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'Robin Hood' American arrested on three year overstay


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38 minutes ago, BestB said:

Guy is the end of his life, clearly not well off , not a burden on society or government , most certainly not taking away any jobs or a criminal.

I’d rather think someone who is well off and not at the end of his life is not a burden. So let we both break the immigration laws? 

(btw: He is a criminal. Read the article.)


14 minutes ago, BestB said:

Who ever told you he could not pay his hospital bills or did not have insurance ? Or needed medical treatment ?

I think you were the one pointing out that he’s not well off. 

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Just now, baansgr said:

Bit different, 71 year old guy with own money to a 20 year old Arab that sponges of the welfare or deals drugs and thieves.

Doesn't sound like this guy has any money.


Also, most of the farang in jail in Thailand are there on drugs charges.


Living like 'Robin Hood' involves thieving.

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7 minutes ago, baansgr said:

Bit different, 71 year old guy with own money to a 20 year old Arab that sponges of the welfare or deals drugs and thieves.

I prefer a well-educated young Arab man who can contribute his skills to society and had to flee his country because of war over a 71 year old who apparently isn’t even able or willing to get the right visa. And if I was as xenophobic as you, I’d add that i don’t want 71 year old sexpats. Not that it matters. 


Edited by welovesundaysatspace
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26 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

Encouraging citizens to report people can, and has often in many countries, fostered extreme xenophobia leading to very unfortunate consequences. Especially when used as a divert and deflect tactic by government from other issues they don't want their citizens concentrating on.


????  ????  ????

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1 hour ago, BestB said:

Ok, I am all for people following the rules when it comes to visa, but at times must have compassion and common sense . Guy is the end of his life, clearly not well off , not a burden on society or government , most certainly not taking away any jobs or a criminal. How about being compassionate to find out why he overstayed, and perhaps fine him and offer some solutions instead of locking up and sending back as if he was some kind of international gun runner 

If he doesn't have money how is he going to pay his medical bills, must the taxpayer do this?

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