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One killed, another injured in road safety exercise in Korat

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16 hours ago, seajae said:

thought bikes were supposed to stay in the left lane, sorry for the poor lady but she should have been in the left lane and did she check her mirrors as well as indicate to merge left, highly doubt it as not many bike riders use mirrors or indicators here. As for the truck driver, nothing unusual, they always speed and dont take notice of other road users, he needs to be charged for her death as well as loss of licence. The biggest problem is they do not put out signs before getting to these areas that a lane is closed for police checks, they have witches hats 50 metres before you get to them and thats all the warning you get, no lights and no signs, their idea of safety is a joke

The left lane that was blocked you mean?

  • Haha 1
23 minutes ago, Mangkhut said:

Well - if you change lanes you have to:

A - check the mirrors for traffic in the lane youre thinking about entering.

B - turn youre head around and have a good look into the lane you plan to enter and check again for traffic. 
Then if its clear you can change lane. If there is traffic coming in the lane you plan to enter such as a truck in high speed - you will have to wait until that truck has passed and then check again for traffic. I suppose the motorbike driver in this case didnt check for traffic. Most thais doesnt do so before changing lanes. Thats something I see about every day here...

Yes, what you are saying is the western rule that if the obstruction is on your side then you give way to on coming traffic. Haven't seen a m/c do that in Thailand yet nor have I seen a police check point put up a ให้ทาง (give way) either.

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39 minutes ago, MartinL said:

Ever heard of driving to suit the conditions? A speed below the speed limit isn't necessarily an appropriate speed. A thinking truck driver (or any driver) would realise a lane ahead was blocked, that other vehicles might be pulling out to get past the obstruction and reduce speed to make allowance for possible stupid moves.

It is called,  adjust your driving to the condition, condition includes weather, construction, accidents, here it is pedal to the medal at all times

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17 hours ago, webfact said:

One killed, another injured in road safety exercise

And it was only an exercise, I let you imagine what will be for New Year.

17 hours ago, MeePeeMai said:

R.I.P. (again)


I think that most Thais (since having no experience driving them), mistakenly assume that big heavy trucks can swerve, brake or stop just as well as a small car or pickup can and think nothing of pulling right out in front of them. I see it happen all the time. 

Yes, most Thais' first experiences on the road are riding on poorly driven motocys or driving (very poorly) motocys. 


And later they drive all other road vehicles the way they drive motocys. 


But, it goes even further to the way they walk (and think) which is uncarefully, zigzaging side to side, with an expectation that 1) nobody needs to pay attention to those around them because 2) everyone is flexible and allows for many mistakes. 


In walking and driving, they prioritize freedom of selfishness, which they call flexibility, over care for others and rigid rules. 

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17 hours ago, spiekerjozef said:

only in thailand......  R.I.P

No, definitely NOT "only in Thailand". Same, same often in my home country (starts with C and neighbour to USA).

A month ago, tow truck driver killed by out-of-control speeding car, while assisting crash.

Police in many countries act like they own the roads. It is common to see a cop car parked in one of two lanes while he/she is "reading the mail" of someone they've pulled over (who is parked on the shoulder). This practice is known to not only delay traffic but cause accidents as well.

40 minutes ago, MartinL said:

A thinking truck driver (or any driver) would realise a lane ahead was blocked, that other vehicles might be pulling out to get past the obstruction and reduce speed to make allowance for possible stupid moves.

Exactly.  Wherever you drive, not only in Thailand, a driver should be aware of what other road users might do.


The truck driver should have been aware of the blocked lane ahead and make allowances for any traffic that might move over into his lane.


When we used to go out in the car I would sometimes make casual remarks about what was happening on the road around us. 


"Why is that car slowing down, is he indicating, maybe going to do a U turn? That truck taking a wide turn round the corner, not nip up the inside to get squashed? Pedestrian, dog, bike at the side of the road, looks like they may cross or swing out?


On each occasion I would ease off the gas to anticipate any problem.


The wife used to tease saying I talk too much, but I was glad to see that after she passed her test and took to the road herself she would remember some of my ramblings and drive in a responsible way.  


I think most Thais just have no idea what other vehicles can do and what space they need around them because nobody has shown them.





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10 hours ago, mike787 said:

Just another normal death day on thai roads....i just accept it now.  RIP

A normal day, a normal week,  a normal month, and yet again a normal year...

the authorities have done nothing to change driving abilities so expect a normal New Year period with the normal deaths...


  • Thanks 2
15 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

One of those stupidly arranged roadblocks again? Just block off a lane with no advanced warning or lane merging.... common sense is unfortunately uncommon here.

It does look like it has been set up on a dodgy piece of straight road.


A realistic road safety campaign, ''be a bit more careful next time lads, after all you aren't supposed to cause accidents just warn people, we'll put this down to trial and error, can't cut bread without making crumbs eh, let's say no more about it" 

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  • Haha 1
15 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

One of those stupidly arranged roadblocks again? Just block off a lane with no advanced warning or lane merging.... common sense is unfortunately uncommon here.

an old saying: i have 2 left hands, only half a brain,no other skills. can u please give me a uniform

11 hours ago, mercman24 said:

talking of mirrors or lack of, two bikes (well one bike , one scooter) at my condo,  have no mirrors, when i asked, the thai owner of the 150 Honda, said * i not like, upset the look of the bike* so i assume the owner of the 150 PCX thought the same thing, stupidity at its best

And what about the stupid Thai convention of those who do actually wear helmets placing them on the most important right hand mirror when parked! This means that most times when they ride off the mirror has moved and needs redjustment to see clearly and check regularly what is approaching from behind! Not that those with mirrors do actually use them! This poor lady obviously did not.

18 hours ago, seajae said:

sorry for the poor lady but she should have been in the left lane and did she check her mirrors as well as indicate to merge left,

<deleted> are you on about?


18 hours ago, webfact said:

The women was riding along a road where one lane had been blocked off by police forcing her to pull out of the right where she collided with a truck

She had no alternative but to pull out into the right lane cuz the left hand lane was blocked off by police.



"a truck being driven at high speed"

Unbelievable when clearly visible is a road checkpoint ahead - micro-sleep?? I notice it is carrying sugar cane now that the harvest is in full swing. Many of these lorries are a "pain in the neck" especially at night on our rural roads here in Isaan when no proper lights are displayed! RIP the poor lady.


16 hours ago, Moonlover said:

I would suggest that the unfortunate lady pulled out from her usual riding position on the left, without checking and broadsided into the truck. The truck driver could do nothing prevent this at all.

The truck driver would have a better view of the road sitting in his high position and could see the lane is closed on the left so should have slowed down and given way to merging traffic. Maybe he thought she would slow down and merge behind him.

18 hours ago, MeePeeMai said:

R.I.P. (again)


I think that most Thais (since having no experience driving them), mistakenly assume that big heavy trucks can swerve, brake or stop just as well as a small car or pickup can and think nothing of pulling right out in front of them. I see it happen all the time. 

I don't think swerve maneuver(s) are even part of their training. In my area, so many dogs are hit its unbelievable. Slowing down would also help. 

18 hours ago, spiekerjozef said:

only in thailand......  R.I.P

Thai traffic or police department should conduct a study tour to USA, or Australia or UK to see how it is done in those countries 

very low road accidents/deaths, eg in Australia less than 2000 per year. Oops that not good idea, fewer funerals, less money generated, sorry,!

19 hours ago, webfact said:

The women was riding along a road where one lane had been blocked off by police forcing her to pull out of the right where she collided with a truck being driven at high speed

Nobody, not even the police's partial road block "forced" this woman to do anything and the speed of the truck is totally immaterial.


The primary reaction of most drivers here is to swerve or move into another lane if their lane or forward progress is impeded. The foot/hand never comes off the accelerator and the foot/hand never reaches for the brake.


The YouTube movie will be called, "When 'shooting the gap' goes wrong."

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