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11 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

The stats depend on which age group you are in, and I am well and truly in the most vulnerable.

Not running around like a headless chook, but I am taking precautions. Zinc and multivitamins, regular exercise ( golf and swimming ), supply of paracetamol. Maintaining social distance, limited alcohol consumption. Mask up when I leave my room, regular hand hygiene.

If it does nail me, I've had a good life.

Ditto - over 60 and have had a great run.  Also doing the golf and regular activity - and taking vitamins and drinking lots of fluids.  Take precautions is my advice - but there is no need to panic.  They will slow it down and they will get a vaccine and they will deal wityh it. They went too hard too early IMO - but that is done - now is the time to wait and see - and relax a bit.   

1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

Ain't love grand!

She's had enough genuine orgasms with me to make me think she does like having me around, apart from the money side.

3 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:

Ditto - over 60 and have had a great run.  Also doing the golf and regular activity - and taking vitamins and drinking lots of fluids.  Take precautions is my advice - but there is no need to panic.  They will slow it down and they will get a vaccine and they will deal wityh it. They went too hard too early IMO - but that is done - now is the time to wait and see - and relax a bit.   

Over 60? You're just a young fella. 77 in May.

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, Vigilante said:

The virus was never my main concern

The secondary effects are

Bearing in mind also that we are a million miles from home.

Thank god for that

  • Like 2
14 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Make out a will leaving everything to her ....... then see if she still wants you alive.

I own nothing, everything is in the name of my partner and my son but they still seem keen for me to stay alive.

41 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:

There has been a few insulting responses for stating what I did (most deleted), but like yourself and many others, I am questioning what has been done.  I am not a conspiracy nut - this was not done to make the richer richer or the powerful more powerful (but they will take advatage if they can).  I believe that it was done by well meaning people trying to stop what they thought was going to be a global pandemic that would kill 20million plus like the spanish flu did.  But I am skeptical about the facts on which they based their fears - and I am seeing more and more reasons to be skeptical.

Insulting responses are part and parcel on TVF, i.e. we say something, the reader doesn't agree and has a go as opposed to just leaving it or responding more appropriately, and I know you have thicker skin than that, as much as it urkes you.


I too am skeptical, and am taking precautions, but if you think for one minute the very rich are not behind this, then I think you are mistaken, (my view of course), I mean you have to think, who owns the media, who has politicians in their pockets, who can stand to make a lot of money out of this, remember wars make money, this on the other hand, is the perfect war, less casualties, stock markets, assets dropping around the world, who is buying up ?


This bio chemical or viral war if you like, is one way of controlling the masses and choking economies, stock market and businesses for those in the know to clean up, and of course keep the little man pegged to the slave trade.


Just my paranoid opinion, afraid, well, let's just stay I am staying indoors and keeping the family safe, venturing out when I have too, while at the same time buying up stock at ridiculous prices, in the hope that I might be able to make an opportunity of this as others will be from all of the panic.


What concerns me is that if the elderly get it, they have more chance of passing, or those that have underlying conditions, and if anyone recovers from it, i.e. if hit hard, they will have years of problems dealing with the damage cause to their lungs, scaring, tissue damage etc etc from what I have read, so best to stay out of it's path until the vaccine is available.


The above said, I like your thinking, but this is the new wars of the future, no troops, no bombs, less casualties, well that is until they become really greedy and produce one that will just about wipe us out.


My thoughts anyway, no doubt will take some of the criticism off of your post and onto mine ????


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1 hour ago, RJRS1301 said:

You cannot compare apples and oranges. Seasonal flu is totally different from this new virus

Infectivity is 2.5 times more, and building.

Please look at more than the mortality rate , overwhelmed health system, no effective prevention outside of basic hand hygiene.

I would rather act on the side of caution, and take my advice from health and scientific professionals as this evolves.


Please keep an open mind on this epidemic, especially when you consider poor sanitation and not many ventilators in Thailand.



No, actually, seasonal flu is not 'totally different' from Covid19, the symptoms are almost identical. Scientists are using previous flu pandemics to model the numbers. They are using the genomic data of the coronavirus in the same databases used to develop influenza vaccines:


 "The two full sequences of the virus isolated in two of the first French cases were submitted to the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID) platform, which was initially developed to share sequences and monitor the genetic evolution of influenza viruses, a process that is vital to determine the composition of the influenza vaccine. A special "coronavirus" tab has been created so that the scientific community can work together and advance at a quicker pace."





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29 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Over 60? You're just a young fella. 77 in May.

Glad to hear you are golfing at 77 - there is hope for me too.

52 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:

Well said mate - the reality is that the 'experts' are saying this is going to be a diaster.  They have some evidence for that - but not enough IMO to warrant shutting down the world and causing economic ruin.  I think they have massively over-reacted.

Were wired from birth to listen to the "experts" indoctrinated at school to respect those in authority, I have long questioned the "expertise" and the motives behind these so called experts and those in authority, should I now start believing all the waffle they come out with to keep me subordinate, cannot!


How people react is also hard wired, "human survival mode" kicks in, it's a base reaction we all have - think emergency braking in a car. There quickly comes a point where we have to override the survival mode as it becomes self defeating, many are struggling with this, they have led "closeted" lives I guess? They will be the ones panic buying, others see no point in this.

Trying to discuss with people the realities of the situation, when they are no longer thinking logically is nigh on impossible & will be until they get a hold of themselves, calm down and face the reality of the situation, many need to de-stress. The actuality of the situation doesn't match the reality! they are letting fear rule their lives, that's how I see it.

Now "Governments" have a hold on the situation they are going to run with it and take advantage where ever they can, no doubt they have scenarios for situations like this, can they be trusted to do the best for us? - most likely not, they never have before, just take one day at a time and look at the scenario realistically, I see no reason for panic.

The worst thing that can happen is we die, inevitable anyway, may as well have some dignity along the way ???? 


  • Like 1

Well done AussieBob for thinking critically and not succumbing to this ridiculous panic virus which has spread more quickly than the Covid19 virus.


It is absolutely right that mortality rates for this virus are most likely around 0.3-1.0 percent. It is certainly not 6 or 10 percent as people are claiming for Italy, by stupidly taking the identified cases only when the UK chief medical officer has said the case numbers need to be multiplied by 10 at least, if not 20.


However, I am on the opposite, I don't think governments are overreacting, I think they underreacted and failed us. They reacted too late. They did not plan for this. Even just 0.3 percent would be annual death rate of 130,000 in the UK if 40 million get this virus. Remember the flu kills 17000 in the UK on average. 


So whilst there is no need for panic and the death rates are currently vastly exaggerated, the impact is real, in economic terms and in medical terms for many as well. I heard a desperate message by a Spanish Doctor who has to encourage dying older patients to die to free up a ventilator for younger patients.


The real government failure is not to take this virus seriously, it is not having prepared for this, when a 2012 paper from the Robert Koch institute already predicted a coronavirus pandemic. They had 8 years to prepare. They did nothing.

  • Like 1
15 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Insulting responses are part and parcel on TVF, i.e. we say something, the reader doesn't agree and has a go as opposed to just leaving it or responding more appropriately, and I know you have thicker skin than that, as much as it urkes you.


I too am skeptical, and am taking precautions, but if you think for one minute the very rich are not behind this, then I think you are mistaken, (my view of course), I mean you have to think, who owns the media, who has politicians in their pockets, who can stand to make a lot of money out of this, remember wars make money, this on the other hand, is the perfect war, less casualties, stock markets, assets dropping around the world, who is buying up ?


This bio chemical or viral war if you like, is one way of controlling the masses and choking economies, stock market and businesses for those in the know to clean up, and of course keep the little man pegged to the slave trade.


Just my paranoid opinion, afraid, well, let's just stay I am staying indoors and keeping the family safe, venturing out when I have too, while at the same time buying up stock at ridiculous prices, in the hope that I might be able to make an opportunity of this as others will be from all of the panic.


What concerns me is that if the elderly get it, they have more chance of passing, or those that have underlying conditions, and if anyone recovers from it, i.e. if hit hard, they will have years of problems dealing with the damage cause to their lungs, scaring, tissue damage etc etc from what I have read, so best to stay out of it's path until the vaccine is available.


The above said, I like your thinking, but this is the new wars of the future, no troops, no bombs, less casualties, well that is until they become really greedy and produce one that will just about wipe us out.


My thoughts anyway, no doubt will take some of the criticism off of your post and onto mine ????


Good thoughts - good points.  And you are not paranoid - 'they' are going to take advantage.  Got a bit up the 'food chain' in my day and dealt with a few very wealthy people way above my station.  Being observant I learned something from them - they are always well informed (very very well informed) and they always take advantage of any given situation they can. They will use whatever influence they have to enhance any given situation to their favour.  I am not talking about the uber rich royal type families/companies - I am talking about those that make serious wealth.  They saw this coming and prepared - and they are are getting ready for the 'turn'.  I also learned that money and wealth is relative - for them to get some, others have to lose some.  Relativity = getting $1 from a million people is a hell of a lot easier than getting $1 million from 1 person. So yes - they are out to get advantage from me and you - and they always will be - and they always will.  We are all Jack.


Getting it at an old age will not be good - not as bad as WHO is saying - but not good.  Diamond Princess was full of older people - many got sick - but only 7 died.  But we have zero immunities from this virus and unlike the young, we cannot easily and quickly respond to this virus and develop new ones easily.  Take care and precautions - but dont panic - like that book in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe - whatever you do, dont panic.



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11 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Wrong, wrong wrong and filled with imaginative assumptions. You are drawing conclusions based upon early results and without accounting for differences in how the infection  developed,  critical care facilities, health characteristics of the population and where in the  pandemic growth cycle the country is.


Germany is  still in the early stage of the  pandemic.  Almost all of its infections  were associated with travelers, particularly  people who had gone on ski holidays in Austria, Switzerland, and Italy.  These were active healthy people who were first exposed.  Over 70% of the   cases are in patients aged  between 20 and 50 years. It follows that the German patients would have better outcomes. Once the travelers returned to Germany, they started infecting others.

More importantly, Germany has one of the best hospital systems in  the EU. It has at its disposal 25,000 ICU beds and the personnel to support those beds. That's 1 ICU bed per 3300 people.  Italy only has about 5000 ICU beds. That's 1 bed for 12,000 people.  Is it any surprise then that some Italian patients  are not going to get the care they need? It's  more grim for the UK with only 4,000 ICU beds.


South Korea squashed its death rate by protecting its vulnerable. Its rapid testing identified potential infections and these people were told to  self isolate. Infected people were not  walking around putting  vulnerable people at risk.  This type of public  co-operation for the public good  was not happening in  much of the EU. It hasn't been happening in parts of the USA or Canada. The USA has failed to roll out comprehensive  testing and Americans have refused to put the needs of others  ahead of their own selfish desires. (Look at the jerks partying in Miami, or the ongoing large  entertainment/sports events). Canadians who were told to self isolate  when they returned to Canada did not, and others who were asked to cancel  large social gatherings  refused to do so.  The UK  had its share if selfish idiots partying and filling the pubs until  those pubs were closed.


Follow the South Korean approach and  do well. Follow the   Italian approach and suffer.



That's not an accurate description of what AussieBob did. He did actually carefully account for critical care facilities. He mentioned the fact that Germany has 25000 ICU beds and the UK only 4000. He mentioned that the German health system is testing more than its European neighbours.


You may also want to consider that the UK is also in the early stages of the pandemic, however, its mortality rate is considerably higher. So the point that was made originally that the quality of the medical care system has an influence is still valid.


So if the UK is in the early stages in the pandemic and so is Germany why does Germany have such a low death rate by comparison, because it has more than six times the material facilities at its disposal in its medical care system and because they are testing better. 

  • Thanks 1
10 minutes ago, CGW said:

Were wired from birth to listen to the "experts" indoctrinated at school to respect those in authority, I have long questioned the "expertise" and the motives behind these so called experts and those in authority, should I now start believing all the waffle they come out with to keep me subordinate, cannot!


How people react is also hard wired, "human survival mode" kicks in, it's a base reaction we all have - think emergency braking in a car. There quickly comes a point where we have to override the survival mode as it becomes self defeating, many are struggling with this, they have led "closeted" lives I guess? They will be the ones panic buying, others see no point in this.

Trying to discuss with people the realities of the situation, when they are no longer thinking logically is nigh on impossible & will be until they get a hold of themselves, calm down and face the reality of the situation, many need to de-stress. The actuality of the situation doesn't match the reality! they are letting fear rule their lives, that's how I see it.

Now "Governments" have a hold on the situation they are going to run with it and take advantage where ever they can, no doubt they have scenarios for situations like this, can they be trusted to do the best for us? - most likely not, they never have before, just take one day at a time and look at the scenario realistically, I see no reason for panic.

The worst thing that can happen is we die, inevitable anyway, may as well have some dignity along the way ???? 


Good stuff mate - well said and words that make so much sense.  And I guess that is why they are in panic mode - no common sense.  Years ago when a young man I got stuck in a lift with several other people. It got to the ground floor but didnt open - and then went straight up to the top floor and didn't open (slowly not fast) - and then did the same again - and then on the 3rd time it stopped at the ground floor and the doors opened.  I was the only calm one - the women were screaming and the blokes were yelling and angry.  I was trying to calm the others - talking them down - explaining that the lift had emergency brakes - that it was obviously a technical fault and maybe the buttons are jammed - but nothing worked other than holding the girls - the blokes were angry I wasn't panicing!!  I worked while at Uni on building sites and once got involved in the work being done to install the lifts - fascinating what goes into them - that obviously helped.  When the doors opened they all ran out fast and took off - I stayed and locked the doors open with a garbage bin and got someone to come and shut it down til it was repaired.  When people panic they lose all ability to think rationally - and not being aware of things makes them do that.


And what you said about people today being so 'soft' is correct - they/we have had it too easy in the generations sicne WW2. They/we have been over-protected and have become entitled - and the result is a total herd mentality to threats/dangers.  And of course when you get older any threat is magnified because you know you cannot deal with it as well as when younger.


1 hour ago, AussieBob18 said:

You are always making  insulting comments about what anyone else says that you disagree with.  You often do things like quote educated experts and yet also claim a teenage girl that hasn't been to school in years is totally correct. 


Thanks - and I also hope you do enjoy as much as possible your lonely ignorant life.  

Is it insulting if I ask you why you think you are smarter than lots of experts who have decades of experience in medicine and biology?


This has nothing to do with agree or not agree. If I want an educated opinion about my motorcycle engine I ask a motorcycle mechanic. And if I want an educated opinion about a virus then I listen to medics and biologists. How about you?


And where does that come from: "a teenage girl that hasn't been to school in years is totally correct"? I like (legal) teenage girls. But I don't ask them about their expert opinions. In fact my communication with them is more action and not so much talking.


I am not lonely and not ignorant. And I enjoy my life. Thanks for your concern.

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47 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

The main part of this is that countries that can ventilate people quickly can save more people. That seems to be the most crucial element to this.

With 25,000 intensive care beds complete with respiratory support, Germany is well equipped compared to its European neighbours. 

By contrast, France only has around 7,000 and Italy around 5,000. 

In Britain, latest NHS figures show that there are just over 4,000 critical care beds across England, while health secretary Matt Hancock said Sunday that the UK has 5,000 available ventilators. 

Ill patients in Germany have thus far been able to recover quickly.

To prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed, as they have been in Italy or eastern France, the German government has also said it planned to double intensive respiratory care beds.


The virus has also largely affected a younger, healthier section of the population in Germany compared to elsewhere.

"In Germany, more than 70 percent of the people identified as having been infected until now are between 20 and 50 years old," explained RKI president Lothar Wieler.


"In Germany, more than 70 percent of the people identified as having been infected until now are between 20 and 50 years old," explained RKI president Lothar Wieler.


What is the point of that quote? This infection is not specific to any age group so if 70% of a population falls into the  stated age group it is or should not be of any surprise they are or have been infected. In fact less of a surprise  given they are more likely to have been socially more active in a  community than the elderly and therefore more exposed to potential infection. Despite the rarer instances of healthy  younger people having severe problems it is the elderly and/or significantly general health compromised that has undeniably demonstrated dangerous  vulnerability.

This virus is not going to wipe out humanity as a contagion. If it  impacts in many places as it has in Italy where the capacity  to cope has forced them to be selective in treatment thus basically dooming a percentage to death is an extremely sad reality.

Variables in death rates are also not simply an indication of capacity in health care services. Italy has the highest percentage of elderly by population in Europe. And if it were to be admitted probably a much lower socio-economic thus poorer general health in that age  group by comparison to that of Germany.

The  biggest danger is the covert adoption of the  suggestion by  both the UK and Netherlands to allow it to run and  create " herd immunity". IMO an incredibly callous proposal considered by back room social planners already contemplating the advantage of a cull of the dependent on an economy that will have to  recover.

IMO it is not Covid-19 that people should genuinely have cause to fear . It is the aftermath of the destruction it has provoked.


20 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Well done AussieBob for thinking critically and not succumbing to this ridiculous panic virus which has spread more quickly than the Covid19 virus.


It is absolutely right that mortality rates for this virus are most likely around 0.3-1.0 percent. It is certainly not 6 or 10 percent as people are claiming for Italy, by stupidly taking the identified cases only when the UK chief medical officer has said the case numbers need to be multiplied by 10 at least, if not 20.


However, I am on the opposite, I don't think governments are overreacting, I think they underreacted and failed us. They reacted too late. They did not plan for this. Even just 0.3 percent would be annual death rate of 130,000 in the UK if 40 million get this virus. Remember the flu kills 17000 in the UK on average. 


So whilst there is no need for panic and the death rates are currently vastly exaggerated, the impact is real, in economic terms and in medical terms for many as well. I heard a desperate message by a Spanish Doctor who has to encourage dying older patients to die to free up a ventilator for younger patients.


The real government failure is not to take this virus seriously, it is not having prepared for this, when a 2012 paper from the Robert Koch institute already predicted a coronavirus pandemic. They had 8 years to prepare. They did nothing.

Good points - and I can see what you are saying.  I would add that China is to blame the most for the delayed reaction. They first had the first infection in November 2019 and it became a local outbreak in December 2019. China suppressed the information, arrested Drs who tried to warn the world via social media, and refused US, WHO and EU involvement, and refused to provide base level samples for testing/verifications in overseas labs.  China asssumed they could keep it in country and would get it under control.  But - and here is the big longer term issue than will come out of this  - China is a communist bureaucratic monstrosity that is inefficent and corrupt to the core and who doesnt give a toss about the world.  Because of that they had an army of medical and others in Wuhan trying to keep it under control, but meanwhile they wanted to hide it so they said nothing and left the borders open.  Compare that to USA, where the 'system' is open and transparent and linked with the world - when Swine Flu (H1N1) hit in 2009 from Mexico there was immediate and open sharing of medical information and the whole pandemic was controlled and eventually slowed and stopped.  It was not a massive media panic - but behind the scenes the system worked and the infection was mainly kept within USA and Mexico.  I saw a report that claimed over 90% of cases would not have occurred outside China if they had been open and honest and cooperative.  China will pay for this.





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12 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:

And I guess that is why they are in panic mode - no common sense.

Rather than accepting personal responsibility it has been easier for people to let the "nanny" state take care of them, now the state isn't able or not interested it's tough for them, they have no idea how to deal with stress as it is a new concept for them, doubtless many were wasting their time hero worshipping cult figures like Gretna, it was their choice! The "woke" I believe they call themselves, not impressed with how they are unable to handle their own emotions, they need to have a long hard think about what they have been buying into - nobody ever said life was fair! 

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12 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:

Good points - and I can see what you are saying.  I would add that China is to blame the most for the delayed reaction. They first had the first infection in November 2019 and it became a local outbreak in December 2019. China suppressed the information, arrested Drs who tried to warn the world via social media, and refused US, WHO and EU involvement, and refused to provide base level samples for testing/verifications in overseas labs.  China asssumed they could keep it in country and would get it under control.  But - and here is the big longer term issue than will come out of this  - China is a communist bureaucratic monstrosity that is inefficent and corrupt to the core and who doesnt give a toss about the world.  Because of that they had an army of medical and others in Wuhan trying to keep it under control, but meanwhile they wanted to hide it so they said nothing and left the borders open.  Compare that to USA, where the 'system' is open and transparent and linked with the world - when Swine Flu (H1N1) hit in 2009 from Mexico there was immediate and open sharing of medical information and the whole pandemic was controlled and eventually slowed and stopped.  It was not a massive media panic - but behind the scenes the system worked and the infection was mainly kept within USA and Mexico.  I saw a report that claimed over 90% of cases would not have occurred outside China if they had been open and honest and cooperative.  China will pay for this.




There was a delay in China of about a month or two, that is so, however, even if China had acted instantly we have seen from the responses of all our governments that they would not have acted on time. They only acted when there was a death in THEIR country, when it was too late. They should have acted when they saw what was happening in China, The writing was on the wall for a time before anything was done at all in western governments. So yes, China acted too late, but so did Western governments. More so if one considers that the Robert Koch Insitutet in 2012 published a paper that dealth with a coronavirus pandemic and its effects.


It is perfectly legitimate to compare this pandemic with the H1N1 flu pandemic of 2009. Perhaps the reason why there was a bigger panic this time is that the cumulative effect of H1N1, bird flu, MERS, SARS etc has hyper-sensitized people and governments. We've also seen the films like 'Contagion', there was Ebola, series like Walking Dead spawned a whole genre of dystopic 'civilization has died' series and films. 


What is for sure, like with every pandemic, is that it will be over and life will return to being better than ever before. Except for those who died obviously.

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2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

So your summary is that you think you are smarter than all of those experts who studied biology or medicine and worked in their fields since decades, correct?


There is this wonderful sentence: For all complex problems there are easy solutions - and most of them are wrong.

Enjoy your day and ignorance.


"Sir Patrick Vallance, the government's chief scientific adviser, said in an appearance before the Health Select Committee, that the hope was to keep the death toll below 20,000 by suppressing the virus."


"Modelling by Imperial College London - used to inform government - suggests 500,000 could die if we do nothing."



500,00 would be roughly 1 in every 135 of the population.

20,000 would be roughly 1 in every 3377 of the population.


True it would be mostly "Boomers" (such as myself), hence the faux concern for "humanity" shown on TVF.




  • Thanks 1
14 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Is it insulting if I ask you why you think you are smarter than lots of experts who have decades of experience in medicine and biology?

This has nothing to do with agree or not agree. If I want an educated opinion about my motorcycle engine I ask a motorcycle mechanic. And if I want an educated opinion about a virus then I listen to medics and biologists. How about you?

And where does that come from: "a teenage girl that hasn't been to school in years is totally correct"? I like (legal) teenage girls. But I don't ask them about their expert opinions. In fact my communication with them is more action and not so much talking.

I am not lonely and not ignorant. And I enjoy my life. Thanks for your concern.

What you do (often) is insult the person and then attack their views on TV.  Please show me where I said that I am smarter.  You cant because I did not.  I said I am skeptical and I gave the reasons why I am.

The teenage girl is the climate 'expert' from Sweden that everyone pro-climate change is saying is correct - after saying others are incorrect because they are not educated climate scientists. Can you see the irony of that, if not the hypocrisy?  I did not mean you said that (apology if it came out that way), I used her as an example of the people who argue others are wrong because scientists say this/that and therefore are you are not a scientist and so you are wrong - but the teenage girl is right. 

I always fixed my own motorcycle - and I did a much better job than any mechanic who attended a course but who is a dumb as a brick and doesn't care about my bike.  But if you want to use/trust a mechanic or know one that is, then you go right ahead.

All good - but I still think you should take a less 'argumentative confronting' manner when disagreeing with someone.

Isaac Newton was the greatest scientist who ever lived - but 200 years later he was proven not to be correct in some matters by Einstein - no expert is ever correct 100% of the time - and neither are you or I.  




8 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:


Isaac Newton was the greatest scientist who ever lived - but 200 years later he was proven not to be correct in some matters by Einstein - no expert is ever correct 100% of the time - and neither are you or I.  



I will put this sentence on an engraved plaque on my desk. Very, very important to realise this.

  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, AussieBob18 said:

Flu kills up to 650,000 people worldwide each year - WHO number not mine - I rounded down to 500K.


650,000 a year equates to 54,166 every month.


Do the maths.


One US 8th army general described the local people in foreign country where US army had troops by comparing as wild rats half century ago. If one rat heads to a certain direction then the rest flock of rats follow without knowing where they are heading. The flocks continue to move in random direction until they exhaust. 


Now with Facebook and all the digital medias together with political correctness inundating all over the globe, entire population on the earth behaves like wild rats.   

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9 minutes ago, Retarded said:

One US 8th army general described the local people in foreign country where US army had troops by comparing as wild rats half century ago. If one rat heads to a certain direction then the rest flock of rats follow without knowing where they are heading. The flocks continue to move in random direction until they exhaust. 


Now with Facebook and all the digital medias together with political correctness inundating all over the globe, entire population on the earth behaves like wild rats.   


actually half the population is standing around with a bad case of normalcy bias hoping its all just going to go away.. whilst the other half is either mucking in and helping or hunkering down as advised, keeping their families safe and educating themselves.


there will always be fools that doesn't mean we have to aspire to join them.



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