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Drunks, speeders and grandads targeted in bid to reduce road accidents


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They would do better to concentrate on the general Thai public, who for some strange reason just do no know how to drive safely and with consideration to other motorists !

Any Farang with 10 beers inside him is a much better driver than your average sober Thai ????

Edited by phantomfiddler
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6 hours ago, bluesofa said:

'encourage bikers to wear helmets' So it's not a requirement then?

<end of sarcasm mode>


'People need to be more fully aware of the law' IIRC hasn't this been law for nearly thirty years now? Is there some 'hard of learning' issue here?

So Thais are slow learners?   Or Thai police?

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6 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Interesting that older drivers being targetted, I wonder what theThai stats show about accidents and older drivers.

Western stats show less accidents per capita on over 55 year old drivers until age 75.


Constant exposure to polluted tap water, high 2.5 PM levels, chemicals, toxins and pesticides in the food supply not to mention tends to effect brain function especially in the elderly. Western stats don't apply in this environment. 

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Total and completely unadulterated BS. The RTP and the highway patrol will continue their gross incompetence, and their policies of NEVER, EVER pulling a single driver over, for reckless driving. Sure, they will continue to mail out speeding tickets. Means very little. The speed limits need to be raised anyway, as they are artificially low, and not reasonable. 

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5 hours ago, legend49 said:

Missed the worst group, now the young ones seem to think they are Grand Prix racers

What about the stupid parents that allow their underage offspring to ride their motorbikes. you may not notice

this so much in the cities, but upcountry here it is rampant.

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5 hours ago, irwinfc said:

targeting police officers who don't do their jobs would be way more effective! 

The police cannot do their jobs without instructions from the Police Cols, Lt/Cols. Maj/Gens etc. They are

all too busy posing in their nice uniforms, fancy hats, ribbons and medals.

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41 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

general Thai public, who for some strange reason just do no know how to drive safely and with consideration to other motorists !

That strange reason is they are one of the most inconsiderate people on earth, the me, me & me people, noise, pollution, driving as long as they are ok they don't give a dam about anyone else! 

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3 hours ago, anexpat said:

This goes against the general sway of opinion in the replies here, but, but I’m in Bangkok now (I don’t come to the LOS often), and I have truly been astounded by the number of drivers who have slowed down or even stopped (traffic permitting) to let me cross the road. That’s for real, people.

You have got it spot on, I have never had a problem with drivers or motorbike riders when I have driven or ridden in Bangkok.

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

relevant groups to hold a training course for village heads and subdistrict chiefs on instilling road discipline among citizens and we’ll have patrol teams monitoring traffic conditions and

It's the cops that need the training and discipline. They just don't get it do they.

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7 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Interesting that older drivers being targetted, I wonder what theThai stats show about accidents and older drivers.

Western stats show less accidents per capita on over 55 year old drivers until age 75.


Stats from the Thailand Accident Research Centre show this:-


More than 85% of motorcycle accidents resulted from drivers who have not attended a safety driving course, but learned how to drive from other family members, friends or by themselves.

So rather than spouting off about introducing these "new measures" how about making sure that EVERY driver has a licence, and indeed introduce REAL training for m/c riders. If they don't comply, then take them off the road, and that will result in a very quick change of mindset.

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I took these photos today, 11:45 am, on Thrappaya Road in front of the Jomtien bus station. Two men and a woman were riding in the cab of this demolished water truck. Faulty brakes no doubt and lucky amulets saved the trio. LOL. All three walked away, seemingly unhurt.



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1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:

They would do better to concentrate on the general Thai public, who for some strange reason just do no know how to drive safely and with consideration to other motorists !

Any Farang with 10 beers inside him is a much better driver than your average sober Thai ????

Spot on ! I only know a few ferlung here , and they all drive better than any Thai I know.  

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A campaign on TV and social media to reiterate how to drive on roads and motorways would go a long way toward reducing accidents. Like driving in the left hand lane and overtaking only on other lanes. Too many people having to overtake on the left hand lane which causes accidents and puts tge person overtaking in the wrong. Most drivers think that they are in the right to stag in the right hand overtaking lane as they are doing the max speed of the road which in itself causes frustration and anger in other drivers. The spped limit should be increased in roads with 3 or more lanes and drivers monitored not for speed but for applying good or bad driving skills. 

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57 minutes ago, Benmart said:

I took these photos today, 11:45 am, on Thrappaya Road in front of the Jomtien bus station. Two men and a woman were riding in the cab of this demolished water truck. Faulty brakes no doubt and lucky amulets saved the trio. LOL. All three walked away, seemingly unhurt.



Nothing that just a minor bump in Thailand

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1 hour ago, Benmart said:

I took these photos today, 11:45 am, on Thrappaya Road in front of the Jomtien bus station. Two men and a woman were riding in the cab of this demolished water truck. Faulty brakes no doubt and lucky amulets saved the trio. LOL. All three walked away, seemingly unhurt.



Hope it was water and not the sewage they pumped from my septic tank lol ????

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“We will coordinate with the relevant groups to hold a training course for village heads and subdistrict chiefs on instilling road discipline among citizens and we’ll have patrol teams monitoring traffic conditions and driver alcohol levels throughout the year.”


A lot of talk, but the reality is different and will be different. 

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