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UK election result 'blew away' argument for second Brexit vote: Labour's Starmer


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15 hours ago, jayboy said:




Johnson lying again.

There was NO personal promise of any kind regarding another referendum.


Indeed the Smith Commission states in para 18 "It is agreed that nothing in this report prevents Scotland becoming an independent country in the future should the people of Scotland so choose.".




Fluffy Mundell. The former Governor General for Scotland also stated

"Of course there could be another referendum, that is a process issue.

"But the people of Scotland are very clear that they don't want one and that's what we need to continue to debate about."




So Johnson is lying again. Which is expected.

The reason we needed Johnson to refuse another section 30 is because it is going to end up in court. If Johnson had not already refused then the first thing the courts would have done is say well you need to go and find out.

Now the process can move on.

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47 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Now, the perfect opportunity for us all to show where our true loyalties lie - anyone planning to 'bung a bob for a Big Ben bong'? 


Johnson proposes crowdfunding to allow Big Ben to bong for Brexit

Francois & Co would do it for nowt using Brecow as a battering ram. Alternatively Farage could do it with a 14lbs sledge...


Edited by evadgib
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2 hours ago, sandyf said:

Now that Bojo has made a formal rejection his interpretation can be challenged.


The legitimacy of a second referendum was originally supported by David Mundell while Secretary of State for Scotland in the Cameron Cabinet. On June 26 2016, he said: "If the people of Scotland ultimately determine that they want to have another [independence] referendum there will be one.”

He added: "Could there be another referendum? The answer to that question is yes. Should there be another referendum? I believe the answer to that question is no." These remarks were made on the BBC’s Sunday Morning Politics show and subsequently widely reported in the UK press. Clearly at that point, the Secretary of State’s advice was that there was no “lifetime” or generational block on a second referendum.


There was never a lifetime or any other kind of block.There was a general view it was a once in a generation matter, but it's true this has been overtaken by events.I don't know why some keep harping on about this pointlessly.It reminds me of Don Quixote tilting at windmills.


As to the current position, Sturgeon knows she has time on her side.Whatever Johnson says now if the Holyrood 2021 elections are fought on a referendum basis and the SNP further improves its position, I don't see how Boris can resist agreeing.Timing is critical.Actually though the SNP are loudly demanding a referendum now, they don't actually want it quite yet because they would almost certainly lose it. There's also the need for the impact of sex pest Alex Salmond's trial to blow over.But by 2021 with Brexit perhaps looking a bit <deleted> and assuming no further significant incompetence by the Scottish Government (big if - that one), I can certainly imagine the referendum being won.

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6 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

It seems the sore losers are doing their best to stop the winners having their celebration. It won't work though, there's gonna be one hell of a party whether they like it or not. :partytime2:

How do you work that out? The PM, in conjunction with TimeLife, is offering this once in a generation opportunity to be part of history. Go on, dig deep for a big ben bong!

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1 minute ago, JonnyF said:

No need, Lord Bamford has already agreed to underwrite it. Thanks for the offer though. 


I'm guessing they'll still try and stop it though, still salty at defeat after defeat after defeat. They really should just allow the celebrations, if they don't want to join they can stay home, wrap themselves in the EU 'flag' and cry into their Lentil soup.????

Nothing like the will of the people being underwritten by a ennobled billionaire tax avoider. That swamp is looking drier by the day (Zac Goldsnith and Nicky Morgan aside of course). 

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2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Nothing like the will of the people being underwritten by a ennobled billionaire tax avoider. That swamp is looking drier by the day (Zac Goldsnith and Nicky Morgan aside of course). 

Plenty of billionaires on both sides.


The swamp was drained last month, hence the withdrawal bill passing by 330 votes to 231. Most of the anti democrats are picking up their P45's as we speak.



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47 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

You can interpret it myriad ways, I suppose, but it shows, to me, a relatively continuous growth in support for independence over the past 2 1/2 years, and all this without a referendum campaign underway.

I hate to break it to you but a growth in support is not a majority. As the EU slowly fails, so will any support for Scottish independence.

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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

Nothing like the will of the people being underwritten by a ennobled billionaire tax avoider. That swamp is looking drier by the day (Zac Goldsnith and Nicky Morgan aside of course). 

Well said.The SNP has always been a repository of honour and morality.



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