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Right on time: Phuket Immigration explain TM30 and TM28 requirements for reporting foreigners


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I really don't know what all this fuss is about if you have a responsible landlord. In our case we have coached all our long stay tenant to send a message via some sort of social media that they have been away and are back. We just register them again, take screen shot, and sent back to them, Immigration will accept these screen shot on mobile device. 


If you don't have responsible land lord then you need to DIY the TM28 at immigration office.

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2 hours ago, ThaiFelix said:

The biggest problem is the phrase "up to the discretion of each imm. officer".  It is fine to say this is the way it is in Phuket but what about Nakhon Nowhere or Chang Pie??  Every office and officer has his own ideas.  We rang our IMM Office a few weeks ago and were told mai pen rai about completing the TM30 form.  As I had nothing to that effect in writing to protect ourselves we made the long trip to our office only to find it was half full of people also lodging the TM30 who also didnt believe the officer.


... :cheesy: x 10 ... hilarious!

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21 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:


In the first place your landlord must register you. If landlord does nt then you are illegally in Thailand.


In the second place how do you manage 90 days. Tourist visa for 60 day then you need go immigration for 30 day extension.


Longer extensions need Immigration approval. 






Firstly, you are not illegal in Thailand if your landlord fails to submit a TM30. Your landlord has failed to submit a form and should be fined, in this case it's my MIL ????


Secondly, I'm on a Non Imm O multi entry visa, so I can stay for 90 days each entry for a year, which actually gives me nearly 15 months which I can push out to 17 with a 60 day extension on the last entry...

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3 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:


Firstly, you are not illegal in Thailand if your landlord fails to submit a TM30. Your landlord has failed to submit a form and should be fined, in this case it's my MIL ????


Secondly, I'm on a Non Imm O multi entry visa, so I can stay for 90 days each entry for a year, which actually gives me nearly 15 months which I can push out to 17 with a 60 day extension on the last entry...


Ah ... but how you get 60 day extension if you not registered on immigration computer data base ? They carefully check computer (actually there is a young high tech person in each office area) that goes into the data base with you passport details.  No registration you will be fined 2,000 baht on the spot. 


For sure any Land Lord not complying with registration should be fined. However I would expect (??) the 'guest' to be considered illegally in Thailand.



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12 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:

No registration you will be fined 2,000 baht on the spot. 


I am registered on their system... Haven't been in for a 60 day extension though for a few years now as my work schedule didn't coincide with the end of my visa, so had to get new visa back in U.K while on hols ????

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5 hours ago, smedly said:

yes that about sums it up, it is the most ridiculous cluster F I have ever experienced - you want to enjoy a weekend away from your permanent residence you will spend most of that time filling in forms, so you go to Bangkok for one night, you spend all day in traffic trying to find immigration stand in a queue for hours and file a TM28 - then do it all again if you go somewhere else, next you'll need a (deleted)ing work permit for the time you spent completing all of this

The funny thing is that it 'can be done by mail' and it will get processed in a week or so... so you could be filling in forms on return before original processed. 

Just allow people to register 'permanent addresses' with a phone number... and by default if no form is filled in by a hotel you may be found at one of your 'permanent addresses'. 

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Tm 28 has been all the time for the foreigner unless the foreigner is also the landlord. Then has to full out the tm 30 as well.


This is written down many times. 


When your read all the tooics about the tm30 for some reason unknown it seems to be the well educated welthy foreinger they left the ability of reading back home.


Tm 28 all i needed since 2000

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I could understand something like this in some countries like, oh say, Somalia or something for the sake of knowing the foreigner wasn't kidnapped.  Or beheaded in Mexico or something.  For safety of the foreigner in a very dangerous country, maybe.  What is the point of this in Thailand?  I know they labeled it in national security, but come on!  I have been to several dozens of countries.  Never once been questioned, never asked to show money or funds, nothing...except for xenophobic Thailand.  Ever had an IO look suspiciously at me or my passport.  At most filling out an application and providing a photo.  I'm in Schengen now.  No visa and they don't even check my passport moving from country to country.

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7 minutes ago, owenm said:

I thought that a TM28 was to notify of change of address.. Is this an incorrect assumption?? 

no and only needed if you're doing a 90 day report away from home( in my case)

Done this many times as a condo owner when I was away from home and staying in a pattaya hotel . But the last 2 times when doing a 90 day report at Pataya both the girl at the front desk andf the IO specifically said no need for tm28 anymore. 

Edited by madmen
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7 hours ago, Vacuum said:

TM28 vs TM30, They are the same! On top of that, a TM47 is also required every 90 days.

TM47 is only for the first 90 days report. At least in Jomtien Immigration. After that just the passport with the slip inside is needed. The IO just replaces the old slip with the new. It's done in 1,5 min. 

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7 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

So as I understand this, I did a 90 day report yesterday (TM47), and I have gone to stay at my friends for the weekend I have to complete a TM28 and my friend has to complete a TM30 within 24 hours. 

On returning home on Monday I have to complete another TM28 and my wife has to complete another TM30 within 24 hours to say I have returned?



Only if you did 

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6 hours ago, petedk said:

And by the time all that is registered, you will have to do a new 90 day report.

Life in Thailand is a merry-go-round.

Sent from my SM-C710F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

FYI: In Jomtien Immigration you just submit the TM47 once, at the first 90 days report. Never again. So smooth to just hand over the passport with the slip inside. I don't even remember what the form looks like. 

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5 hours ago, bearpolar said:


They prefer having people calling them monkeys not stayu in their country


they are trying to preserve thailand.


As much as the tm30 annoys me, i will never complain about it. I want Thailand to stay thais and i want whiny angry racist sexpats to go back home.  Immigrants have destroyed my country and i'd prefer if immigrants didnt destroy thailand.

And you came for the Temples

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6 hours ago, losername said:

I recently returned from two nights in BKK.  The next day, within 24 hours, I reported to my local Immigration Office.  I took a completed TM28 and, because of the confused reporting on the subject, a completed TM30 with me.  With no delay the lady IO processed both forms and pinned the notification slip for each in my passport.  Not only that but she spotted that my 90 day visit was due in two weeks time so she did that as well to save me another trip.  It can work.

Let's how this behavour is contagious. It is a pleasure to meet competent, helpful governed workers. 

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7 hours ago, losername said:

I recently returned from two nights in BKK.  The next day, within 24 hours, I reported to my local Immigration Office.  I took a completed TM28 and, because of the confused reporting on the subject, a completed TM30 with me.  With no delay the lady IO processed both forms and pinned the notification slip for each in my passport.  Not only that but she spotted that my 90 day visit was due in two weeks time so she did that as well to save me another trip.  It can work.

You went all the way to the immigration office to do this. Ok for you but I am not going to CW in BKK every time I travel. Simply will not do it and will not worry about it. I go to CW once a year for an extension of stay and that is all I am willing to do. I mail the 90 day report sometimes. I did put 800 k in a Thai bank. 

I really don’t care about doing anything else and if that means I don’t get an extension of stay this year then so be it. But to let this stuff upset you or cause  you to pat yourself on the back to me is funny. ????

Edited by Wake Up
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I'm reminded of the story about the frog in the pan of water, which is slowly being heated up.  Because the temperature rises slowly, the frog does not jump out, even though it will eventually be boiled alive.  Currently many seem to be complaining that the water (i.e. immigration climate) is unnecessarily warm....

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7 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

Not fully correct: according to the article the foreigner only needs to file a TM28 within 24 hours after returning to his home-address.  But the friend where he stayed during his trip, has to file a TM30, and the landlord of his home-address also has to file a TM30 on his return. 

So if you live in your own condo, on your return you should file a TM28 (as foreigner returning to his home-address) and a TM30 (if you are the owner of the condo).  Basically we are talking about the same information.

I agree that this is utter madness, and expect that this will not be enforced by most IO's.

So it looks that we are on the brink of second tidal wave of comments if it turns out that IO really means it.

But if either your friend or the condo owner don't file a TM30 then you can be fined. And when I return to my rented Pattaya condo the owner, who is supposed to report my presence to Jomtien Immigration, has to leave his home in Chiang Mai and fly south every time I spend a night away?

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8 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

So as I understand this, I did a 90 day report yesterday (TM47), and I have gone to stay at my friends for the weekend I have to complete a TM28 and my friend has to complete a TM30 within 24 hours. 

On returning home on Monday I have to complete another TM28 and my wife has to complete another TM30 within 24 hours to say I have returned?



O yes do it, why your friend will he report you on arrival. Unless you give yourself up immigration will never know.

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9 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

So as I understand this, I did a 90 day report yesterday (TM47), and I have gone to stay at my friends for the weekend I have to complete a TM28 and my friend has to complete a TM30 within 24 hours. 

On returning home on Monday I have to complete another TM28 and my wife has to complete another TM30 within 24 hours to say I have returned?




Your understanding sounds about right; and so does your conclusion!



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8 hours ago, lensta said:

I rent a house so how is the landlord supposed to know if I have been away or not.

You see, this is the rub. Although Col Nareuwat Putthawiro made it clear several times that the TM30 is the responsibility of the landlord/owner, not the greasy, nasty foreigner, there are scenarios were you get sucked into the process anyway. Being married to the owner is one.  The situation you describe is another; you would have to call your landlord (who may not speak English) and inform him or her of your return home. If you are being helpful, you probably also want to remind him or her that failure to file is punishable by death!  Unless the owner is on-the-ball with this kind of stuff, you may be better off just getting power of attorney and doing it yourself anyway ... especially as--in spite of what Col Putthawiro says--your local I/O may hold you responsible anyway!  

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8 hours ago, phetpeter said:

I flew home after working away for 2 months, after the filling in the arrival form I wrote on my home address stating I was returning home. Thats it! I have never reported to immigration nor have I ever been asked about it. True I am listed as joint owner of my house as was required at the local government office has it was purchased after we were married. plus we stayed 3 days in Pattaya before returning home. I have just departed again to work overseas. and nothing is said. So I assume this is for Expats who don't have their names on deeds, which is a simple government offer is purchased or built after you are married. Sure we are registered at any hotel we stay at. but, then that is done in any country. As for reporting if we are staying with friends for a few days, never. 

As has been pointed out before, this "staying with friends" business is bizarre and unenforceable. How is IO going to know you left your home and stayed with friends, and then returned home unless someone "rats out out," or by some weird fluke your friends get caught. That seems highly unlikely, and one the guy in the Korat IO said as much.  However, make no mistake, the intention of the law is that your friends report you as well as any Jews they happen to be hiding in the attic.  Sigh!

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8 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

Can someone explain what the good news is? Doesn't;t this mean I still have to waste days on end per year reporting to immigration anytime I step outside my front door? Where is the good news in that? Filing a TM30 or a TM 28, it is the trip to the IO I object to, especially after I have given my address to immigration officials at the airport the day before.


It's not good news.  It's bad news! Depending on your situation, you may end up having to do the damn TM30 for your owner anyway if he is not on the ball with this kind of stuff.  Sure, let the <deleted> get fined if he doesn't file.  See what happens to your rent or your lease renewal after that. See what happens to the next nasty, greasy foreigner who want to rent from him.  Sure it might not be a big deal ... but it might.

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8 hours ago, LivinginKata said:


Only the TM 30 is required by owner.


If the owner not available to do that then the guest can do alone with TM28.


Only one required. NOT both.




In spite of what Col Nareuwat Putthawiro says; only if your local IO sees it that way!  You may be held responsible and fined anyway. And so what if the owner gets fined?  If he is a gentleman about it, great.  If not, don't you suppose the B2,000 is going to come out your end one way or another?  "B2,000 leak in the bathroom plumbing? Sorry, not my problem."

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