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What is your biggest bar tab?

Viggo McQuaid

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3 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

I have a mate who turns up a couple of times a year and its huge nights out for a week or so. Thing is, we both have the same night out, beers and spirits, buy LDs, end up drunk and take some company home etc etc. While I might spend 5,000, my mate will blow 20,000, on the same night out, 

Never been able to work it out


Does your mate have four times the fun you have?


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9 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

I have a mate who turns up a couple of times a year and its huge nights out for a week or so. Thing is, we both have the same night out, beers and spirits, buy LDs, end up drunk and take some company home etc etc. While I might spend 5,000, my mate will blow 20,000, on the same night out, 

Never been able to work it out

That is a 2 week millionaire ( a tourist coming once a year, flush with money), as opposed to myself, and maybe you, who is a 2 week millionaire, who can only afford to go out and spend freely, once every 2 weeks. 

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12 hours ago, Ron jeremy said:

Seems like I missed the boat getting in on the night wish windfall. 

Put my money to better use buying a condo in the now defunct condo debacle on the hill at the pier. Still can't decide which would be a better investment.

That explains why you say you've left Thailand but still hang around here.



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