in that nothing works so  they keep their jobs...

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Big Oud, (brother) is watching. 


Crazy system for sure. 

Thai friend in the UK and her son aged 19 wants to see Thailand. 

Scared for him going because he doesn't speak thai, doesn't have a thai id card. 

He has to report to immigration same we would. 

She has a UK business and married name. 

Because of his farang name he is treated as a foreigner. 

But could be called up for military service. Not sure how that works?

Her advice is staying in the UK. 

Which she says is cheaper than Thailand now.


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5 hours ago, Sticky Wicket said:

Thais can't think out of the box either.

Their boss gives them instructions and they mind isn't capable of any deviation at all in different scenarios

I politely suggest that their minds do deviate in all different directions hence the myriad of interpretations across the Thai nation. 

Edited by GordonP
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