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Would you change your religion for "love" or any other reason?


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No, I would not change religion for love, am agnostic, but do like to read about the Buddha and his "teachings".  Knew a girl in college who said she could never love any man more than Jesus Christ.  Thought that was funny, but everybody is a bit funny

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19 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Whenever a girl asks me if I have a condom, I just reply, "sorry I'm a Catholic"

And they've always said, "No problem".


I ain't changing!

And what do you tell them if they ask if you've got AIDS or STDs? 

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23 hours ago, SoonOh said:

displaying stone studded cross and on the same chain about the same size Buddha amulet

I spend too much time on this topic in spaces like Quora and such. However, I've seen several enlightened christians state that as a non-religion, Buddhism is an acceptable addendum to their faith and makes them better christians.


However, in answer to the OP, changing religion requires a change in belief. Acceptance that old-belief was misfounded or wrong and that new-belief is correct. To do so for a partner is simple parsley on top of the dish as the Thais say, a perfunctory change.

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Just now, micmichd said:

There's a medicine to prevent you from getting HIV (Prep), and all other STDs are curable. 

Well that's alright then - spread them like the word of god 'cause nothing displays the love of a demonic master than infecting those around you.


Thanks for being the posterboy for the ugliness of religion.

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10 hours ago, Sametboy2019 said:

I think they just believe there is no god!

Actually, it's a described as a lack of belief in gods, or a rejection of the proposition of a god. If someone says, "god x exists", and atheist response equals "I don't agree."


All monotheists don't accept the propositions of other religions, even within religions different sects vehemently disagree with each other. Atheists go just one more and reject the proposition of all gods.

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19 hours ago, sandrabbit said:

I know a few 'Christians' who have married Muslim women and who have had to convert to Islam for this to be possible. I would never have changed my principles for a selfish religion like that but aren't you sentenced to death if you leave Islam?.

That happened to my brother-in-law in France. He had to convert to Islam or the girl would not have gotten permission to marry him (and she is older than 30).


Her family ignored him  completely as long as he was Christian. 


For me, that topic was a deal breaker when I dated a Muslim girl from Singapore many years ago. And I am not a practicing Catholic at all...

Edited by Miami007
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13 hours ago, Sujo said:

Ive been living with a muslim girl for 4 years. She eats bacon, drinks, and she went and bought a dog.


Im raised catholic, i would have no problem changing religiin as it means nothing to me.


Im not an atheist though. Atheists must be so intelligent, they know for certain there is no god, but others only believe.

Not accepting the stories of gods is not the same and knowing for certain there are no gods. I've never seen an argument for the existence of a god that made even remote sense - they all reflect the societies in which they were spawned. Nothing extra-societal is embedded in any religious text - no hints of superhuman intelligence. There are stories of miracles, but they invite little credence.


There is however almost infinite evidence to counter each component of a religious argument. The birth of the universe, our solar system and this planet are pretty well understood. Evolution is better documented than any other scientific theory. We don't understand abiogenesis at its earliest stages. It's a big hole, but given we only found other galaxies in 1923, we are on a steep learning curve that can only steepen now we have serious computing power to throw behind the problem.


Oh, and yes, some atheists are so very intelligent whereas religious faith is dishonest. "Religious faith can be defined as having a firm conviction without and in spite of reason, separate from evidence." Aran Ra.

Edited by DualSportBiker
clarity of language
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13 minutes ago, DualSportBiker said:

Well that's alright then - spread them like the word of god 'cause nothing displays the love of a demonic master than infecting those around you.


Thanks for being the posterboy for the ugliness of religion.

My post is about medicine, with no advice how to behave. No advice whatsoever. 

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22 minutes ago, micmichd said:

There's a medicine to prevent you from getting HIV (Prep), and all other STDs are curable. 

A STD like Hepatitis B can become chronic and there is no cure available at the moment (but a vaccine). Do you carry a book with all your vaccination dates when you meet a girl? 

In Thailand it is just common sense and self-preservation to insist on condoms... even though a particular STD is curable,  it still would be a hassle I think

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3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I doubt I have anything they don't have.

Anyway, better to risk my life than risk my immortal soul..

what immortal soul are you talking about? You'd consider risking someone else's health over the unproven existence of a soul and some deity that cares what you do? 


You would do well worrying about your immoral life over untruths and excuses.

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3 minutes ago, Miami007 said:

A STD like Hepatitis B can become chronic and there is no cure available at the moment (but a vaccine). Do you carry a book with all your vaccination dates when you meet a girl? 

In Thailand it is just common sense and self-preservation to insist on condoms... even though a particular STD is curable,  it still would be a hassle I think

Sorry, I had Hepatitis B (in 1969), and doctors told me I'll be immune forever when I asked about a vaccination. 

Yes, curing STDs can be a hassle, so butterflies better use condoms. 

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13 minutes ago, DualSportBiker said:

Your posts were justifying irresponsibility based on the teachings of a cult of blood sacrifice and death.

I'm far from defending the Catholic or any other Western churches or religions. Except of course unless you call medical science a religion. But in this case you would now contradict yourself, since your posts are obviously also based on medicine. 

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Nope- i have rejected the notion of a big beard in the sky I was born into, I have no need to replace the fairy tale I have already rejected for another. 

I guess you can never replace the faith that helped you realise there is no god with another.

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Pleasantly surprised how many fellow athiests are here ????


Until 12 years old I was dragged to protestant church and Sunday school by my parents, until they relented and let me stay in bed while they headed off in there finery and hats.


My first wife was catholic, from a very catholic family. Many brothers and sisters who I woud take to mass every Sunday, all crammed into my mini. The old priest at her local chapel refused to marry us unless I converted, which was not an option for me. Fortunately a new younger priest arrived at the parish to take over from the retiring old fossil, and happily rearranged the wedding ceremony to accommodate me. Not kneeling, not joining prayers etc, but still legally married. The actual day was like an episode of Father Ted as we had no time for  rehearsal so I was winging it the whole time. My wife continued to practice her religion and I continued to stay in bed. We never had any arguments about religion.


My next wife was Chinese. China has less than 20% Buddhism (Wikepedia) but she only ever visited the temple occasionally. No one in her family cared that I was a 'non-believer'. Again religion had no effect on us - note I still have not changed for love.


Finally my Thai wife is the least Buddhist Thai I know. Rarely goes to funerals or weddings, never goes to help clean the temple with all the other vilage women. We have occasional discussions over re-incarnation, and sometimes she says she believes, sometimes not. It's not important to her. She is however a very good person with a big heart and a generous nature, so who cares about coming back as a dog or whatever.


So the short answer is NO I would never change to a religion I don't believe in, and that is all of them.




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On 1/24/2020 at 10:18 AM, Pravda said:

Interesting subject. 


I will probably be marrying a Chinese who was buddhist until 2 years ago when she suddenly changed religion to Protestant and became a devoted follower. 


I'm an atheist myself and although she said she would marry just in amphur for me she would really like if I get baptized and have a wedding in the church. 


Normally even a few years ago I would never even consider it, but I'm getting old and she is a really sweet girl. 


Anyway, I think I will do it for her. I kneeled for my ex wife for a buddhist wedding, so I'll do this too. It does not make me a believer. I'll always be an atheist... A baptized atheist ????

Careful. I would be very wary about marrying a Buddhist who converted to Christianity unless she made it absolutely clear that she doesn't care about my not having any interest in Christianity.  Also, I would not accept any proselytising to me or other family.


If she just changed religion suddenly, it sounds like she was influenced (brainwashed) by some missionaries, Thai or foreign. In my experience Thais who convert to Christianity become very serious about it, often fundamentalists, and they try to convince all of their friends and family to change religion too.  My girlfriends sister became a Christian and she harangues her family repeatedly to go to church and be Christian because she thinks they will all go to hell if they don't. She tries to prevent them from going to Buddhist temples as well.



Edited by garet
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40 minutes ago, micmichd said:

I'm far from defending the Catholic or any other Western churches or religions. Except of course unless you call medical science a religion. But in this case you would now contradict yourself, since your posts are obviously also based on medicine. 

I am sorry, I should have quoted the post you were responding to... My bad.

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I just struggled to read through six pages of comments from people who have absolutely no idea what it means to be a follower of Christ. Converting from one religion to another is merely exchanging one counterfeit for the other, and all of them will take you to hell. The atheist and the agnostic are not exempt, for they too are just a misled religion of a different shade of darkness. Entering into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by being "born again" by the Spirit of God is the only way into the Kingdom of God. Contrary to popular belief, we don't choose God, but God chooses us; therefore, there is no such thing with God as a "false conversion".


To get back on topic, if you expect to enter into a relationship with a woman who has truly been "born again", I'm afraid it would be an exercise in futility, for as a unbeliever you will risk being rejected by her to the uttermost. 

2 Corinthians 6:14-16 “Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever? And what union can there be between God’s temple and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God said: “I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.”


Give heed to the street preacher and let him give you a quick indoctrination into the Truth of God's Word:





Edited by fittobethaied
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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

I doubt I have anything they don't have.

Anyway, better to risk my life than risk my immortal soul..

Your reply  "Anyway....." vs. your signature "When your dead....."


On the cool side I sense a paradox

On the objective side,    irony 

but, fear bs ultimately 


please solve the riddle, offer proof of an immortal soul   svp

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