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Trudeau says 'jaws drop to the floor' during Trump remarks


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13 hours ago, candide said:

Right. He already found a way to talk BS at least 21 times


Fact check: Trump makes at least 21 false claims at NATO meetings

Amazing how you believe the 'facts' without any pause for thought.


Facts First: The US is expected to spend 3.42% of GDP on defense in 2019, according to NATO estimates issued in June, similar to its 2018 level.


'Expected' and 'estimates' from Nato!!!

I didn't bother looking any further after reading that dross

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1 hour ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Trump is in constant need of adulation. Says it all really, we are dealing here with an insecure man with fairly significant mental disorders, Narcisism, and being a total Sociopath, are the most notable. I never imagined that I would feel sorry for him, given the vast damage he has done, but when you see him hanging his head nowadays, you see a man whose self image off "greatness", is beginning to fall apart in his sadly damaged mind. 


Impeachment would satisfy many looking for justice, but he really needs a mummy, and some expert medical attention. Fundamentally he is just a tragically inadequate, insecure, man with no true friends, all empty vessel and no noise, other than the echos of voices from the fantasy persona he has erected for himself.

Another one that feels qualified to diagnose a psychological condition without examining the subject in person. I'm sure psychiatrists have a word to describe people that believe they have a psychiatric qualification when they don't, or are you in fact a qualified psychiatrist/ psychologist that has indeed examined Trump in person? 

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40 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Great summation in that article...



Fully humiliated and walking joke of a leader, Donald skulks away.

They might not feel so superior if he informs them that they have to pay up to have the USA protect them. They certainly can't protect themselves having reduced their military forces to low levels.

The Donald can have the last laugh.

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15 hours ago, alex8912 said:

No one is laughing at the average American traveling abroad. Just more urban myths from the same TVF posters who base their facts on links and other fake news.  Just spent a month in Spain, France , Italy , Poland , Denmark and Sweden. Met tons of great people. Eight days were on a cruise and had time to chat with people from even more countries. A passing comment on Trump sure. But you know what? Most people don’t care so much about American politics like the over hyper who can’t even sleep well with derangement syndrome. Tons of laughs , dancing , great conversations about traveling , food , wine , families, the arts etc. such a great month!  Really this ain’t the REAL world  here.  Trudeau has even admitted the “Jaw dropping “ comment was a big nothing burger. It’s in the news already so there you go again, just making up more nonsense. 

Life is so simple when lived vacuously...

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16 hours ago, JonnyF said:

I wonder what Justin "black face" Trudeau would have said if Trump had been caught impersonating a "gollywog" as he was.

Would his jaw have dropped? 

Trudeau is a hypocritical, opportunist piece of sheeite. 

Is that the worst you could come up with - opportunistic? You do realize that compared to Trump "opportunistic" doesn't even get you past the start line as far as negative personality traits go, right?

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40 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

They might not feel so superior if he informs them that they have to pay up to have the USA protect them.


But first they will need to do Donald a favor though...


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54 minutes ago, Becker said:
17 hours ago, JonnyF said:

I wonder what Justin "black face" Trudeau would have said if Trump had been caught impersonating a "gollywog" as he was.

Would his jaw have dropped? 

Trudeau is a hypocritical, opportunist piece of sheeite. 

Is that the worst you could come up with - opportunistic? You do realize that compared to Trump "opportunistic" doesn't even get you past the start line as far as negative personality traits go, right?


google . "Jordan Peterson | Why Justin Trudeau is Actually Peterpan"

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2 hours ago, Sticky Wicket said:

Amazing how you believe the 'facts' without any pause for thought.


Facts First: The US is expected to spend 3.42% of GDP on defense in 2019, according to NATO estimates issued in June, similar to its 2018 level.


'Expected' and 'estimates' from Nato!!!

I didn't bother looking any further after reading that dross

Why that? Don't you know that the US is part of NATO so that these estimates have been approved and supplied by the US.


But I understand you did not want to look further, for example at the next lie:

"Trump claimed that ISIS still possessed "virtually 100%" of its so-called "caliphate" when he took office, "and I knocked it down to 0.""


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19 hours ago, sirineou said:

trump should not be allowed to say anything unless he is reading it from something his team wrote for him or is at a trump rally where he is among other double digit IQ people.

Huh, so only demeaning posts from haters allowed. Blind eye huh Scotty Boy

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18 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

This is all shear nonsense. The media will do anything to create a story out of thin air so long as it's against President Trump. It's impossible to know what Trudeau was implying when he says "jaws dropped". What the heck does that mean anyway? How does he know the jaw drops were anything related to words coming from President Trump. Maybe somebody had cut a fart and Trump's team was reacting to that. I wouldn't believe a word coming from the mouth of the liberal pansy Trudeau!

Now now don't offend the Liberals 

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15 minutes ago, atyclb said:

in a US hospital emergency department if the examining physician(s) deem a patient as a danger to themself or to others that patient can be involuntarily held pending psychiatric reevaluation and or legal process aka competency hearing.

And that is exactly what they should do to Trump.

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