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Please explain this to me...

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34 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

No she only walks behind because she walks slowly just to piss off the guy. If walking to buy food she can walk just as fast as he can.

some things are just female things. my usa wife worked at pissing me off.. here it is more by accident of nature. 

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On 7/28/2019 at 9:08 PM, BritManToo said:

Mine just wanted the money.

I don't believe I've ever met one that wasn't a gold-digger.

well,  i think there are a few guys here that have met one .   but don't expect any invites to meet  ????

But for sure, especially a YOUNG lady with an older man would be a red flag (MONEY !!!)  anywhere in the world.   

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54 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

After my divorce, life seemed meaningless and I wanted to die, then I discovered that it's only marriage that is worthless. I had a far better life when I was renting. I may be single now, but life has far more possibilities, and with possibilities come hope. A man that hopes does not want to die.

good TBL !   seemed you had lost hope.   glad it is coming round again


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19 minutes ago, rumak said:

well,  i think there are a few guys here that have met one .   but don't expect any invites to meet  ????

But for sure, especially a YOUNG lady with an older man would be a red flag (MONEY !!!)  anywhere in the world.   

I'm 60+,

Please explain this to me ............

why would I want a woman that wasn't MUCH younger than me? 

Edited by BritManToo
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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I'm 60+,

Please explain this to me ............

why would I want a woman that wasn't MUCH younger than me? 

In PC world old men are only allowed to associate with grannies, unless incredibly rich, like Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger or Hugh Heffner.

Strangely, no one seems to regard the young women that do go with them as being gold diggers- it must be true love!

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21 minutes ago, rumak said:

well, i start with the obvious :  different strokes for different folks.  Everyone here has a different background.  In my case I am one that has had what many consider a full life. Lived in many different locations and had more than my share of live-in and short time experiences with women.  Some of my best times were after 50 .  And yes, the women were always a lot younger.  

I am now nearly 70 and since the age of 60 or so I chose to look for someone (still a lot younger) that was someone who I could be with for longer than a night or week or month without looking at them and thinking   Jesus,  I would rather they left.  Someone in their 40's came along and lo and behold I don't feel regret when looking over at them.  Working, and cooking, and generally being a nice person to be around.

More so than I am,  but no complaints from them.  And no financial demands. Ever. 

Sex is like a fix.  Lasts for a very short time and then you have the stress of wanting the next one.  In my case finally grew sick of that and kicked the habit .   I couldn't do that before,  what male easily can?

Would I like to have sex with a much much younger girl now?   Sure...   But i really feel better having someone that is just a good companion.  That is my choice NOW.   That is my explanation .

You're right though.  I cannot explain it for you.

In my case, I'd really like a live in person to have conversation with, go for rambles with, cook with etc etc etc. They could be any age. I'd also like a young woman to wake up with. Is it possible- only if I had a lot more money than I do.


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17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

In my case, I'd really like a live in person to have conversation with, go for rambles with, cook with etc etc etc. 

Me too, but I don't feel a woman is the right person for that.

It's not that I don't like banging them, it's that they aren't very good (IMO) at any of the things you listed.

And after 40, I don't really want to bang them either.


Don't get me wrong, I don't hate them or dislike them, but apart from a firm young body, they don't have anything I particularly want.

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate them or dislike them, but apart from a firm young body, they don't have anything I particularly want.

and so you choose the exchange :   a firm young body  a few minutes every so often for you

                                                    financial compensation for her


that worked for me many times.   now i would not exchange what i have for what you have

the funny thing is, a firm young body only excites me a few times before I want variety.  Since you pride yourself on honesty, let me ask you ....... does having sex with the same firm young body really stay interesting ?  Never did for me.   But having someone I trust and is a companion does give me some peace of mind.   I don't pretend to be a psychologist,  but i believe you, jagger, McCartney,   and just about everyone has found out that money can't buy what they are looking for.  Sex we can always buy, though as most here know it is getting more expensive and the "performances" much less believable.  (My apologies to the studs on the forum that find otherwise)  


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13 minutes ago, rumak said:

But having someone I trust and is a companion does give me some peace of mind.   I don't pretend to be a psychologist,  but i believe you, jagger, McCartney,   and just about everyone has found out that money can't buy what they are looking for.  Sex we can always buy, though as most here know it is getting more expensive and the "performances" much less believable.  (My apologies to the studs on the forum that find otherwise)  

1) Trust no one.

2) The women I have sex with don't love me & I don't trust them, the children resulting from the sex do love me.

3) As I got older the frequency was less, my requirements were higher (9 or 10), the total cost remains about the same.

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Your boss don't like sex workers ? Amassing Thailand and the hypocrisy is quite outstanding. Fine for Mia Nois to come and stay I suppose with immoral Thai men ? Let's face it what Thai man does not have a piece on the side ?  Anyway no such thing as a Thai turning down money as they would allow anybody to stay rather than turning away custom.

Edited by geoffbezoz
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On 7/28/2019 at 10:11 PM, Lacessit said:

I've found most women here are less concerned about a man's appearance, and more concerned about the size of the wallet he carries.

When you are young: Flex the Biceps, When old flex the wallet!

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6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

1) Trust no one.

2) The women I have sex with don't love me & I don't trust them, the children resulting from the sex do love me.

3) As I got older the frequency was less, my requirements were higher (9 or 10), the total cost remains about the same.

I totally agree about the trust issues! Been disappointed too many times. Sad, but that's the way it is!

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On 7/30/2019 at 9:49 AM, colinneil said:

Yinn when you comment about me get it correct, your above comment is like most of your comments on here totally wrong.

You wonder why some members are sending you messages saying bad things to you, well look at yourself posting incorrect comments like the  above about me.


Your story say.....


On another occasion he sauntered home arm in arm with EIGHT ladies though he asked us to believe that he didn't manage to do anything naughty with them except take a shower. The whole experience and the bar bill set him back more than 10,000 baht. 



So how is totally wrong?

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On 7/30/2019 at 6:52 PM, mngmn said:

And how do you know they are sex worker? Oh that's right they come from Isan!

Because no young pretty girl go with Grandpa Fatty Farang for free.

Not natural.


issan is one clue, but not only that.


have tattoo,

look like use Yaba, 

the clothes etc. 

But the big clue is how they talk, low education, bar style word.

And behavior 


Many way. 

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On 7/28/2019 at 10:11 PM, Lacessit said:

I've found most women here are less concerned about a man's appearance, and more concerned about the size of the wallet he carries.



I'm just wondering why so many handsome guys believe that it's the size of their Willys? 

Okay, I get it, it's the size of their brains and the number of grey cells that are somehow missing.


The old story that Thai men have a little one is such a joke, because no white men who come to LOS because they couldn't find a woman back home living at Mama's house, have a little Willy coinciding with the size of their brains.


What? You never had a woman in your 55 years before? Go to Thailand where the women are so different and love selfish n' ugly white men who wear second hand underwear because it's only 10 baht a piece. 


L. if you read this, please do not be mad. It's not about you. 
























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59 minutes ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

Pete Townsend, Roger Daltry The Who. Talking about my generation. 1967. When I was a kid I was a mod so still like to dress nicely.  Cant bare the vest and flip flop aussie look.

I think the capitalization  (WHO) indicated that.        I went to school with Daltrey, Townshend and Entwhistle at Acton County Grammar. Daltrey was a thug at school.

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2 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:
21 minutes ago, geronimo said:
The older you get, the less you worry about what people think about you .....

This is true, I've noticed this by what people wear

and when you think about it, it matters not what opinion others have.

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1 minute ago, scubascuba3 said:
12 minutes ago, geronimo said:
and when you think about it, it matters not what opinion others have.

To a point, but people may not want to associate with you

Well, obviously you need to be a well-balanced person who doesn't offend others, but regarding things like what you wear and your likes and dislikes, I wouldn't even consider how others view me.

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In my opinion everything is relevant and related to who you are.  Grooming, appearance, clothes, language, manners, disposition, intelligence and, yes, even money.  It all affects who you are, how you live and how other people see you and react to you.  Do whatever you want but be prepared to accept the judgement of others because they have an equal right to their feelings about you.  Life is hard enough without turning people off with first impressions.????

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1 hour ago, geronimo said:

The older you get, the less you worry about what people think about you .....

The older i get the more I wake up with a clean slate .  Usually starts with "where am I ?"

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On 7/28/2019 at 9:05 PM, Such a Hairy Guy said:

I have a confession to make… I am not a good-looking dude. When I get up in the morning, I take one look in the mirror, shave then get away from the darn thing so as not to be reminded I’m not 20 anymore. I shudder to think of the poor souls who must look at this mug for the rest of the day or worst yet in public places.

i read your post twice but could not figure out what you ask to be EXPLAINED to you (as the title suggests)

Since you seem to focus on the older men in your post , can you tell us your age please? 

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On 7/28/2019 at 9:05 PM, Such a Hairy Guy said:

Even in his heyday Brad Pitt could not pull off that look.



Brad Pitt may not be a good example  as he likely can pull off any look.     I get your point however.


Wish you'd have included a shower with soap and deodorant after the shower in your example.    Too many farangs in Thailand  are under the impression body odor can simply be masked with  perfume and that's not true.   


Dental hygiene is also of the utmost importance.     Bad breath and yellow teeth coupled with decay aren't very attractive or welcoming.  The cost for good dental work is certainly low in Thailand and a toothbrush and toothpaste won't put anyone in a financial bind.


Unfortunately a lot of men simply forget the importance of good grooming as they get further into their twilight years.


Sad really.



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15 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

You sound judgemental and possibly jealous. Many Thais like you are racist towards Issan people whether they are sex workers or not.


I reply to other poster who said issan.

Most sex workers are Issan. But most issan are not sex worker.


I have real Issan friends, very good people, lovely, but not sex worker.

Issan has the best music, delicious food etc. I travel to Issan wedding 3 times, I love it.


But I not sex worker friend. Issan or not. Not good people. Drug. No respect themself. 


If sex tourist good guy, why he can not get girlfriend free? Because he terrible guy. Nobody want him. Only his money.


15 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

You are also ageist and a fat shamer.

No, but only with the one who use sex worker in public.


15 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:


You use gratuitous insults to criticise people on the basis of their appearance. 

Only if they are with the sex worker. Sorry, it look terrible. Pitiful.


15 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:


I suspect they are better, more decent than you and happier. That is why many foreigners prefer the company of Issan people.

You think sex worker like there life and job? Only a customer would want to believe that.

15 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:


They are nicer and more relaxed than the Thai Chinese who exhibit greed and bigotry. 

Oh, that sound racist. Or not?

You angry at me for what you do.


You angry me, but what I do?

i only criticize sex tourist exploit poor people.

Some sex tourist say they “help” the sex worker. If you really good heart and want to help why do you need to f... them? Can just help?


You do that? Look at yourself. 


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