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Drunk driver who killed two given suspended sentence


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This is why Thailand will continue to be #1


#1 most deadly roads in the world


Kill a cop & his wife leaving an orphaned injured daughter? $3000 bucks should do it...

Have a nice day ????

Edited by mania
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12 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

As much as most of us feel that he literally got away with murder the Thai media are painting a different story !!

On two different tv channels they have shown the two young daughters of the deceased smiling and hugging the driver.

Like it or not this is how the judicial system works here, money talks !!

The story now is how the wealthy Thai businessman has set up two young girls for life with an incredible donation !!

The initial story of a drunk driver killing two innocent victims is long forgotten !!

I think sick morals sums it up

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15 minutes ago, ross163103 said:

He's remorseful and offered to pay 45 million baht to the family....this goes a LONG way in my eyes. So many Thai drivers flee the scene, never admit they did anything, drag the case out as long as they can hoping it all goes away.....some even fleeing the country--you TV followers know who I mean, then go to the temple for a few months. At least this guy was willing to "man up", admit it was his fault and take responsibility for his actions, and do the right thing compensating the family. It doesn't bring back their family members but it sure does help the remaining family's future.

But why is he driving about today

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21 hours ago, PJPom said:

Not really surprised, this is the verdict that I expected. In mitigation, if that is possible, he stayed at the scene and fully admitted his guilt, made substantial financial reparations and seemed to be genuinely sorry.

This is Thailand and of course we all expect the wealthy to walk away with none or minor punishment but in this case I think justice might have been satisfied.

But not banned from driving - ????

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21 hours ago, PJPom said:

Not really surprised, this is the verdict that I expected. In mitigation, if that is possible, he stayed at the scene and fully admitted his guilt, made substantial financial reparations and seemed to be genuinely sorry.

This is Thailand and of course we all expect the wealthy to walk away with none or minor punishment but in this case I think justice might have been satisfied.

What’s done was done. Guilty party deeply remorseful and financially compensated victims’ family well. Even if you commit him to long term jail, you can’t raise the dead. Moreover the surviving party needed the financial help as much as possible since losing their main economic provider. Thailand support system do not provide much help to accident surviving victims so within thailand’s social framework, I think this time, justice is meted well considering the options  available. Who had never commit the sin of having one too many and driving home thinking they are not drunk and able to handle the situation in their life? 

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37 minutes ago, Almer said:

But why is he driving about today


43 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

I think sick morals sums it up

No. This is Buddhism at work. Karma works in mysterious ways. The Thais believe in karma . Maybe karma determines that the dead couple’s time is up... the deed done by the driver who may be owed the ‘debt’ from previous life. And once the ‘debt’ was paid, the driver now owe the surviving victims’ livelihood so he is being ‘punished’ now by financial payout and community services to society. No more drinking either for the period.  This is better than him sitting in jail doing nobody a social service. Maybe the driver might even do merit at temples in the future to atone for his action. Note that though legal channel did punish him for the action, he is still responsible for the psychic crimes he committed and karma will make sure this debt is paid in full in future. 

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2 minutes ago, Ctkong said:


No. This is Buddhism at work. Karma works in mysterious ways. The Thais believe in karma . Maybe karma determines that the dead couple’s time is up... the deed done by the driver who may be owed the ‘debt’ from previous life. And once the ‘debt’ was paid, the driver now owe the surviving victims’ livelihood so he is being ‘punished’ now by financial payout and community services to society. No more drinking either for the period.  This is better than him sitting in jail doing nobody a social service. Maybe the driver might even do merit at temples in the future to atone for his action. Note that though legal channel did punish him for the action, he is still responsible for the psychic crimes he committed and karma will make sure this debt is paid in full in future. 

You are  a script writer for comedians right ?

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Just a simple Wai, and without consequence redemption is granted.  How lovely for the victims.  No Consequences = no value for human life here.  Once must accept that as the norm here.   

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2 hours ago, mikebell said:

The Red Bull brat comes to mind.


2 hours ago, Thaifriends said:

Yes well said. After all its a matter of survival.

We are called social animals cause we have money in bank. If family accepted then why we should worry on teaching law to TH.

Only London 52 knief stabbing, how many caught so far and sentensed? I dont have exact figures!

Well look who the criminals are and what you have for a mayor

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This really takes the cake, I'm sure there were 'Backhanders' given. I am absolutely disgusted in the Thai Judicial system, there needs to be an ' Independent Crime Corruption Commission' I was just wondering what the outcome of that case involving the 'Red Bull' bloke was. can anyone tell me ?? that guy would be doing at least 8 years in the monkey house if it happened in Australia. 

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All of the Thai Government should hang their heads in shame at this verdict.

The World now knows that it is OK to commit Murder in Thailand,and as long as you have some Money, you can walk away almost scot free from your Henus Crime.

Absolutely disgraceful.



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36 minutes ago, Edwin Cameron said:

This really takes the cake, I'm sure there were 'Backhanders' given. I am absolutely disgusted in the Thai Judicial system, there needs to be an ' Independent Crime Corruption Commission' I was just wondering what the outcome of that case involving the 'Red Bull' bloke was. can anyone tell me ?? that guy would be doing at least 8 years in the monkey house if it happened in Australia. 

I am also wondering if Praewa paid her victims this week as promised by her mother. As for this "somchai", if there was ever a case for the Star Chamber, then this is it.

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6 hours ago, lust said:

Don’t flatter yourself.

Agree, he will get due pricing in the reverse and they wouldn't even bother to tap dance around the explanation to the wife. If the Thai is insured 1st class if not driving drunk then she might get a payout of 300,000 baht. ????

This was a freak payout like winning the lottery!  The victim was higher up police officer he was driving a car unlike the Red Bull incident where the police was riding his motorbike family got what 2 million, second this drunk payout 45 million that is unheard of and should set a standard but not for a foreigner?  majority of the time you get run over by a Thai deadbeat and you can't get shit if you are already scrapping the bottom of the shitter

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Just watched a Youtube video where a drunk driver in the US who killed two kids in RTA got 50 years in jail. Wake up, Thailand, your justice system is a sick joke compared to the rest of the world. You will never take your place on the world's stage until you start to value human life and hand out proper sentences for morons who drink and drive.   

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On 7/31/2019 at 2:35 PM, phkauf said:

The victim was a Deputy Police Commander! How little the Thai Judicial System values their own. Had this occurred in any civilized country, Somchai would be spending the rest of his life in jail.

When are the Thais going to wake up to the carnage on their roads and it's mostly because of their irresponsible behavior. 

Just the other day the story about the Thai tourist causing a horrible accident in Hokkaido, Japan - now they are bringing their horrible behavior to other countries. I can't wait for the Japanese to treat Thais in the same manner the Thais regard the Chinese as parasites and low class. The Thais are fully deserving of their disdain.

Not everyone in civilized countries who kills people on the road goes to jail.

Many years ago in Australia a very good friend of mine was hit from behind while driving home on a motorbike leaving a wife and two young children, the female car driver didn’t go to jail.

In another case not too far from where I lived a female learner driver  crashed into a bus queue killing and injuring several people she didn’t go to jail, although I accept that I don’t think alcohol was involved.

Finally wasn’t there a politician in America from a well know family who crashed off a bridge leaving the female passenger to drown.?

I don’t think he went to jail either.

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On 7/31/2019 at 8:35 AM, phkauf said:

The victim was a Deputy Police Commander! How little the Thai Judicial System values their own. Had this occurred in any civilized country, Somchai would be spending the rest of his life in jail.

When are the Thais going to wake up to the carnage on their roads and it's mostly because of their irresponsible behavior. 

Just the other day the story about the Thai tourist causing a horrible accident in Hokkaido, Japan - now they are bringing their horrible behavior to other countries. I can't wait for the Japanese to treat Thais in the same manner the Thais regard the Chinese as parasites and low class. The Thais are fully deserving of their disdain.

The UK is obviously not civilised. A son of two police officers, recently killed two pedestrians, while driving over the drugs limit - punishment - 100 hours community service.


His father Russel, who is a police sergeant in the Metropolitan Police and who had rushed to the scene on the night of the collision when his son called him and said he had hit people with the car, gave evidence to the inquest in a written statement.

He had allowed his son to borrow his car because his own, a BMW, was in for repairs after being involved in a collision, the coroner heard.

Sgt Coopey said: "We agreed he had to be back by midnight and was to drive carefully. He acknowledged and agreed to this."

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Is this incident ENOUGH to begin serious dialogue to develop a real strategic plan to address the core issues, drunk driving and highway redevelopment. This is horrific but once again we (myself included)  just rant and wait for the next post. The cars involved in the accident were both less that 10 years old. The road like most in Thailand have not been upgraded in more than 20 years or longer in some places. Cosmetic changes like resursurfacing and adding lights do nothing. They need to be rebuilt, period. Thai drivers still drive like they are on the German Autobahn but they do nothing to support drunk driving education and poor road condition upgrades, as in new highways. How about education and intervention. It's not a silver bullet but it would begin to address the issue-I hope, I think.


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