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More foreign English teachers set to be hired as Thais aim for better than basic English


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32 minutes ago, strawpanda said:

I'm a British native speaker of English with an MA in TEFL. I do a lot of academic proofreading for non-native speakers/teachers of English doing MAs, PhDs etc. Some of them are very good, some less so, but there's definitely an important role for native speakers, though they're not going to work for peanuts.

I was faced with a dilemma as the Thai teaching English, had great writing skills, barely no mistakes but when I try to speak to him, the guy couldn't keep a normal/basic conversation, he had not speaking vocabulary, should he keep teaching or should he stop and get conversational skills

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9 minutes ago, EricTh said:

On the contrary, many of the adverts that I saw do specify 'native English speakers' only.


The problem is that most native English speakers don't know how to teach English to a non-native speaker. They teach the same way as 'back home' to native English speaker and this method causes a lot of confusion for Thai students.


It's the same as native Thai speakers who teach Thai language to English speakers. Most of them don't know how to teach in a way English speakers can understand beyond the basic level.

Another problem is that they aren’t allowed to teach English, lessons are forever interrupted by events and activities, special day or weeks lot to meaningless tests.

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