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Pattaya shut down imminent: Bars and clubs brace for closure order


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1 hour ago, eeworldwide said:

I love people like you. You're the life and soul of Thai Visa - eternal optimists, steeped in knowledge and sage wisdom, full of heart and insight - a joy and a titan of expertise.

Would it be impertinent to ask who you consulted on China's situation?

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25 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

The heat hypothesis is not fully proven, Australia is in summer and they have twice the cases of Thailand.

The big question is how reliable the Thai infection and death figures are.

Heat itself won't stop a virus but it greatly slows it down because the virus can't survive as long on surfaces when it's hot. Even when it's hot someone could still sneeze or cough on you and the virus, while living a shorter amount of time can still infect you if an infected person touches something and you touch it right after and then rub your eyes but that is much better than the virus staying on surfaces for hours and in some instance days.

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I’m traveling later today to Pattaya from London.

I'm staying in guesthouse on LK Metro, so beer shouldn’t be an issue. It doesn’t do food. If restaurants start to close, that would be a problem for me and everyone else. I’m sure that I’ll be able to eat drink and be merry during my stay in Pattaya. It might not be as much fun as previous visits but I’ll cope. 

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1 hour ago, moe666 said:

How many people have become ill in Pattaya with the virus, I cannpt recall one case that has been reported on line or in the news paper. Another waste of time. Shut the areas that are causing the problem

The question that could be asked is how many people in Pattaya have become ill with the exact same symptoms of Covid-19, but not tested for it?


My ex g/f in Pattaya has just recovered from a high fever and a very bad cough, which lasted for more than 1 week. Only given some paracetamol for the fever, and cough medicine, by the local GP! 


Go figure!

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7 hours ago, glennb6 said:

Remember Purachai back in the taxin days? Anutin must be trying to out-do him.


If the govt declares the bars in Pattaya must shut down, stick a fork in it and say goodnight. Property prices will crash, businesses will close and throw people out of work, and crime will increase. Maybe half the locals can take up rice farming again...


I can't believe this is even being considered an option. Govt MIGHT be able to pull this off for a few days or a couple weeks, but if it's longer or indefinite, forget about it.

In the US  5 states are closing all bars and restaurants for a month except for  take out and drive in lines to slow the spread. 24 hour supermarkets are closing at 11 PM to sanitise the stores and restock shelves.


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6 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:


Why would they, who compensates the airlines, hotels, schools, kindergarten etc that are closed too, no one. I wasn't aware a bar is somewhat important for national security.



555555555 I think the same.


Millions people loose money now. A lot.


But he only think about the sex workers!!! And think government should pay! 



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48 minutes ago, runamok27 said:

It is a proven fact that virus's do not like the heat. Heat will greatly slow down the transmission of the virus but it does not completely stop it. MERS is actually a good example because it didn't hardly spread at all. Due to it's severity and the extreme heat.

because it's mainly a animal disease, been living in camels (in the heat) for many years now. It never made the leap genetically for easy human to human transmission but it has no problem surviving in high temps and as more Saudis interact with camels anything is possible..

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5 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

It would be sad if people will not get a paycheck.


Glad I have a stocked bar and a decent list of girls on speed dial, no worries for me when they shut it all down.

you will be having fun with your "decent girls" and all the people they were in "contact with" during the incubation period of the last 14 days..I envy you man

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5 hours ago, WalkingOrders said:

Well, my first thought is who, the heck, shares a glass of alcohol, and a cigarette?


"Mind if I have a drag off your smoke, and a small swig out of your rum n coke"? 


Or perhaps,


"Hey everyone, toss 10 baht on the table were gonna buy a drink to share, and one marlboro red single...."


"Whoooo hooooo f*** this virus...were in Thailand....party like it's 1999"!!!



Most Indians!!! Those saviours of the Thai tourist industry. ????

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Thailand cases up 30% in a day. There is no hiding place. It's a good job the country hoarded the vast wealth accumulated in the boom years by building all those huge condos with pretentious names.


The only saving grace is that Thailand's not handling it as badly as the UK.

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37 minutes ago, Terry2905 said:

The question that could be asked is how many people in Pattaya have become ill with the exact same symptoms of Covid-19, but not tested for it?


My ex g/f in Pattaya has just recovered from a high fever and a very bad cough, which lasted for more than 1 week. Only given some paracetamol for the fever, and cough medicine, by the local GP! 


Go figure!

was you expecting a ventilator? sounds like the Dr got it right

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49 minutes ago, Finspin said:

I’m traveling later today to Pattaya from London.

I'm staying in guesthouse on LK Metro, so beer shouldn’t be an issue. It doesn’t do food. If restaurants start to close, that would be a problem for me and everyone else. I’m sure that I’ll be able to eat drink and be merry during my stay in Pattaya. It might not be as much fun as previous visits but I’ll cope. 

Let us know if you make it, might be the only one on the plane. Did you get insurance?


Personally I'm avoiding girls for a month +, I've already told 3 I'll see them after Corona

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3 hours ago, crazykopite said:

They might as well shut down because every aircraft in the world will be grounded soon so there won’t be any flights and I can’t see Thais paying off Pattaya rip off prices.

Most visitors to Pattaya are Thais, of course they don't sit in bars on walking street or 

Soi Buakow, so it doesn't really relate to this thread.

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12 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Let us know if you make it, might be the only one on the plane. Did you get insurance?


Personally I'm avoiding girls for a month +, I've already told 3 I'll see them after Corona

Insurance was purchased two weeks ago, before the insurance company’s started their hard line approach with regards Coronavirus. Only thing I’ll do different will be to purchase a digital thermometer assuming they haven’t been panic bought and unavailable. This  so I can self monitor, and maybe any young ladies who wish to make me slightly poorer.

I'm not panicking in any way. That could change if there is a major closing of the facilities in Pattaya.

travel and entry to LOS could be interesting, will see

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6 hours ago, CLW said:

No testing done here, no high numbers of infected people

No testing doen in USA and entire Europe. They don't test all contacts. Only contacts that ends up in hospitals or seeking medication for symptoms. It is same everywhere in the WOrld. But Europe and USA have bothced it up big times. They are unable to control. 

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8 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

If the Thai government shuts down all those places will they pay the wages for the staff for the next months? And will they support the owners to pay the rent?

And just in case the government does not support them: Will they work as freelancers on the streets?

 With a two week incubation period, and crowded Pattaya bars, who in their right mind would hook up with a hooker or other casual sex partner.  I am not squeamish nor paranoid, but just the thought of it gives me the heebie-jeebies! ????

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3 hours ago, david555 said:

if they don't fly they loose their slots ….that is why even now western airlines prefer to fly almost empty , as those airline slots are GOLD for them...they don't want to loose their landing rights

Nope. Already suspended requirement for ghost flights.

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4 minutes ago, rexall said:

 With a two week incubation period, and crowded Pattaya bars, who in their right mind would hook up with a hooker or other casual sex partner.  I am not squeamish nor paranoid, but just the thought of it gives me the heebie-jeebies! ????

That's why most of us don't go. And that's why lots of places are (almost) empty.

But I think it's up to the owners and managers if they want to keep their places open. Nobody forces any people to go in there.

If the government decides to close these places then the government should pay the people who work there. That would be fair.

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7 minutes ago, rexall said:

 With a two week incubation period, and crowded Pattaya bars, who in their right mind would hook up with a hooker or other casual sex partner.  I am not squeamish nor paranoid, but just the thought of it gives me the heebie-jeebies! ????

crowded Pattaya bars.....??


We are writing March 2020  not 2015 ????




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Closures expected, of course. But the issue of concern to those who care is, "will they be allowed to reopen"? Maybe allowed on a case-by-case basis so that half never reopen and those that do are gutted and nutted. Chiang Mai-by-the-Sea. Oooooo, night market. Where's my wallet?

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