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Future Forward warned not to touch Thaksin issue in its attempt to change the Constitution


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Future Forward warned not to touch Thaksin issue in its attempt to change the Constitution




The Future Forward party leader has been warned, by the Thailand Development Research Institute’s (TDRI) president Dr. Somkiat Tangkitvanich, not to touch sensitive issues as part of the party’s attempt to amend the Constitution, and to be more receptive to the opinions of his opponents.


Speaking at a panel discussion on Sunday at Khon Kaen University, Dr. Somkiat said he felt uncomfortable when Mr. Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, leader of the Future Forward party, mentioned reviving the cases against former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra during his talk about charter amendments. He warned that half of Thai society would oppose the idea, which could render any attempt to amend the charter a failure from the start.


He said that the issues to be amended must not divide the Thai people, but unite them, adding that the public should have a role in raising the issues to be amended because the charter itself was endorsed in a referendum.


Source: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/future-forward-warned-not-to-touch-thaksin-issue-in-its-attempt-to-change-the-constitution/


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Super crazy. Unless he attacks all of the powers that be now with eliminating their immunity, and then brings back the Thaksin era stuff, he is committing full political suicide, or even worse a better watch his and his family's back for the rest of their life. He needs to take them all out, but he and his family and his friends better be squeaky clean.

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1 hour ago, holy cow cm said:

Super crazy. Unless he attacks all of the powers that be now with eliminating their immunity, and then brings back the Thaksin era stuff, he is committing full political suicide, or even worse a better watch his and his family's back for the rest of their life. He needs to take them all out, but he and his family and his friends better be squeaky clean.

The current comments relate to a much broader comment Khun Thanthorn made many months ago in which thaksin was mentioned. He didn't say Thaksin was a good man, not at all. Pays to read all the details before commenting sometimes.

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2 hours ago, TooBigToFit said:

Seems to me Thaksin is a victim of the corruption political abuse as much as anyone. I don't see it as FF actually caring about him over others. I see FF bringing him up to point out the corruption of the powers that oppress Thailand.  That's the issue. Thaksin is the devil to the corrupt people who throw coups and exploit laws and the people who have power over them. Their reaction to his name shows their mental disease. It's similar to the insanity when a right winger in America hears the word 'socialism' - mouths gasp, mothers grab their children and fathers grab their guns.

"" Thaksin is the devil to the corrupt people who throw coups and exploit laws and the people who have power over them. Their reaction to his name shows their mental disease. "" I don't disagree but don't forget that there are many many more everyday Thai folks folks who also severely dislike thaksin, Thais who are not withing the groups who conduct coups etc. 

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5 minutes ago, scorecard said:

"" Thaksin is the devil to the corrupt people who throw coups and exploit laws and the people who have power over them. Their reaction to his name shows their mental disease. "" I don't disagree but don't forget that there are many many more everyday Thai folks folks who also severely dislike thaksin, Thais who are not withing the groups who conduct coups etc. 

Do you think he would lose a fair election against the green shirt?

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3 minutes ago, scorecard said:

The current comments relate to a much broader comment Khun Thanthorn made many months ago in which thaksin was mentioned. He didn't say Thaksin was a good man, not at all. Pays to read all the details before commenting sometimes.

As the article tended to read without opening the link (as was running out the door) as it was new current stuttering of Thananthorn, but in-fact is old hash from just reading the entire story. But to date Thanathorn has stuck his big foot in his mouth many times. The one other good thing in the article is former Deputy prime minister Pridiyathorn Devakula's comments regarding the powers that be. There is certainly no love between the parties.

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thaksin have thailand biggest bad criminal and traitor, no newer can come back to thailand i hope and all north thailand peoples hope too. all peoples hate thaksin lot. same him daughter need this big criminal only jail or keep out of thailand all him and her life. newer back. or if come back sametime to jail and then execution.

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1 hour ago, Orton Rd said:

You should hang about with those less brainwashed and brain dead, younger Thais have more of an idea about what has been and is going on thanks to the internet. Anyone seeing the present PM as a 'hero' clearly has to have their judgement questioned.

And you should not assume so much from my comments.


And I agree there are now plenty of young Thais, and in growing numbers who are becoming much more aware of what's wrong / what's totally inappropriate in the current picture, more vocal to discuss and many seeing FF as the 'saviour' and the catalyst to take Thailand forward and with big, logical, focused, ethical and valuable changes...


And there are those who still can't see past the old scenario.  

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1 hour ago, scorecard said:

And you should not assume so much from my comments.


And I agree there are now plenty of young Thais, and in growing numbers who are becoming much more aware of what's wrong / what's totally inappropriate in the current picture, more vocal to discuss and many seeing FF as the 'saviour' and the catalyst to take Thailand forward and with big, logical, focused, ethical and valuable changes...


And there are those who still can't see past the old scenario.  

The old scenario being military coups every few years with yet another constitution, rigged elections and no democracy, your man really is the 'hero' there.

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38 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

The old scenario being military coups every few years with yet another constitution, rigged elections and no democracy, your man really is the 'hero' there.

Not my hero, and I never said he was my hero, and I hope he's gone quicker than lightning. 

Edited by scorecard
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I got no problem with what Dr. Somkiat said and he may be right. He always has been a fair man in dispensing opinion and has in the past demonstrated that he opposed coups, disagreed with PDRC methods, support election and inclusive reform. Thaksin just complicate the good intention of the FFP. The future is with the young and the millennium voters and they are less interested in the past and only the future matters to them. I hope they succeed in changing the constitution and use the 1997 constitution as model.

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20 minutes ago, scorecard said:

How nice el, but Id prefer to deeply analyse why you say 1997 constitution, no doubt you have an aligned reason, but aligned to the long-term objectives of who?

Knowing you, I suspect that this is a loaded question. But actually it shouldn't be as it is rather straight forward answer. Constitution should stand the test of times while political personalities come and go. The key features of the 1997 constitution that was drafted by popular elected drafting assemble was notable for being the first in Thailand history to have 2 houses directly elected. The government should work for the people and not the other way round. The 1997 constitution did not give any political parties any advantage. Parties have to earn their votes from changing voters demography and expectation.  

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12 hours ago, scorecard said:

 I think he would lose for 2 reasons:


- I have regular contact with Thais from all walks of life and many age groups, many of them see thaksin as the nasty infectious seed / disease which started all the current woes and would like to se him in jail for a long time, and let's not foregt there are still 4 or 5 major cases against him not yet finished.


- I have regular contact with Thais from all walks of life and age groups, many of them see the current PM as a hero and won't listen to any criticism of him. I think this picture is much, unforunately, sadly, much bigger than many people realize. 

Im no expert on Thai politics but there was corruption , disharmony , political violence and coups way before Thaksin came to power.

Seems a bit of a stretch to pin all the current ills on him , nasty piece of work but I suspect his ( albeit shallow and self seving ) support of the rural poor is what marked his card.

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On 9/9/2019 at 4:40 AM, tingtongtourist said:

Ironic though

in a country where nearly anything is for sale (for the right price)

yet the guy with the biggest bucks cant even buy his way back in.

Its not about how much money you have but how much money you have compared to the guy opposing you.


Unfortunately for him his opponents have wealth that make him look like a homeless person.

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On 9/9/2019 at 12:43 PM, scorecard said:

And had been fair and balanced, but he didn't and he never intended to.


He took real advantage of a point which is obvious; claim to want to help the unaware poor, give them some handouts and at the same time develop your own paid army to intimidate, maim, ostracise anybody who was getting in his way, and ignore laws, and intimidate the media, and ...... 


The aim is obvious; greed and create a power base that would be difficult to break down... 


But is he the only corrupt no morals leader Thailand has ever had? No. 



Sounds like the current govt hand out some goody bags along with the mandatory pictures use the military to get in power and hold that power

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