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Thailand reports four new coronavirus cases - including Italian tourist - total 47


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my original plan was to go to this this week but i cancelled.

all of my unnecessary travel is postponed.



It has just been announced that the Full Moon Party on Koh Phangan, scheduled to take place on Sunday, has been cancelled due to the #coronavirus situation. Furthermore, the event on 7 April is likely to be cancelled too. 10,000 tourists were expected to attend #Thailand

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2 hours ago, SAINT THOMAS said:

First one must beLIEve Thailand only has had 47 infected while every other country can not contain it.

Judging by your user name, you are speaking from a exulted position of high authority, what do you think the truth is, I ask as I understand you folks like to deal with the truth ???? 

Me, I reckon if you don't test, you never get positive results, is that a "white lie"?

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7 minutes ago, smedly said:

That's the one I was looking for 


is viral pneumonia the untested sick population with covid - 19 ?, IMO it makes a lot more sense, Thailand doesn't have the resource to test and treat this amount of people so they just don't bother - send them to the villages were they can do least harm and tell them to self isolate - I can understand why they would do this but it is still wrong, it means people cannot make an informed choice as to what they should be doing to protect themselves - as it is everyone thinks Thailand only has 53 cases and none where I live - that could be completely wrong and could be putting me and others in danger

Self isolate in a small town in Isan... small towns which are the biggest trade in the sex industry in Pattaya with girls constantly traveling back and forth... yep, that will work... no one will ever fudge when it comes to isolation... in a country where people don't know how to be alone without going crazy.

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1 hour ago, EricTh said:

Well, if Thailand were to ban tourists from certain countries, they should be fair and ban the top 10 most risky countries. All these have more than 100 cases.




1. China (including HK, Macau)

2. Korea

3. Italy

4. Iran

5. Japan

6. France

7. Germany

8. Spain

9. USA

10. Singapore


What goes around comes around.

A gay Italian vlogger was denied access to India at the end of February so he came to Thailand. I wouldn't be surprised if he is the 29 year old Italian tourist diagnosed with the virus on 1 March

The Thai Authorities are totally irresponsible. 

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WHO giving Thailand a little nudge in a report yesterday...................


"it is critical to remain focused on an aggressive and effective public health response to contain the virus and stop it from spreading. This must include: increasing surveillance and testing to determine the extent of the epidemic and to detect cases as quickly as possible; isolating cases quickly to prevent spread of the virus; treating patients effectively while protecting health care workers; and identifying contacts and tracing them every day for 14 days.”







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13 minutes ago, munchlet said:

So what? 43? Statistically insignificant. The virus dies in the Tropics... 


You might like to reveal your medical qualifications and why you think Thai statistics are factual. 


The World Health Organization says the virus 'has spread to countries with both hot and humid climates, as well as cold and dry'




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many hot countries are having infected patients now, mild to serious, if you cared for people and tested 30,000 a day, free testing and free health care if positive, then you are probably able to find 25% of the infected patients in the country

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1 hour ago, smedly said:

they report the Italian being detected in Chonburi which likely means Pattaya, so this person had already left the airport and travelled to his destination and perhaps even reported himself to hospital after feeling ill - who was he in contact with ?

He may well have visited soi 6, in which case he would have crossed path with member NCCxxx, meaning that the whole TV forum may be contaminated as I type these lines!

Mask on!

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2 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

Closing the border will not work IMHO and would be more damaging to the economy.  I have no doubt now that Thailand is only reporting traceable cases linked with foreigners who entered the country, local transmission is not though I have no doubt they are doing the tracing and 'quarantining' while 'under investigation' but not adding it to the confirmed cases.   The government would see no benefit in being completely transparent and only serves to damage the tourism business etc.

ECONOMY?? There will be no one left to even have an economy if ALL passengers from ALL infected countries are BANNED


This is so stupid!!

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6 minutes ago, Soikhaonoiken said:

An Italian tourist arrives on the    1st March, and tested positive on the 2nd March.... how many other people has this person infected on the flight and in the Airports, before their symptoms start to show ????

I agree - utterly irresponsible behavior from so called "Ministers"

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1 minute ago, Dice Man said:

ECONOMY?? There will be no one left to even have an economy if ALL passengers from ALL infected countries are BANNED


This is so stupid!!

If the supply chains and virus do not clear up by April/May, you will start seeing  empty shelves (not related to silly panicked people).  What is currently a trickle of drugs that are in a shortage situation due to supply chain problems, if this is not resolved in short order you could see widespread shortages of drugs by the summer (lots of drugs if not manufactured in China are dependent on ingredients that are dependent on China).

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Even if that`s just the tip of the iceberg, Thailand is super lucky to have that hot and humid climate. I see what`s going on in Germany and EVERY case is closely monitored, the people they had contact with are tracked back etc. Cmon..there was even a case in a cinema and they detected and contacted every visitor 2 rows around the infected person, tested them etc. 


In Thailand however they get the case, isolate it, but are not able at all to detect the people that person was in contact with. If the climate was like in Japan or Korea.....we would have >10000 cases now!

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1 hour ago, Coremouse said:

Both Thailand & Singapore are Much, much hotter

Is it only me who have hard to understand this talk about cold and hot weather. As far as I know the virus "think" it is nice at least up to 37 + degrees.

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3 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

I would not classify Singapore as a risky nation since they have one of the best disease containment/tracing systems in the world.  It has been often said by many western specialists that Singapore is the benchmark and if it cannot be contained in Singapore - it can not be contained period.  Singapore is being transparent about the disease which cannot be said of other nations (including the US which has also tried to implement the Chinese model of muzzling press that conflicts with the official line).

Emirates stopped flying to Singapore a couple of weeks ago or more, so perhaps that nation state isn't as perfect at dealing with the situation as we might have expected it to be.

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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Until such time that Thailand places safety above tourist income, expect the numbers to keep rising.

Expect them to keep rising very very very slowly...


P.S. Can something be done to remove the annoying ad in the btm right hand corner?

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3 hours ago, EricTh said:

Well, if Thailand were to ban tourists from certain countries, they should be fair and ban the top 10 most risky countries. All these have more than 100 cases.




1. China (including HK, Macau)

2. Korea

3. Italy

4. Iran

5. Japan

6. France

7. Germany

8. Spain

9. USA

10. Singapore


What goes around comes around.

Would be nice if these websites showed an iota of intelligence and ranked countries by infection rate, rather than simple numbers. Japan, for example, has 22 times the population of Singapore; thus, as a percentage or as an infection rate per million people, Japan is nowhere near the "infection hell hole" that Singapore is, and we too are living on top of each other in the millions. Clearly Japan is containing spreading better than Singapore, who gets praised, and Japan numbers even include infected health workers and government officials who had to visit the death ship sent to us from where??? When I look at that list of the "10 most risky countries" I don't know whether to laugh or be angry. You couldn't pay me enough to go to some of the countries on that list, while about 3 of them, including Japan, wouldn't phase me in the least (although I would stay away from Hokkaido). Given what cleanliness freaks the Japanese are, and the actual "low" infection rate, I don't think Thailand or anyone else should ban or restrict Japanese visitors; they could, however, ban or restrict people with filthy habits, who visit Hokkaido and then return home, like the Thai grandparents who visited Hokkaido and then brought the virus home to Thailand. Hokkaido is a hot spot because of mass Chinese group tourism to that region, as well as because of the cold climate, possibly. No other region in Japan is a hot spot like the hell hole hot spots they have in Iran, Italy, China, and South Korea. Be afraid of people who have visited Hokkaido, but no need to be afraid of Japanese or people coming from Japan in general. 

Edited by AlienHermit66
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