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'No, No America': Thousands of Iraqis rally against U.S. military presence

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22 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Yet another trump achievement, bravo sir..

Trump or not Trump, fighting in that region goes on for millennia and it is unlikely going to stop.

US should to pull out and let locals to deal with their new situation the best way they know, but it will not be nice.

Especially after "Friday Prayers".

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18 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

trump’s behaviour has caused the current crisis. There is no situation he cannot make worse. 

Bad man. So bad... 

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5 hours ago, ThaiFelix said:

You continually sidestep the question??  And please dont tell us again you want the US to retreat.

Retreat? This isn't a run from battle, I favor US Forces leaving Iraq and Afghanistan, as remaining is failed policy. Am I being disagreed with here. As for side steppinq a question, what question is that? I oppose taking in futher refugees, I believe in withdraw from Iraq, and Afghanistan. I speak based on reality here not hypothetical principle. Likwise I favor leaving the NATO alliance, and withdraw from Germany and South Korea. Clear I think. I prefer bilateral to multinational treaties, and harsh responses to attack on US interests, and otherwise withdraw from intanglements. State your argument.

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4 hours ago, talahtnut said:

The US brought democracy to Iraq as

promised, but now they don't want to

respect it.

How ironic.

Perhaps the liberals, and neocons should let Trump withdraw.

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4 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

The US military are like cockroaches.....once you have them you can never get rid of them. It is high time that this imperialist power was brought to heel. Time of the EU leaders to stand up and say 'no more'.

Please do, nothing would make me happier then a withdraw from Europe and end to NATO - USN Retired

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13 minutes ago, candide said:

It also transformed a secular political regime into a regime based on religion. No wonder religious factions ended up  fighting each other.

Thats a rather uninformed position. Doesnt Hussein deserve some credit for an Iron repressive dictatorial fist that kept a minority in power? A "secular political regime", you make it sound like Plato's Republic. Come on, give a little credit to Sadaam for his brutality.

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6 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Yes you did, you said withdrawal. That is not what is happening here, this is removal. 

You be sure and tell me when you see a removal , being asked to leave is called being askedvto leave. That would be followed by , or should be followed by the USA gathering force and withdrawing... a position I have taken before the Iraqi Parliament vote. Its not Trump keeping forces in Iraq and Afghanistan it biparty pressure from Neo conservatives and neoliberals, the consensus that allowed them there in the first place... a bipartisan vote authorized, that consensus is alive and well and has plenty of suckers who support it in the name of hating the only President in 25 years to oppose it. Peoplevwith zero understanding of the coalitions of American party politics. Who push for war with Russia, and their friends Iran, but then want to claim outrage when Trump takes out an Iranian General. Plenty see who the war mongers are, and they sure arent paleoconservative nationalists, calling for disingagement.

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4 hours ago, talahtnut said:

The entire world now knows US criminal behavior. No more prettying it up behind fancy talk of Democracy, human rights, etc. The US has become the #1 purveyor of terrorism.

Is there a particular US foreign policy you advocate?

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30 minutes ago, rhyddid said:

Let's hope Iraqi will be able to force out US, they made a war for oil lied to the world.

US in middle east prove to be a greedy terrorist nation, that in order to get all oil in their hands are killing and slaughtering millions of arabs and middles east population.

All the globe population shall unite against the terrorist US behavior around the world ! 


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I would pull out and say yep, you figure your problems out.  It's your S*** show...have fun, knock yourself out.

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

You mean the President who promised to withdraw troops from the Mideast and instead has considerably raised their number? This is the President whose actions in the Mideast you support?

Just out of curiousity, do you think that Donald Trump is surrounded by people who support withdrawal? Is it your belief that one of the two parties in the USA support withdrawing? Do you think its the Democrats position? Have you ever listened to other anti-globalist nationalists or paleoconservatives who supported Trump? Do you have a general understanding of Trumps stated policy objectives and positions, as opposed to say Neoconservatives neoliberals? The two headed coin of the US foreign policy consensus? Have any understanding of the blowback Trump received from defense, and intel bureaucratic establishment for daring to challenge this consensus? You think all this argument and against Trump is simply about the man?  You  recall the backlash about claims that Trump was against NATO, or wanted total mideast withdraw? You think he operates unconstrained by the establishment. You see, the Left are the ones supporting this Neocons arose from the left , they brought the Iraq war, it is a consensus of policy elites. The policy you support is what its all about. You think a guy like Bernie, can control the monster? Or Warren...shes part of it. Trump is the only challenge to a think tank, elitist press, bureucratic agency monster... military/industrial/owned press complex in 25 years...

But you dont know that. You are against a guy who they accused of being a Russian spy why? For challenging long held assumptions on NATO, for giving even small consideration to changing relations with Russia, for challenging China. For exposing the intel community of the USA over their power... so powerful they tried to take him out. Now the ex intel heads work for the same press, as propagandists....but you think Trump is the bad guy?

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1 hour ago, DannyCarlton said:

Pity you didn't do that before the "Shock and awe" S***show. No one wanted you there in the first place.

Just like the Thais don't want us here....your comment applies to you and all of us....YEP, your right it is a pity...we all make mistakes. 

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6 hours ago, Sujo said:

Everywhere. Try doing anything trump doesnt like. 

By that standard (using diplomatic, economic and/or military power to register objection) China is also an imperialist power, and North Korea a regional imperialist.  In fact it's difficult to think of a country that is not an imperialist.

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9 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

"Us" isn't a nation and "us" isn't conducting a wholesale slaughter of the indigeonous population. If you want to relate Iraq to SE Asia try Vietnam. The US were never wanted there, conducted mass slaughter on the population and to what end?

The last I checked, the Soviet Union has fallen, Thailand isnt flying a a Red flag, and the threat of Global communism is gone. No thanks to you. A new threat is rising in China, the US has to rise to meeting that threat. Again, no thanks to you.

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20 hours ago, giddyup said:


You might explain why the US had a right to start a war based on lies and false information?

One  day one of those  nutjob countries  will let go with their nukes they are secretly  building, its  bad enough too  many countries  have them  now but those  hotheads have no rights with them.

Ask the Kurds what they think after they were  gassed,next time gas wont be the only  thing, someone should  nuke N  Korea whislt theyre at it.

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