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Canceling travel plans?

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19 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Not really, most hospitals are covering up cases of Covid-19 by diagnosing them as something else such as common flu or pneumonia. Pneumonia cases in Thailand have tripled in the last couple of months.


Unlikely to have "Covid-19" on your insurance claim.

I highly doubt 'most hospitals are covering up cases' do you have any evidence of this?  - two major insurance companies in Canada have already stated that travel insurance would not be paid out for cancellation (first salvo). And after being warned about travel to a number of places by governments, insurance companies will run with this into a denial frenzy with medical insurance..

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I was planning on returning to Thailand this month and normally just get a cheap last minute flight booking but have put it on hold for now and am staying put on the Sunshine Coast Australia for a while. Having already had pneumonia and also picked up TB while we were living in Udon Thani about 6 or 7 years ago i think at my age its wise to just ride it out here for a while. Miss the misses but am enjoying catching up with family and friends. 

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I agree with most people here.  The problem or health issues are not so much when you get here but being an flights with people that you do not know and the long enclosed time you are there.  The air system in the plane does not stop any virus.


I have a feeling tht this is going to be around for at least a year and a half if not longer.


The probelms are 

1. internet and medial causing undo panic

2. airlines - you can travel so easily now that it is dangerous


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On 3/5/2020 at 5:07 PM, NCC1701A said:

and think about this, a 29 year-old Italian man who arrived in Thailand on March 1 and was diagnosed with the virus at a hospital in Chonburi province on March 2 is in quarantine. Everyone sitting within one meter of this guy on the plane will be tracked down.  

And then, tracking down all those people who have been in contact with those who sat within one metre of the Italian.

and then, tracking down all those …………………!!

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25 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

I cancelled my flight plans to visit the uk 12th - 30th Mar initially at the request of my daughter.

I would have stayed with my daughter, husband and my 15 month old granddaughter, visiting daily my 90 year old father.

Common sense tells me I could not put my family at risk !!


Also looking at the rapid rise of cases in the uk chances are I would be quarantined either in the uk or on return here .


Thankfully my visit was for personal reasons only and hopefully can be moved to a later date.

The same would apply to me - exactly the same circumstances.

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I live in Thailand. Sometimes, I am thinking at this time would be good to travel around with less tourists and enjoy some peace and quiet. I am not paranoic but believe it is possible to become infected by others I meet and being in various establishments that have been frequented by infected people (knowingly or not) and therefore, until this situation develops to some positive resolution, I will stay put - working on some home projects.

With Thai politics not really inspiring much confidence in understanding and managing the crisis, I feel that at any time, decisions will be made and/or rescinded leaving me in some kind of limbo!


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Just now, ivor bigun said:

I was not sure about going back to the UK this year,was 50/50 just could not decide ,well this has made up my mind ,wont bother .pity though ,fares are much lower now .

I always return for a few weeks mid summer. No reason to change my plans this year.

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5 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

I always return for a few weeks mid summer. No reason to change my plans this year.

Same here ,but to be honest ,just could not be bothered ,what with skype,line ,messenger ,i can talk for ages ,its like being with the family there .

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11 minutes ago, transam said:

Good luck mingling at the airports........????

There hasn't been much mingling at arrivals at Swampy for quite some time, as you would know if you ever went there. DMK departures is a bit busier but nothing I'm concerned about. This will be my fourth trip this year. 

Even international departures at Swampy is pretty subdued.

As I said, I'm not concerned.

I think there is a greater risk travelling to and from the airport on the BTS/SkyTrain.

Edited by emptypockets
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Let's remember that there has been one death in Thailand from the new flu virus (oh, let's call it something unsettling; how about novel coronavirus?). 


So your chances of dying in the land of sly smiles (so far) is one in 69 million. 


The chances of you getting it at all are 48 in 69 million.


So if you are altering plans on the basis of getting sick, you are insane. 

If you are altering your plans because of overreaction and the possibility of having to be under self-imposed house arrest for 14 days, then that's a real thing. 

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5 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

There hasn't been much mingling at arrivals at Swampy for quite some time, as you would know if you ever went there. DMK departures is a bit busier but nothing I'm concerned about. This will be my fourth trip this year. 

Even international departures at Swampy is pretty subdued.

As I said, I'm not concerned.

I think there is a greater risk travelling to and from the airport on the BTS/SkyTrain.

That really is a daft reply...........You don't need crowds to be in danger, just one person could do the trick. It is people like you that are the statistics, moving in areas, and on planes where YOU don't know where folk have been.....

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3 minutes ago, spiekerjozef said:

Cancel traveling, stay where you are.

If people followed that advice we wouldn't be in this <deleted> !

Not so sure of that. I saw a report from Australia where one person tested positive but had no connection whatsoever to anyone else who could have been infected.

It's still early days in understanding this virus and there are many unknowns.

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5 minutes ago, transam said:

That really is a daft reply...........You don't need crowds to be in danger, just one person could do the trick. It is people like you that are the statistics, moving in areas, and on planes where YOU don't know where folk have been.....

Ridiculous statement but an understandable fear of the unkown. People are going to travel regardless. By the way I get checked regularly, temperature, stethoscope etc etc by a doctor because I DO travel.

Do you?

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"You don't need crowds to be in danger, just one person could do the trick. It is people like you that are the statistics, moving in areas, and on planes where YOU don't know where folk have been....."


Fear mongerer...see my post above. 

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3 minutes ago, Trujillo said:

Let's remember that there has been one death in Thailand from the new flu virus (oh, let's call it something unsettling; how about novel coronavirus?). 


So your chances of dying in the land of sly smiles (so far) is one in 69 million. 


The chances of you getting it at all are 48 in 69 million.


So if you are altering plans on the basis of getting sick, you are insane. 

If you are altering your plans because of overreaction and the possibility of having to be under self-imposed house arrest for 14 days, then that's a real thing. 

Do you believe in the tooth fairy? Cases of pneumonia (including deaths) have tripled in Thailand in the last month. Hospitals generally aren't testing for Covid-19 but mis-diagnosing them as pneumonia sufferers which is what most Covid-19 sufferers die of.

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