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Do you think Humanity must survive


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In a response I made in "world news" about a post on the next US budget, I wrote this in conclusion


Man is a wolf to Man ;
except that the wolf only kills when it is hungry not when it is full
Man is the most harmful of animals; he doesn't deserve to survive



At 71 years old after having been a skilled worker for 40 years, I realize that my building stone, if it exists, is negligible.
The same is true of most of my contemporaries, from all countries;
very many professions are completely useless and therefore also the people who make them.


I know it may seem very negative but you have to look at what the world is and especially what humanity is in it.
Is Man Really Indispensable on This Earth?

According to you if Man continues to live, what are the occupations (trades or not) essential without which this Humanity would not exist or more?

Do not react to your "heart" or your feelings but to life, quite simply.


I will start with myself to show you the path in which I would like us to go if you will follow me;

where religions are totally useless and even harmful to me.
The same with armies;

( Don't get me wrong, I was engaged in the French Navy and I don't regret it. )


On the other hand in the positive sense, it is my opinion and I respect it, :stoner:

astronomers are essential people, they are explorers of the world maybe infinite in which we live ..;
the farmers also on the condition of returning to a reasoned agriculture without any chemicals.


But of very many trades, occupations are completely useless to start with all that relates to the international transport of goods and people (land, sea, air)

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1 minute ago, UbonThani said:

Go have a beer and enjoy yourself. The world has never been perfect.

Thank you; I do not drink alcohol ..

And I also take advantage of the years I have left to live, hoping that I still have quite a few.

but my question (or my questions) remain unanswered for the moment.
I would like members interested in this subject to answer it and those who want to invite me to drink do so by opening a dedicated post ...:jap:


Going further in my nihilistic reflections, is the profession of doctor, surgeon essential to the survival of the human species?

I'm not really sure; hens which are animals much older than humans have never had doctors and they still exist ...

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3 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

Doctors offices are full of sick people. Probably 50% poor diet but people are too addicted to junk food to change.

I don't really care if 50 or even 100% of doctor lambda's patients eat poorly; it has nothing to do with my questions.

What can I do for you who doesn't understand the questions I'm asking?

Maybe some members should stay on more mundane topics like earthworm cultivation ...:crazy:

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2 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Good question.

I'm glad to see you on this post;
I hope that others will come behind you to ask other questions because in fact it is not the answers that matter;
we all know, deep down, that Man is not an essential species for this earth.

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8 minutes ago, Assurancetourix said:

we all know, deep down, that Man is not an essential species for this earth.

Is there any species essential on this earth?

But we and all the other species are here,

for some by the will of a "Creator", others believe it is a set of circumstances. 

All living creatures have however one thing in common : the desire to survive. 

I don't know why, maybe one day we will.  

But in the meantime I am certainly not the one who will decide who is essential and who not, and I believe no one his able to claim he has that right/power. 





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1 hour ago, Assurancetourix said:

Thank you; I do not drink alcohol ..

Most of the great thinkers of the world had access to some form of mind altering substance. This is how they could leave this mortal coil in order to discover deeper meanings.


Topics like> If there are no more books and no more electric power how will human survivors have access to past ideas and technologies? 


Ie. Who has the recipe for soap?

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2 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

I don't really care if 50 or even 100% of doctor lambda's patients eat poorly; it has nothing to do with my questions.

What can I do for you who doesn't understand the questions I'm asking?

Maybe some members should stay on more mundane topics like earthworm cultivation ...:crazy:

You claimed people wont need doctors 5555

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6 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

I'm not really sure; hens which are animals much older than humans have never had doctors and they still exist .

Where's the proof of that when man doesn't know what came first the chicken or the egg.

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3 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

When I was young 2 friends of mine read an article in Oz magazine claiming that if you took 10 tabs of acid you would see God. They decided to test the theory. After 2 days of being in a vegitative state they eventually became coherent. They were both absolutely convinced that they had seen and communed with God. Six months later, one, my closest friend, committed suicide. The other spent the rest of his life in a mental institution.


It really ain't worth it mate, don't go there.


Me, I have much more superficial thoughts. I don't believe in God or whatever and the only creatures that are essential to me, on this planet, are Thai women. I really couldn't live without them.



You don't get many likes from me, but you can definitely have one for that.

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As a species we are definitely deluded in the presumption of superiority in terms of existence.

Are we to assume that  homo sapiens is the ultimate  stage of humanoid development or will we  be relegated to  relative insignificance as science has demonstrated  nature has the capacity to do

Or are we even as sophisticated as we wish to believe we are on the basis of  the technologies we possess as if that is some  measure of "success" despite being aware it  also has the  capacity to wipe ourselves  out?

Humanity may eventually survive but I  doubt it will be as we have fashioned it as it is now.

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1 hour ago, DannyCarlton said:

When I was young 2 friends of mine read an article in Oz magazine claiming that if you took 10 tabs of acid you would see God. They decided to test the theory. After 2 days of being in a vegitative state they eventually became coherent. They were both absolutely convinced that they had seen and communed with God. Six months later, one, my closest friend, committed suicide. The other spent the rest of his life in a mental institution.


I popped lots of acid in my youth and it really was an eye opener in as much as that there are other states of consciousness to the one we are all familiar.


Exposure to some realizations can be dangerous to those  who flounder outside their mental comfort zone.


My best friend also popped some and couldn't handle it at all. Luckily he had a baby sitter otherwise it could have ended badly.


As for humanity, we will be gone soon enough. The universe does not need us and surprise surprise, we are not the centre of it.

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There are no essential trades just as there are no essential humans. Our species has been on this planet a blink of an eye. On something that has existed for billions of years. Our time will come as it has for other species and we will be gone. It's strange that by some genetic lottery that we became self aware and have a consciousness that other animals don't share. It's our greatest gift and our greatest curse. 

It will be, I believe, our greed and vanity that accelerate our demise and potentially it would have been better for our long term existence if our brains had never developed to the point of which we have. We seem to be far stupider for all our knowledge than we were a couple thousand years ago. So really whats to miss?

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