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Strong Baht - Notice the Cheaper Prices - Me Neither

Thomas J

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6 hours ago, Henryford said:

You think beer is cheap here? It is more expensive than in Western supermarkets and compared to Thai wages i think very expensive. A case of beer is equal to 2 days wages. And don't even mention wine...

That's why they mostly drink Lao Khoa!

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29 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

Naam, you miss the point.  First off cheap compared to what?  I am from the USA and I can tell you gas, food, beer, wine, etc are noticeably more expensive in Thailand.  Second, the point is that the prices SHOULD BE FALLING.  If it was a weak THB the stores would be raising prices to compensate for the higher costs.  Conversely, goods being brought into Thailand are NOW COSTING LESS so someone not the customer is benefiting from the strong THB. 


I live in a  new 2br condo with infinity pool/gym for less then $600 usd a month, all my produce and meat/seafood is far less then the USA, I take a bus for less then 50 cents, fly anywhere in country for less then 50 bucks, I just had a plate of pad thai gai for $1.30 usd. My iced latte large - runs me $1.14, even KFC and McDonalds is cheaper here...and buying from Lazada they seem to charge me about a buck for shipping...Ive bought tons of stuff cheaper then amazon.... It's as cheap as can be unless Im buying peanut butter or vacuum packed NZ or AUS beef, and even that is reasonable. Are we both in the same Thailand? I save a fortune living here!

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20 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

Fuel cheap, lecky cheap, gas cheap, food cheap, beer cheap what more you want. ????

Thats quite a broad comment and not accurate. Anyone who earns and has had money in Thailand for some time I agree. But anyone who relies on income from abroad, especially the UK, it is totally wrong.

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21 hours ago, thaitero said:

Thai way and western way are different..????

You mean when the dollar, Euro or pound get a little stronger all imported goods prices fall in those countries? And then when they weaken prices go up?  You live in a very simple world and it's nothing to do with east or west.


Prices are probably negotiated months or longer in advance. And retailers are undoubtedly stocked with older costs. Bouncing the prices around day by day would defeat any long term planning.






Edited by Suradit69
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The only price reduction I noticed is rental. It is true that price of property slashed by almost 30 to 40 percent but at the same time the exchange rate has replaced the price reduction. So you gain nothing buy buying property at reduced price.


Never the less due to reduced western tourist and expats leaving the country for cheaper place to live there are many empty condos and prices are really reduced. Myself I used to pay 24000 for a 44 sqm condo and I am now paying 11000 a month.

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3 hours ago, WalkingOrders said:

I live in a  new 2br condo with infinity pool/gym for less then $600 usd a month, all my produce and meat/seafood is far less then the USA, I take a bus for less then 50 cents, fly anywhere in country for less then 50 bucks, I just had a plate of pad thai gai for $1.30 usd. My iced latte large - runs me $1.14, even KFC and McDonalds is cheaper here...and buying from Lazada they seem to charge me about a buck for shipping...Ive bought tons of stuff cheaper then amazon.... It's as cheap as can be unless Im buying peanut butter or vacuum packed NZ or AUS beef, and even that is reasonable. Are we both in the same Thailand? I save a fortune living here!

Consider the UK it will be a third would country in a few weeks and really cheap. 

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2 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:


Call them a troll.  I just read the papers.  At least I provide links.



PLONKER!   ????????


(a) You should have included the link in your previous post.


(b) You can't spell 'world' in your previous post.


(c) You are TOTALLY wrong - the article does not refer to the UK as a 3rd World country..... it refers to EU terminology of 'third country' ie a country that is outside the EU.

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1 minute ago, Brer said:

Yeh the UK is full expats from Albania, Romania, Bulgaria etc

Are there Poms still living there.?



Yes.... and still too many bloody Australians around Earl's Court and too many bars called Walkabout selling XXXX p!ss.

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Beginning August 11, 2020, the Thailand's Bank Deposit Protection Agency will lower the deposit coverage limit from 5 million baht to 1 million baht per depositor per financial institution. 

Note — that's not "per account", but "per depositor". 


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13 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



PLONKER!   ????????


(a) You should have included the link in your previous post.


(b) You can't spell 'world' in your previous post.


(c) You are TOTALLY wrong - the article does not refer to the UK as a 3rd World country..... it refers to EU terminology of 'third country' ie a country that is outside the EU.

My gosh I'm a plonker now am I.  I'll have to get out the big guns.

 Saturday Essay: Is Britain becoming Third World, or are we already there?



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10 hours ago, Henryford said:

You think beer is cheap here? It is more expensive than in Western supermarkets and compared to Thai wages i think very expensive. A case of beer is equal to 2 days wages. And don't even mention wine...

You got that right.  In fact, it's a problem in small farming villages.  Young people go right into locow whiskey (rotgut)--since they have no other low-cost alcohol available.

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4 minutes ago, Isaan sailor said:

You got that right.  In fact, it's a problem in small farming villages.  Young people go right into locow whiskey (rotgut)--since they have no other low-cost alcohol available.

My wife'a mother makes Whiskey She imports her the flavorings Jack Danial and Johnnie Walker.   Been doing it for 50 years.  Not bad.


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19 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

My gosh I'm a plonker now am I.  I'll have to get out the big guns.

 Saturday Essay: Is Britain becoming Third World, or are we already there?





Nice try at recovery but it won't mask the first fail.....????

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12 minutes ago, Jip99 said:

Nice try at recovery but it won't mask the first fail.....????

Why not.  You obviously know nothing about the UK becoming 3rd work.


Try google,  Uk becoming 3rd world country.  I'm not sorry for you as this was obvious 3 years ago.  


Didn't think you would be able to google.  So, here is what you get.



Exactly yes it will. I’ll tell you exactly how.

first of all England has a problem getting a grip with its borders. So many illegal immigrants are crossing through with very little police to deal with the situation. In fact, I asked the police to do a well being check on my son and it took 3 whole days to get a response from them. Their answer was they didn’t deem child protection to be a priority. It’s now been 2 whole weeks I haven’t seen my son. The politicians have withdrawn so much welfare here that they won’t even pay people to clean up on its streets. There is trash on every 4 corners of England. Canada is way cleaner than England. By a long shot. There are a lot of homeless in England being housed in shared accomodations and the rent to stay in a shelter is high. In Canada you could be homeless find somewhere to stay and get welfare the next day. And sort your housing out in a fair amount of time. What you have in England is junkies starving cause they can’t afford to buy food cause they have to pay rent in which they don’t. So homelessness is a epidemic in England which they can’t control. Next is the welfare system. Omg bro you don’t even want to know about the welfare system. Everything is automated. You will have run around 1000 times before you actually get accepted for welfare. And when you do you got a neighborhood office that has workers that literally sit there and chat away the day when there are line ups of people waiting to be served. They get all up in your business instead of actually doing work. Basically England is a set of run arounds and automated telephone numbers. Bro they can’t even pay people to sit on the phone to accept new claimnents. Honestly England has always been a third world country. They don’t have a electricity support program to help poor people pay for electricity. So some families actually live with no electrics in their home. The buses cut off at 12am. If your still in the town center your gonna have to hail a cab or walk home. The whole of England stops at 12 practically. Which is a shame cause there are shops that are open 24 hour but they are way out within walking distance. Their cars are limited to a certain amount of horsepower. Minimum wage is still what it was 10 years ago! Bro people in Canada at getting 14 and hour why is miminum wage still at 8 pounds? Ok I think I had enough here. England is third world. They have so much to learn from Canada. And it starts with the politicians in England. Greedy bunch of white collar crooks.


Edited by marcusarelus
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10 hours ago, Henryford said:

You think beer is cheap here? It is more expensive than in Western supermarkets and compared to Thai wages i think very expensive. A case of beer is equal to 2 days wages. And don't even mention wine...

Beer cheap yes !!  don't like canned beer from supermarkets expensive more than bottled beer, I live in Thailand not the west, council property tax would cancel any cheaper beer in for example UK and also any rent that a person has to pay.

It's cheap for me here full stop.

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It's not just about shop prices: in the UK you would earn much more.  Also how do you price in factors like education, health, and social welfare?  For a poor man in the UK it's zilch.  I guess you could argue health costs can be zero in Thailand, but only because you'll be dead.

Edited by mommysboy
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4 hours ago, jimn said:

Thats quite a broad comment and not accurate. Anyone who earns and has had money in Thailand for some time I agree. But anyone who relies on income from abroad, especially the UK, it is totally wrong.

Not true I live ok from my UK pension frozen that it be, not talking about earning in Thailand, anyone wanting come to earn money ok go teacher, depends where you live in Thailand and preps you made for yourself to work here or to retire.

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