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Why are modern movies so bad?


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10 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Some modern movies are just downright in your face, I mean who wants to see same sex couples in movies kissing on camera,

Actually, Brokeback Mountain turned out to be a good film, I watched it last month. Like you I put off watching it all these years for the very same opinion.

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I agree. There are exceptions like i.e. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. But it seems these exceptions don't happen too often anymore.


Star Wars is also a wonderful example. The original had the sentence "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away" on the poster. Like a fairytale. And that is what it was at that time. A nice story and some exotic galactic fighters and creatures. And not every second 3 cuts. I am sure the newest film had at least 100 times the amount of action and I guess also 100 times as many cuts. But does that make it a better story? Obviously not - at least not for people who are used to movies with a story and not just with action.


I wonder how young people today would react if they see old movies like i.e. Hitchcock movies. Would they be bored because "nothing happens"? Or would they like it? I don't know.


Obviously some old movies are not good anymore 20 years later. Once I had in mind looking at all the 007 movies in chronological order. I gave up. Sometimes it was just funny but sometimes not even funny anymore with all those "modern" inventions.


But there are other old movies which are still great. Some of my favorites are The Life of Brian, Dead Poets Society, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones. I prefer to see those one more time compared to most new modern movies.

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As huge fan of the TV show, I certainly thought the extension of Breaking Bad El Camino was good. 

And, just read another BB related movie is shooting soon.

I guess the movies can be synonymous to bargirls demise.  Difficult to find young, sexy with giving attitudes.

Things just change I guess.

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53 minutes ago, SteveK said:

Actually, Brokeback Mountain turned out to be a good film, I watched it last month. Like you I put off watching it all these years for the very same opinion.

sure, broke back was a good movie despite the final preaching scene.

it was original, had a good plot, good acting, good directing.

it's not that people, with the possible exception of those who believe it's a sin, are put off by 'alternative' lifestyles.

it's the constant forcing it into books and films where it's not needed and adds nothing to the story.

not to mention the constant re-birthing of established and popular characters into virtue-signaling puppets along with the condescending attitude of our hollowwood betters.

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It is a restrictive question;
you only speak about  movies in English;
Korean cinema, I don't speak the language but I watch films in VOSTEN or VOSTFR when this happens (rarely);
Japanese, Chinese, French, German cinema ...
What do you think about these movies  ?

I agree with Britmantoo on the significant drop in quality of current films; but it is also very subjective, we have grown old, we no longer have the same way of watching a film as when we were a kid or young teenager ...
and then we go much less to the cinema because we can watch them at home on very large screens, sometimes curved ...

The series I like are, maybe ,  not the ones you like; I keep a few om my externl HD but I watch them regularly

Banshee, Preacher, Billions, Seal team, Strike Back,
Engrenages which is an excellent French series that you will find in English under another name: Spiral
The Rookie,
and GOT

I watched a bunch of others but I didn't keep them.
And what I like above all is riding a mountain bike and taking photos;
the days being only 24 hours ....:whistling:

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16 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

My attention span for films is about one hour, so I tend to watch TV series instead. Plenty of recent good ones around, "Justified", "Suits", "The Wire" "The Commons"

" Game of Thrones" etc.

Some older good ones too, such as "Foyle's War" or "The Last Detective".

IMO the TV series format has overtaken the film genre in terms of quality.





They are even worse.

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Americanisation .... or the stupid edge cases of capitalism.


What is a cinema? It used to be a house with one or two "rooms" where they showed a movie.


Now it is 15 or more theaters in one building, with three diners, two pizza shops and a cocktail bar. And a dozen sites where you can buy taccos with cheese, popcorn and a soda or a beer for inside the theater.

We used to have a good half a dozen cinemas in my town in Germany (300k inhabitants), now there is one as described above, and two more that survived the onslaught.

So how do you get your kids into cinema? With a car, perhaps half an hour, perhaps one hour driving. Is that worth it for a 90 minutes movie? Two hours driving back and forth? 

So, you don't want to go to a movie and afterwards into a restaurant. You want the "all inclusive package". With SO and two kids you already spent $40 on the tickets, so with the driving in mind, and parking issues you eat and drink in the cinema, too.

So what kind of movie does attract a family with a 6 year old and a 10 year old and a couple age of 30 - 35? <deleted> like transformers or the marvel movies ... enough fireworks so the kids like them, not to kid focused that the adults can watch them. 

It is like elections: you craft something where a huge deal of visitors "can cope with". But no one really likes it.


The last movie I saw and liked was on an air plane: "Made in China", about an north african and a vietnamese/chinese couple of friends living in Paris. Great watch, great story, watched it in french with english sub titles.

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I think the production costs are so high now, the backers want a guaranteed return, so sequels, remakes and movies based on books or computer games so they have ready made fan base.


But Green Book managed to sneak through - and that was excellent.  Just hope they don't make Green Book 2 ..... or a prequel.

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I would agree, I think Parasite winning best picture is a push back against all the no story CGI rubbish. A step in the right direction.


To many Comic movies, Avengers, Xmen, Thor etc, or to many fantasy CGI epics Lord of the rings, harry potter.


The good movies are still out there but living in Thailand you can miss them. As others have mentioned, the major products nowadays are adult serials, GOT, Breaking bad, The Wire etc, at the expense of movies


Slumdog Millionare, The departed, Inglorious Bastards, The Grand Budapest Hotel are a couple of good movies from the last 10-20 years


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