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British PM Johnson to win a majority of 86: exit poll


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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Congratulations to the Tories and the Brexit bunch. But please don't let it go to your heads. It seems to me this was much more about what people don't want (Corbyn) than what they do want. 


I think you are right in that it is more about what they don't want, but I think Corbyn is only a small part of that. What people also don't want is the status quo in its entirety. They are fed up with many modern political doctrines. People across the world are starting to recognize the disparity between what they are being told is good from those who benefit from the current system, contrasted with those things that genuinely make their lives better.


Trump. Brexit. Riots. They are consequences of the fact that our entire global industrial civilization has peaked. What we are now seeing is people trying to make the best out of the slow and steady path of decline we have made for ourselves. From now on, politicians across the globe who don't jump on board and change the policies that have been pushed for the last 50 years are going to get severely trounced in elections.


And Warren Buffet was correct when he said there are pitchforks coming in the future.

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9 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

That negotiation will go well; I can just imagine all the goodwill waiting to be tapped...


Then, I guess, all those other negotiations for all those other trade deals just waiting to be had. Hmm.. I wonder how people are going to feel seeing Johnson going cap in hand to Trump for a deal, assuming that Trump is still President.


Congrats to those who wanted to leave the EU; it seems that you are going get your wish. 


That said, I can't shake the feeling that Brits, or what is left of the UK in 5 years, are going to look back at this day with great sadness. I suspect it'll be known as the day when it all really fell apart.


For the sake of my British friends, I sincerely hope that I am wrong, but...

Hopefully the British voters will think over the present power of the labour Unions in the election of the Labour Party leader.

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Well aside from the Scotland and Northern Ireland issues (a big aside) it seems to me the tories have a great opportunity to solidify their gains going forward. Obviously Brexit will happen now (my condolences) but beyond that if they govern decently in a way that pleases more moderate people (obviously not the more leftist part of Labour). Not predicting that will happen of course.

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4 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Haha - the PM is just crowing about a 'One Nation' win which will unite the country. We will see tomorrow just how that statement is as much guff as every other utterance the man has ever come out with.


whatever the past,

I guess that onwards, with a sizeable win and looking at "smooth" sailing in HoC the next 5 years,

we will see a more moderate/pallatable BJ more centre/mainstream if you like


He now see Brexit coming up over the horizon and can "clown down".



I put in a comment on another issue here, don't have time to go through all the pages;


whether or not Scotland is a drain or asset re UK finances will not matter much

re the value of the GBP if Scotland initiates moves to leave UK

it will much more be the degree of political stability that steers the quid value


me thinks


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7 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

Weird voting system.

Con got 13,905,634 votes and 363 seats.

Labor and lib together got 13.967.396 votes and 214 seats.



British democracy, based on the baronies of the Middle Ages.

And the Upper house ( Houdse of lords) based on appointments.

But .. a LOT of sentiment against the civil servants in the EU ( which is a Union of NATIONS), who are - as in nearly every country, appointed. The presidents of two out of the thee cremia ( EU Councill and Commissioners) are appointed by the heads of governement of the EU member states.

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39 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Have you ever been tested for colour blindness?

Very clear, which parts of Nothern Ireland will change for Eire and which parts of the North will leave for independance.  Or you think, Boris will send the army to block that ?

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1 hour ago, Orton Rd said:

Still complaining we did not know what we voted for- we did we voted to LEAVE the oppressive, dictatorial and anti democratic EU

"oppressive, dictatorial and anti democratic EU" Please explain.


No rule has ever passed in the EU without the signature of the British representative, in the EU council ( by the British PM, elected by the British voters) or the EU Commission ( by the British commissioner, appointed by the British government) 

In the third cremum, the EU Parliament, also British representatives are elected, like all others by their own voters.

No way like in the UK, the minority can overrule the mayority ( 43,6% of the votes get 56% of the seats = Cons, resp. 11,5% of the votes get only 1,7% of the seats = LibDem resp. 3,9% of the votes get 7,4% of the seats, DUP) ,

Of even.. a part of Parliament is appointed, like the British House of Lords.

Edited by puipuitom
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2 hours ago, stevenl said:

I simply compare it to guilder/euro, from 12/6 to 1 after WWII to almost 1 to 1.

And there is no reason at all why this trend would change structurally now.

I remember, in my young years, the mid-60's, when the GBP was Hfl 10,64 (or DM 11,82 or €uro 5,91)


I must say: the British really know how to adapt to increasing competiton: just decrease the value of the GBP.

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44 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

350 million pounds a week for the NHS, so no children have to await treatment on the flour there anymore… 


Don't you have to pay a minimum of 100 euros a month for access to the Dutch healthcare system? With an "excess" of 385 euros?


I'll stick to the NHS thanks.




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6 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

I remember, in my young years, the mid-60's, when the GBP was Hfl 10,64 (or DM 11,82 or €uro 5,91)


I must say: the British really know how to adapt to increasing competiton: just decrease the value of the GBP.


It must be pretty humiliating not to have your own currency any more. Never mind, the Germans will look after your Euros for you ????

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7 hours ago, JAG said:

Well, conventional wisdom in certain circles (at least until 10pm last night GMT) was that if you didn't get the answer you wanted you kept on asking until you did!

i keep asking my wife '' can i buy another classic vw'' eventually she will get fed up

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15 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

When I saw how Boris reacted… I hope the floor in NHS-hospitals will be large enough… I even did not see this ever in Thailand.



OOO jeremy corbyyyyyn  ........ :passifier: or is it who do you think you are kidding Mr Junker ? :w00t:

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1 minute ago, nkg said:


Don't you have to pay a minimum of 100 euros a month for access to the Dutch healthcare system? With an "excess" of 385 euros?

I'll stick to the NHS thanks.

In the UK, the NHS is paid by the "Big Common Wallet" called the UK treasury. Or did you think, all was "free"= paid by the money trees in the NHS-buildings ?

In NL we at least can SEE what is paid:

about a € 120/month or € 1500/year per person direct + an own "risk" of € 385/year per person + 6,75 % of our gross income + rest.. from the "Big Common Wallet". Look at teh Dutch National Budget and you see a € 85 BILLION is paid to health service, with an additional € 10 B from the Social Security for those who need long time care ( mentally ill, dementia etc ) see file:///C:/Users/gebuiker/Downloads/0_Miljoenennota%20(1).pdf, page 10

So, a €uro 5700 per person per year.

In case you cannot pay in the NL, you get a "health subsidy". 


For the UK, see  https://www.ukpublicspending.co.uk/uk_health_care_spending_10.html  In 2020, health care spending is budgeted at £162.0 billion.  * 1,17 towards €uro / 65 milion British = € 2880 per person.  No wonder, patients have to sleep on the floor.


See also:  https://e-health-com.de/fileadmin/user_upload/dateien/Downloads/redesigning_health-eu-for2020-ehtf-report2012_01.pdf  or  https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Healthcare_expenditure_statistics  

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