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Songkran and Covid-19: Water festival to go ahead, despite being terrible for spread of virus


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Have the 5,000 SK Hookers be pretties fo the various festivals and powder everyone’s face...


I see foreigners with any brains will sharply diminish their participation given the risk of infection.... 


I will be in the US then....hot damn 

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And all above Comments by Concerned People are 100% correct ,Bang Sare already has a Water Shortage ,Eastern Water keep turning our water off because they Run out of Water so why have Songkran.

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3 hours ago, spiekerjozef said:

It's more then 5 weeks from now, all the Chinese will be back by then.

A vaccine discovered today will take 12 months of testing before it will be available for distribution. 

According to the WHO the mortality rate is now running at 3.4%. This is the same rate as the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918. That killed 50 million. The mortality rate of ordinary flu is less than 1%. Songkran will really get this thing going.

Thailand leads the world for road fatalities and drownings. 

Why should public health be any different. The country is quite literally run by..... 

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A bit of an over exaggeration to say that water throwing will spread the virus.

It is the fact that many of the organized places like Silom there are just too many people packed together making transfer easier.

If I stand on a street corner & throw water at you you will not catch the virus

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It would be hard to “ban” songkran. The average Thai person in a village does whatever he wants.


cancel any big parties planned where people congregate in large numbers, that’s possible, and sensible.


havea communications campaign warning of the dangers of being crammed together on the back of a pick up (Other than the traffic risk), perhaps have police enforce a ban on that.


celebrate songkran quietly and sensibly as it was done in years past. Those who want to get drunk and revel by the side of the road probably aren’t at huge risk of catching anything.


i don’t see it as an all or nothing as is the case for the LGPA and moto gp 

Edited by wensiensheng
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4 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

My feeling, and I hope I am wrong, is that Songkran will cause an explosion of Corona virus cases nation wide. It could turn out to be a medical disaster. 

Actually, in my humble opinion, this is not likely to happen for the following reasons.


It is well-known for viruses, including corona viruses, to be seasonal - like flu and colds, they rely on cold weather.


Hot or hot&humid weather reduces their ability to transmit.


However, as there is not a lot of data to go on, how this particular corona virus will behave is not not yet know with any degree of certainty. But one can't help noticing that it has spread quickly in places where it is currently cold, such as Northern Italy, Iran, China and to an extent Washington State in the USA.


If you are interested in this, an easy to read outline is to be found in National Geographic on the following link:



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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Songkran and Covid-19: Water festival to go ahead, despite being terrible for spread of virus

Explain these senseless decisions to me, Moto GP canceled (the Thai government cheated here because the decision came from the high spheres of the GP), Songkran which is certainly much more at risk will be celebrated as usual.
Mr. Pipat says there will be no more risk for Songkran, mr. Anutin cancels the Moto GP and to finish the TAT sees absolutely no risk.
This puppet theater is taking astronomical dimensions, one thing is certain, even the few fans that this government had, are leaving the ship.
It is very probable that Thailand is now infested with the virus, the fear of losing even more tourists and investments is greater than the fear of the dead that this influence can cause.
Play with cards face up, it affects everyone's health (world) not just the Thai!

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2 hours ago, legend49 said:

Second one is the drought, every drop of potable water should be treasured

What drought? its not everywhere, my area has plenty of water, had three inches of rain last night, more than enough for people to enjoy the festive activities ???? 

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5 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

My feeling, and I hope I am wrong, is that Songkran will cause an explosion of Corona virus cases nation wide. It could turn out to be a medical disaster. 

They were letting in 800,000 Chinese a month prior to the Chinese ban on tour groups, there was no medical disaster?

If indeed there is a medical disaster we would probably never know as they will continue their policy of not testing :shock1:

The first virus in history that has been "driven" by social media :wink:

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The Thai big-wigs have been so incredibly lucky with their disastrous planning and fuzzy thinking. If Thailand was a nation of cooler temperatures, it would have been ravaged by now. It seems pretty obvious at this point that hotter climates seem to prevent the mass spread of the COVID-19 virus. They've gotten so lucky it's insane 

Edited by Mung
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I am still trying to work out how having all your facial orifices invaded by waters of unknown origin; could possibly be safer than attending a sedate Merit Offerings? 

-  I am pretty sure which of the events, that you still have a choice in how close (or not) you want to be, beside strangers.

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5 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

My feeling, and I hope I am wrong, is that Songkran will cause an explosion of Corona virus cases nation wide. It could turn out to be a medical disaster. 

I agree totally!

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In my local area (outer northern Bangkok ) during Songkran they pump thousands of litres of revolting,  brown,  smelly water out of the nearby klong all over the revelers and passers by.

Apart from Corona V, I wonder what this <deleted> has in it!



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31 minutes ago, AmericanSafety said:

Folks, a good article to read here. 

Good article. so if your in reasonable health its fair to assume you will recover quickly, if your old and in lousy health, as backed up by the statistics, you might not be so fortunate.

Most will choose to ignore these "facts" as they have already made their minds up that it is all gloom and doom and these are the only articles that will register, the "just world fallacy" working well! that's the way they see it and nothing will change their minds!

Social media will oblige and drive this as long as possible.

???????? :wink:

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7 minutes ago, CGW said:

Good article. so if your in reasonable health its fair to assume you will recover quickly, if your old and in lousy health, as backed up by the statistics, you might not be so fortunate.

Most will choose to ignore these "facts" as they have already made their minds up that it is all gloom and doom and these are the only articles that will register, the "just world fallacy" working well! that's the way they see it and nothing will change their minds!

Social media will oblige and drive this as long as possible.

???????? :wink:

Rename it FB virus!

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