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Teachers, students, parents who travelled to six countries urged to stay at home for 14 days


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     Umm.  Why is this coming from the Education minister and not that yahoo Health minister? (Still first dibs on him.)   Why should students and teachers who visited these countries isolate themselves and not tourists from these countries?   Totally wacko.  

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1 hour ago, manhood said:

This government risks the life of the people living in the country just to show, Thailand has not many cased of Corona virus: but who believes the statement of this government! Just all a lie and yes, try to get more Chinese to spread the various around to the population living here!

I recall the floods in 2010 and being near Don Muang at a friends house. All through the afternoon we kept getting SMS messages from some govt department informing us that the water levels were not rising and no reason to worry. I could see it going up and up and when we left it was scarily high walking to the road, which by then had no buses only lorries picking people up. They were telling people the exact opposite of what was going on, probably just as likely now.

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20 minutes ago, Isaan sailor said:

But our fearless leader told us Wuhan virus 100% under control...

Yes and he also said that his government was elected honestly and democratically and the outcome in another part were the watches were borrowed from a friend and in another part the Health Minister who has zero back ground in the health industry and his ministry is competent to handle this as the situation as is under control. I feel things are about to explode if has not already. But keep on letting the Chinese in? Ludicrous!

Edited by holy cow cm
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2 hours ago, legend49 said:

Except they just found in China incubation period on one patient was 27 days. Oh I forgot everything here is 100% under control.

Of course it is! What are on about? Are you insinuating that we can´t trust what the prime minister is telling us? 

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1 hour ago, Guderian said:

I'm both surprised and disappointed that the WHO or CDC haven't called out the Thai government over its ludicrous statistics. Given the number of foreign tourists who are visiting Thailand in the high season, this isn't a case of being diplomatic or respecting national or cultural sensitivity, it's literally a matter of life and death, possibly for millions of people in the coming months, if the virus becomes widely established around the globe. If the Thai government and medical profession refuse to behave responsibly then all countries concerned for their citizens' welfare should immediately issue a travel advisory warning people not to travel to Thailand under any circumstances as the extent to which the virus is present there is being covered up unknown at present.

Thailand literally gets away with murder.

It must be because they are such an insignificant boil on the world's ârse

Edited by Canuck1966
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3 hours ago, Zack61 said:

Then why not put every single person traveling from these countries under the same conditions of entry? Why pick on these people?

To not pick anybody, would look very irresponsible. As well as they need to save face, they will also need something to put in the news. ????

So, in other words, these ones will do good for this weeks statistics.

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3 hours ago, Zack61 said:

Then why not put every single person traveling from these countries under the same conditions of entry? Why pick on these people?

My friend just told me that a colleague at her office has just returned from Japan an shows signs of a bad cold. She is NOT staying home.

The boss doesn't seem to mind so much.


I find this very irresponsible. 

Edited by petedk
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Pretty chaotic at the international school in Bangkok where I work this morning as we returned back from half term. International schools don't usually follow the MoE directives, however ISAT (International Schools Association of Thailand) emailed yesterday saying we need to implement these checks. The parents were then informed about today's procedure, however many forgot or didn't bother.


All nursery, primary and secondary students had to show their passports before being allowed in to the school premises. If they didn't have a passport or had visited a country on the banned list last week in half term they were sent home. The same for all staff. We have six teachers in our primary department off now because they went to Japan, South Korea or Singapore in half term. It seems like this will be for 14 days. 


More problems occurred as some students had been to countries like Australia or USA (in a one week half term ????) and transited through places like Singapore or Taiwan but obviously received no entry stamp in their passport. No idea what has happened to those students so far. 


These types of things are normally very well organised within international schools, however this morning seemed pretty poor to be honest. Anyway, only twelve students in my class this morning so that is a bonus. 


Edited by BobbyL
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4 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Visitors having been to China stay at home but Chinese tourists please continue to go around Thailand coughing, spitting and shouting, seems flawed somewhere ????

This is what they said. 

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1 hour ago, ncc1701d said:

The Australians have just done the opposite. They are keeping the Chinese travel self quarantine in place  And lifting for hkg, 



And many people and some radio hosts are angry as heck for the Australian government bending over to the Chinese. Is said some Universities are giving the Chinese students $1500 so they can re-route through a transfer country to side step the direct china entry ban. So no they are not being safe just like Thailand. 

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4 hours ago, AussieBob18 said:

1. Seek out and eradicate the sources - in this case being a specific species of bats.  2. Once a global pandemic is declared, immediately cease all human travel - all planes, ships, etc. 

1. Better to stop the trade in exotic animals in China, and I think the Chinese government will finally get serious about this now.

2. That would disrupt the world’s economy so badly that the cure would be worse than the disease.

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