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Health minister Anutin's Facebook page "shut down" after Covid-19 quarantine post


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He's clearly a superstar.


But wait... when the number of cases will explode (i mean when it won't be possible anymore to hide them) and/or more and more nfected foreigners will show up in Thailand (because to this date, that's the main issue).... The guy is going to implode and then to explode.




It's going to be a total show : noises, images, odors.



Anyway. With him and all his fellow "ministers" (convicted drug trafficker, generals in superb white uniform etc.).... THE SITUATION IS UNDER CONTROL.


And do not forget : "it's just the flu".

Edited by christophe75
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42 minutes ago, Creasy said:

Promote him to PM I say.

Scary thing is he's only one step away. Anutin is also deputy PM. Should he get in power the country would be sold to Chinese in Guinness record time, even faster that they bowed before the Japanese in WW2.

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Hopefully FB shut it down, due to his incessant racist ranting. This man is one of the most ignorant, and incompetent men to have held a ministerial position in the past decade or two. And there were an excessive amount of fools. Think little Joke. 

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44 minutes ago, Creasy said:

Promote him to PM I say.

I've realised what would get him to the No. 1 spot.

Follow the UK in announcing businesses can claim from the government for losses due to the Coronavirus.

No kidding:


He'll claim it's all his idea of course. None of that Scottish swearing needed either - aye, ferang.

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6 hours ago, mercman24 said:

whats the odds on soon to be EX health minister, with tourism at an all time low, this is just what any potential visitor wants to read, *oh i am here for 3 weeks but have to spend the first 14 days in my hotel room,* that is going to work i bet top brass must be foaming at the mouth

He’s rich and the PM needs the voting support of his party. He could shoot someone in the street and not become ex anything 

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13 minutes ago, 1duckyboy said:

Isn't this the guy who said there's nothing to worry about because the summer heat will kill the virus?

I think that was the tourism minister. Whether it was ever an official government position is hard to say, THAT seems to be a moveable feast and depend upon who is talking at the time

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2 hours ago, Loongharkok said:

And do you take responsibility for your enthusiastic support for the coup that has put Thailand in the sad state it currently finds itself in?


From your posting history circa 2014:

"College graduate Thai folk who support the Reds are fewer than hens teeth." Thats because thay are educated and are smart enough to know the real truth about the reds/thaksin/ptp(also why the ptp keeps them uneducated). Why is it that the majority of reds are uneducated, simple, they dont know the truth and are not bright enough to realize it. Even the reds in here are simply biggots and have a hate for anyone they consider better off than them, same as those that hate the president etc. Being against thaksin and his minions doesnt make people yellows, it means they are smart enough to know the truth about him and his lackies, you lot are simply too far up his a**e to see it


Don't forget, you cheered on the Generals, so before you go calling anyone else stupid, best you go and take a moment or two to reflect on your own role in this travesty. 

that was before they rigged the elections, back then  as I  said what they did originally was good for Thailand, they stopped the reds from killing women and kids, what they are doing now is way past that,  you must be pretty hard up to wait 6 years to comment on it though,  did you get tired of playing with yourself


Edited by seajae
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The guy is a complete calamity. He is the sort of character you would see in a satirical comedy where literally everything he says and does is scripted to make him look like a fool.


It is utterly incredible he is a multi - millionaire and working for a 'government' in the 21st century. I would hazard a guess that had he been born somewhere in the west the man would be stacking shelves. 

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9 hours ago, mercman24 said:

whats the odds on soon to be EX health minister, with tourism at an all time low, this is just what any potential visitor wants to read, *oh i am here for 3 weeks but have to spend the first 14 days in my hotel room,* that is going to work i bet top brass must be foaming at the mouth

He'll be back tarmacking roads in the re-shuffle!

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12 hours ago, smedly said:

All the medical expenses incurred will be borne by the individuals themselves


It takes "Medical Tourism" to a whole new level


I feel sorry for people that have planned a holiday here in the next 2 months - they will have lost everything

Maybe there'll be a new visa type for these medical tourists... "Quarantine on Arrival" Can be extended for 14 days no cost.

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