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Prayut red-faced at ‘senior moment’ in parliament


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46 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Just think..... This man???? thinks he is a fit person to run the country.

It doesn't matter if he's fit or not, he's in charge like it or not


There are incompetent governments all around the world, who are not 'fit to lead'. Sometimes it makes me think humans are biologically swayed to always vote the dumbest person in the room


Or in this case, a team have successfully taken control and everyone's too lazy to bother

Edited by Yeahbutwhytho
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25 minutes ago, Roy Baht said:

Yeah? What country are you Prime Minister of?

I believe I am better and more suited to be a PM/Pres' than Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and quite a few others as well. Vote for me and I will give you your desires.

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13 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

My missus tells me they are all sharing that moment on farcebook and having a good laugh as well. I would say biggest loss of face for a Thai PM ever. 

How does it compare to sneaking out of the country to avoid going to jail?

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16 hours ago, mfd101 said:

We can all have 'senior moments'.


So concentrate on what's important: What are his plans for leading Thailand in to the late twentieth century?



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19 hours ago, webfact said:

Suddenly, he realized he had forgotten the type of rice Thailand exported to Africa

Prayut was supposed to read verbatim (that's word-for-word) from his official written 34-page policy statement issued to parliament prior to his presentation. But several times he was criticized for interjecting political commentary.

His attempted mention of type of rice exported to Africa (a continent and not a nation) may have been such an instance. Or it was an oversight in the official statement and he decided to verbally "correct" his policy statement.


Regarding Thailand rice exports to African nations, that's been ongoing before Prayut's military coup.

In fact India and China have been Thailand's main rice export competitors in Africa. And several key African nations such as Ghana and Nigeria have - ironically similar to Prayut's economic philosophy of national sufficiency - dramatically increased domestic rice production through foreign investments to reduce their reliance on expensive imported rice. So I'm not sure how any mention by Prayut on or off the record of Thailand rice exports to Africa has any significance to parliament.


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