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US urges Thailand to delay ban on pesticide as it will affect Bt51-bn of imports


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14 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

. The court determined that glyphosate played a crucial part in his illness and awarded him a $289 million verdict.

Recently, a California jury awarded $2 billion to a couple after ruling that they developed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma due to using Roundup.

Is this what you mean or do you know something else?

regards Worgeordie

The jury ruled that Roundup’s design was “defective”, that the product lacked sufficient cancer warnings, and that Monsanto was negligent in its failure to warn Hardeman of the NHL risk.

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6 minutes ago, farmerjo said:

The jury ruled that Roundup’s design was “defective”, that the product lacked sufficient cancer warnings, and that Monsanto was negligent in its failure to warn Hardeman of the NHL risk.

So are you saying the product is OK, and it's just that there was no warning on the label.

regards worgeordie

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27 minutes ago, robblok said:

Still the US is just a little bit less bad then the Russians and Chinese. 

Its tough to be irrelevant to the Great Game isnt it. All you need to do is pick a side.

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18 minutes ago, farmerjo said:

The jury ruled that Roundup’s design was “defective”, that the product lacked sufficient cancer warnings, and that Monsanto was negligent in its failure to warn Hardeman of the NHL risk.

It will be reversed on appeal, based on what little I know.

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since China will not buy from US those Soybeans, they need to be flogged somewhere.
I can eat less soybeans.

How come a US Secretary of State dares to instruct a Sovereign State on its Domestic Policies ?
How come The Secretary has time to devote to less than 2 billion $ of exports??
How come times are so desperate in Trump Land  ???

Moreover, why are there so many c.c. lines in the letter, was it designed to be leaked to the public ?

Edited by KKr
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7 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

It will be reversed on appeal, based on what little I know.

sorry for the pun, don't take offense. 

but your Avatar sounds Russian, is that why you know ? ????

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Sad .  Con agra has tRumps ear.  Any use of roundup can join the class action suit.    I don't know why  it's still at home pro type stores.  Sell it like candy.  Why  would produce  that doesn't use weed killer cost more than organic?  Sad day indeed.  I think Monsanto didn't want Thailand's ban to grow to other countries.  

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...some things not right about this....starting with the 'smudged' (?) photocopies....


...also timing too convenient for the sellers (?) ...or those that profit form the sale of these poisons...


....hope they really investigate before this is accepted as 'Gospel'...


...the Glyph...poison already banned in many civilized countries....


...and the sale of poisons has nothing to do with the sale of crops...


...the US government is clearly avoiding any possible 'quid pro quo' scenarios involving foreign governments these days....which this would appear to be...

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6 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

this is a joke right? i dont see the US doing something like this at all. What the hell would it have to do with exports from the US?

Farmers pay people to spray who HAVE bery short lives. Thats fact because its dam obvious if you live amoungst farmers as we do.

paying for weed removal isnt any different but just a little slower. 

Not all weees need to be pulled either and can in fact help richen the sil when rotared or plowed for next harvest.

This story is rubbish and jusy about someones wealth who isnt a farmer at all.

It's not a joke. Blame your beloved president,the moron Trump and the boss for EPA. They never listenl to science. Everything is about $US.

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When Seattle officials were considering cutting back on glyphosate, they sought advice from San Francisco, which began rolling out restrictions on chemical pesticides in 1997. Seattle’s not alone—tens of cities across the U.S. have recently cracked down on glyphosate use. In 2018, Portland, Maine, banned the chemical, and Austin, Texas, restricted it. This year, Miami and Los Angeles County approved their own bans on city property. Some cities, like Boston, avoid glyphosate on an unofficial basis. Others, like New York City, may be poised to ban it in the near future.



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I did a tiny amount of reading on this topic and this stood out:


"Farmers quickly adopted glyphosate for agricultural weed control, especially after Monsanto introduced glyphosate-resistant Roundup Ready crops, enabling farmers to kill weeds without killing their crops."


If Monsanto is involved, we're in for a dirty ride!

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6 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

What the hell would it have to do with exports from the US?

What does Rudi Giuliani have to do with US Foreign policy? Mick Mulvaney says that's how this White House does things now and people need to get over it. Plain and simple it is the threat of withholding something in return for something else. Thailand may be a long way away from the US but any threat, no matter how small, to the profits of political campaign contributors is taken very seriously. 

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