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Immigration officer on duty at Suvarnabhumi airport contracts Covid-19, reports Thai media


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Just now, Tayaout said:

I don't think you can board an international flight without a passport. My wife get her passport stamped everytime. My 6 month son also has a passport for the same reason. 

Absolutely right. And these documents can be traced, of course.

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50 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

He was on departures not arrivals so it is not the tourist on arrival, it is the people on departure to other countries.

You mean they never swap over sides and ones spends their whole Immigration career on the one side?Remember there's up to 2 weeks incubation period when he could have infected dozens of his work colleagues.

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2 minutes ago, ravip said:

Absolutely right. And these documents can be traced, of course.

But the problem is with this case, who handed this officer the infected passport if that is how it was transmitted, was it the first person that he saw at the start of his shift or was it the last person? If it was the first person then how many other people did he see before his end of shift? What countries were all these people going to? Now remember that he is not the only immigration officer on the departure side and all the other officers have stamped people out of the country to go to the aircraft departure gates to mingle with each other and then board the same aircraft with each other and then depart for the various countries like UK, US, Canada, Australia and any other country that any of the aircraft fly too. Goodbye virus enjoy your trip to another country.

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3 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

You mean they never swap over sides and ones spends their whole Immigration career on the one side?Remember there's up to 2 weeks incubation period when he could have infected dozens of his work colleagues.

It is quoted in the OP he was on the departures side

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22 minutes ago, Russell17au said:



22 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

Then you haven't read much or you would have read that 80 of those that returned from South Korea had disappeared but since then they have found 18 of them. Even you and your wife's father would not be able to do an accurate count of how many people in Thailand are infected so don't point the finger at the government. It is impossible to have an accurate count when there are so many people who live in remote villages who could have the virus but do not visit doctors but instead self medicate like they have done for centuries and then when they die they are cremated with no medical checks to see what they died from.

Spot on. I have never seen any government official - police, immigration, you name it - in 7 years in my GF's village. The only form of administration is the pooyai. That's only 25 km outside Chiang Rai, so what would it be like up on Doi Wawee?

Having said that, I do point the finger at the Thai government for putting the tourist dollar ahead of public safety.



Edited by Lacessit
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20 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

It is quoted in the OP he was on the departures side

He was on the departures side when he noticed the symptoms which means he could have been infected for 2 weeks before noticing the symptoms and during that period he could have infected others.That's why it's been so difficult to stop the spread of this virus,and as you have said there is no way of knowing who's been infected or even died from complications of this disease which is why as you also said finger pointing is useless.By useless I don't mean that the Administration have been totally honest and the are as under prepared for this as many countries regardless of developement.Look at the US and Europe now struggling with containment.

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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12 minutes ago, Lacessit said:


Spot on. I have never seen any government official - police, immigration, you name it - in 7 years in my GF's village. The only form of administration is the pooyai. That's only 25 km outside Chiang Rai, so what would it be like up on Doi Wawee?

Having said that, I do point the finger at the Thai government for putting the tourist dollar ahead of public safety.



Sorry but you cannot point the finger at the Thai government for this. You have to point the finger at all the world governments for not doing enough at the start and it was all for the mighty dollar/baht/pound or what ever currency

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5 hours ago, Dasekel said:

I am not surprised at all. Everybody is asked to screen their fingerprints and that is an invitation for the virus to spread. Everytime I go through the airport I try to not touch my clothes or my skin after going through the passport check and I am heading straight to the rest room to wash my hands thoroughly. Last time I left (early Feb) they also did not have hand sanitizewrs for customers at the immigration booths.

They do now.

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3 hours ago, Canuck1966 said:

Show me the numbers being tested and their results??

It's thousands and thousands stuck in the 'back log' or not tested at all

Show me a breakdown of total deaths by cause of death in Thailand in Jan, Feb and March

Look them up yourself and then come back with some fact-based sensationalism. Otherwise it's just meaningless guesswork.

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3 hours ago, ukrules said:

How many 100's of people were hit by asteroids last year?


The 59 confirmed infected probably disagree with you.

The 30 confirmed recoveries would almost definitely not. Did you forget them?

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3 hours ago, WalkingOrders said:

While your on the topic of 59 infected have a look at global statistics, and recovery rate


The recovery rate is pretty good!


And if you would like something really alarming  this article reports that 1 person a day , every day  dies from falling while taking a shower in the USA


And how many were hit by asteroids?


you suggestion that there are far more likely ways of dying than from covid, is valid. Road deaths a current example. But to suggest that there is more chance of being hit by an asteroid than dying from covid is nonsensical

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3 hours ago, SkyFax said:

You did say 'potentially'. Unless the infected officer coughed directly on a passport, the chance of any transmission may 'potentially' be low:

(quote article)

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC), it is possible to contract COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it, then touching one’s mouth, nose or possibly eyes. However, experts say this is not the main way the virus spreads.

COVID-19 has a generally poor survivability on surfaces and poses a low risk of spread from one person to another through contact of a shared surface, CDC officials said.


A study by the Journal of Hospital Infection found that other strains of coronavirus have the potential to remain on metal, glass and plastic surfaces for two hours to nine days. According to the World Health Organization, the virus is unable to survive for long periods of time on packages or letters.



I wonder why Thai post is disinfecting parcels then?


probably the same reason the IO was wearing a mask. Giving the appearance of taking precautions when in fact taking none. Not that any are required for parcels



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Just flew back to Oz today from Thailand.  Most passengers were good, masks, hand sprays, gloves, eye protection - do your best on a crowded plane and in airports.  But there are always a few that don't care and cough and splutter with no mask on the plane. Everyone was cringing and pressing tighter on their masks. 

Elderly too on the plane no mask, nothing.  I just thought "you are in the highest risk category of dying and yet here you are running the gauntlet".  That's why it spreads.  

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4 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

That you know nothing about the weather doesn't make my statement false:




Other parts of Thailand are even warmer than Bangkok

If you think 1 degree difference in heat stops the virus, then you are deluded. And I know about weather by personal experience. Some parts of Thailand are cooler than Bangkok. And cooler than Singapore where heat radiates up from the concrete jungle.


all in all, if you visit Singapore I suggest you leave your long johns and overcoat behind, because it is actually HOT.

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1 hour ago, Matzzon said:

What??? That was a very irrelevant question, and also very off topic. But ok, I will answer.

Yes, I do live in Thailand since over 20 years back in time. Why I live here, is out of many reasons. I will just give you a few:


  • I met my wife here, and we are living together with two daughters.
  • It´s a much better choice for me, than my home country.
  • I am running businesses in Thailand.
  • Even if it has changed a lot the last years, it´s still much cheaper to live in Thailand, and we get more for our money.
  • I like hot weather, and Thailand is giving me that almost year around.
  • I like the genuine Thai culture and the traditional ways when used.

Ok, that was a few. As I said it is much more, but that would take up a lot of time. Now it´s my turn:

What had your question to to with my comment you replied and what connection did it have to the thread?

What do your family think of this drinking binge you've been on since January? Do you mean your wife runs your business because by your own admission you are always drunk?

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25 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

If you think 1 degree difference in heat stops the virus, then you are deluded. And I know about weather by personal experience. Some parts of Thailand are cooler than Bangkok. And cooler than Singapore where heat radiates up from the concrete jungle.


all in all, if you visit Singapore I suggest you leave your long johns and overcoat behind, because it is actually HOT.

I'm not going. It's lifting with corona virus.

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6 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


For starters, in your tirade against masks in general, you never even mentioned N95 masks or tried to distinguish them, and the purpose they serve, from the drugstore masks.


But beyond that, your prior post simply stated incorrect nonsense like the following:



PFFFT!  Of course I didn't mention N95 masks because as I seem I need to repeat, my post was not about them, but about the paper doo-dahs so beloved by Thais who seem to see them as an essential item of clothing, and I don't mean just recently due to the coronavirus, I mean in the 16 years I have been here. 

At the first sign of a sniffle, they put a mask on.  That's OK if they are being public spirited enough to try not to infect others, that's fine but they seem to think it will protect THEM from others, and it just won't.


As to the ridiculous allegation of 'nonsense', there's a reason why medical staff wear masks (and not N95 masks either) in operating theatres - and that is to stop any bacteria of the doctors and nurses entering open body cavities and perhap infecting the patient.  It isn't to stop the patient infecting the medical staff.  


But what convinces me I am right and you aren't is that a month ago my niece arrived in Thailand just as the virus scare was kicking off.  She's only 9 years younger than me due to a complicated family relationship and she has  40 year career as a nurse, and she's now a nurse practitioner in cardiology so she can prescribe as well.

She mocked all the Thais wearing these masks for the exact reasons I mentioned because they are useless to stop people becoming infected as any fule kno.  (British expression)


So, if you don't mind, I would rather rely on my own reasonably good knowledge of medicine over my lifetime, including running a medical charity, and that of my niece with a lifetime of experience in medicine than some random bloke on an internet forum.

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2 minutes ago, Mister Fixit said:

As to the ridiculous allegation of 'nonsense', there's a reason why medical staff wear masks (and not N95 masks either) in operating theatres - and that is to stop any bacteria of the doctors and nurses entering open body cavities and perhap infecting the patient.  It isn't to stop the patient infecting the medical staff.  


You're obviously not paying attention. The gold standard guidance for medical personnel treating CV patients around the world is to wear N95 masks, not drugstore masks, along with faceshields or goggles, gloves and gowns.


We're not talking about regular, no epidemic time operating rooms here. We're talking about best practices in the midst of a CV epidemic.


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3 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

Well, this extremely clean finger print readers everywhere also help actively in the distribution of faecal residue, if you're lucky or worse, the "colona vialet". 


Then take your own responsibility for your own health and safety and carry a small spray bottle of alcohol or hand gel and clean your own hands immediately after you put your fingers on those readers. Problem solved.

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3 minutes ago, fabman5 said:

The UK has almost 500 cases of Corona virus.. Thailand has less than 60 ..haha how can anyone take what this country says seriously ????

Then you produce the correct figures if you can. You will have to travel to every remote village and perform medical examinations on every person in every village plus perform medical examinations on every body that dies in a remote village to get the accurate figures and I am positive that even you would not be able to do that. It is an impossibility that no one could do and that is not only here in Thailand but in every other country in the world.

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35 minutes ago, Mister Fixit said:

PFFFT!  Of course I didn't mention N95 masks because as I seem I need to repeat, my post was not about them, but about the paper doo-dahs so beloved by Thais who seem to see them as an essential item of clothing, and I don't mean just recently due to the coronavirus, I mean in the 16 years I have been here. 

At the first sign of a sniffle, they put a mask on.  That's OK if they are being public spirited enough to try not to infect others, that's fine but they seem to think it will protect THEM from others, and it just won't.


As to the ridiculous allegation of 'nonsense', there's a reason why medical staff wear masks (and not N95 masks either) in operating theatres - and that is to stop any bacteria of the doctors and nurses entering open body cavities and perhap infecting the patient.  It isn't to stop the patient infecting the medical staff.  


But what convinces me I am right and you aren't is that a month ago my niece arrived in Thailand just as the virus scare was kicking off.  She's only 9 years younger than me due to a complicated family relationship and she has  40 year career as a nurse, and she's now a nurse practitioner in cardiology so she can prescribe as well.

She mocked all the Thais wearing these masks for the exact reasons I mentioned because they are useless to stop people becoming infected as any fule kno.  (British expression)


So, if you don't mind, I would rather rely on my own reasonably good knowledge of medicine over my lifetime, including running a medical charity, and that of my niece with a lifetime of experience in medicine than some random bloke on an internet forum.

Yes and if I have the virus and I am wearing a mask (even a drugstore mask) and I cough and sneeze and spit at you then the virus only goes as far as my mask the same as in the operating theatre in a hospital. Therefore everyone wearing a mask at the start of this would have slowed the spread of the virus until it became a touch and airborne virus. So much for your medicine experience and your niece's that you like all the so called experts did not think about the way that the masks were used by doctors and nurses in an operating theatre, they all looked at the masks being used to stop the incoming of the virus but did not think about the outgoing of the virus

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7 hours ago, Russell17au said:

Sorry but you cannot point the finger at the Thai government for this. You have to point the finger at all the world governments for not doing enough at the start and it was all for the mighty dollar/baht/pound or what ever currency

You can't say the Australian government's reaction was not swift, if not effective. When I arrived back in Australia on February 5, I was confronted by a line of Border Force officers who questioned every passenger on their recent travel and general health. Australia also pre-empted WHO action on coronavirus.

What were the Thais doing in the meantime? Pleading with the Chinese to come visit.

BTW, it's official - the WHO has declared coronavirus a pandemic.

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6 hours ago, Traubert said:

China is probably the safest place on the planet in corona virus terms at the moment. Just stay away from Hubei.


By the way are you Thai? Otherwise it's got nothing to do with you who Thailand welcomes in.

As they say in betting circles, "your pocket is talking".

Yours is positively screaming

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