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Is my girlfriend spiking my drinks?

cyril sneer

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A couple of months ago I decided to go on Antabuse, a drug designed to make you very sick after drinking alcohol


After a successful month off alcohol I decided the drug wasn't a good long-term option so went back to drinking again


The drug takes up to 2 weeks to come out of your system according to google, before being able to drink again 


The past month i've been drinking every day, and the arguments with the gf have started coming back. But i'm also noticing random days of the same sickness/skin rash that I would get if drinking on Antabuse. 


Is it possible that this drug is still in my system? I haven't taken it for about 5 weeks..

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2 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

After a successful month off alcohol I decided the drug wasn't a good long-term option so went back to drinking again

Should that read, I decided to go back to drinking again so the drug was no longer a good idea? 


Good luck. I know it is difficult kicking any sort of addiction... 

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42 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

While it normally takes 5 weeks to get out of your system clearance can be prolonged if you have impaired liver function as you may.


"I decided the drug wasn't a good long-term option so went back to drinking again"


Study that sentence. If you tuly see only 2 options, drink or antabuse, you need help. AA has meetings in many parts of the country.

thanks for this info in bold


AA is not an option, i'll look into other medications which may help

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18 minutes ago, cyril sneer said:

full of low-lifes and I have no interest whatsover in what others have to say


i've also heard it's a cult filled with lonely people who don't even have a drink problem


Well whatever you do, don't join DAMM


(Drunks Against Mad Mothers)

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22 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

full of low-lifes and I have no interest whatsover in what others have to say


i've also heard it's a cult filled with lonely people who don't even have a drink problem


going off topic here...


Have you been watching 'Fight Club' again?

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2 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

Cyril, sounds like you have some serious issues other than alcohol addiction! You need help my friend. I hope you'll drop that big ego of yours, humble yourself and seek therapy of some sort. Otherwise, I can tell you exactly where you're headed. Been there....done that, and lost everything I owned. Believe me...you don't want to go there! The booze will take you further than you want to go and make you stay longer than you want to stay!

I was just looking to lose a few kilos from beer


i'm not downing bottles of whisky every morning

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On 11/22/2019 at 3:57 PM, NancyL said:

Cyril, did you have arguments with the girlfriend during the month when you were off the alcohol?  Maybe you should ask yourself what's more important -- your girlfriend or the alcohol?  Would she be happier if you didn't drink EVERY day?  Maybe just a few days a week as a compromise with her?


You cannot ask an alcoholic just to drink a ' few days a week as a compromise ' do you know nothing about addiction?


Your first sentence is exactly the point of the matter and makes perfect sense!


The OP needs to ask himself that one question!


Antiabuse is satisfactory as an aid to assist a little bit, it is useless without the willpower to back it up.

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On 11/21/2019 at 6:58 PM, BritManToo said:

More likely your gf is slipping it into your food/drink.

It's fairly common, I had one live with me where I became mysteriously ill after arguments with her.


I'm pretty certain my best friend here was poisoned by his wife after he discovered money missing from his bank account and was ready to go from Issan to his main branch in Bangkok to investigate. First he 'fell' down the stairs, and after that didn't kill him he was taken to hospital after he became increasingly sick, where he died soon after. Shortly before he died I visited him and asked my wife to ask the hospital if they had checked for poisons, and their response was 'just the normal ones'. What the **** does that mean.

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21 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


I'm pretty certain my best friend here was poisoned by his wife after he discovered money missing from his bank account and was ready to go from Issan to his main branch in Bangkok to investigate. First he 'fell' down the stairs, and after that didn't kill him he was taken to hospital after he became increasingly sick, where he died soon after. Shortly before he died I visited him and asked my wife to ask the hospital if they had checked for poisons, and their response was 'just the normal ones'. What the **** does that mean.

I deduce form their reply 'just the normal ones', that they checked for the usual suspects of poison, but did not find any. That does not exclude there was poison in his system that they could not easily detect or are not commonly used.

If there is another conclusion, you could have requested an autopsy with the full barrage of checks of unbecoming substances - I know I would.

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