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Leading Thai doctor in dire warning: Deadly Italian strain of Covid-19 now set to wreak havoc in Thailand


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1 minute ago, DannyCarlton said:

Absolutely no evidence of this. The virus sread to Northern italy by a large number of Chinese businessmen travelling to Northern Italy. It's the same virus. it's been particularly devastating in Italy as it has one of the oldest demographics in the World.


Can't really compare Thailand to Italy. Northern Italy very cold, Thailand hot and humid. Italians probably the most touchy touchy people in the world when they greet each other in the street. Thais make do with a wai from a respectful distance.

ok i believe you. but please tell me why Thais and most of SEA are getting sick this time around corresponding with the arrival of so many tourist in the past month? french and Italian tourist at villa market today. Russian families everywhere you look in Hua Hin still. what has changed?

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3 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

ok i believe you. but please tell me why Thais and most of SEA are getting sick this time around corresponding with the arrival of so many tourist in the past month? french and Italian tourist at villa market today. Russian families everywhere you look in Hua Hin still. what has changed?

The spike of cases here in Cambodia are from the French.

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2 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

ok i believe you. but please tell me why Thais and most of SEA are getting sick this time around corresponding with the arrival of so many tourist in the past month? french and Italian tourist at villa market today. Russian families everywhere you look in Hua Hin still. what has changed?

It could just be the roll of the dice and getting a super-spreader (80% of the cases are spread by 20% of the people; and vice versa) at the same time as losing traceability.   It is the same way as taking a match in the woods and striking and lighting some twigs on fire and it going out without any damage, doing the same thing again and having the same thing happen... then do it again and you burn down half the provinces forests... not much has changed but the outcome varies widely.

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19 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Absolutely no evidence of this. The virus sread to Northern italy by a large number of Chinese businessmen travelling to Northern Italy. It's the same virus. it's been particularly devastating in Italy as it has one of the oldest demographics in the World.


Can't really compare Thailand to Italy. Northern Italy very cold, Thailand hot and humid. Italians probably the most touchy touchy people in the world when they greet each other in the street. Thais make do with a wai from a respectful distance.

I was sat with a Chinese man last week in Penang and he was explaining that he used to live and work in Italy and the reason that Italy's having such a bad time is because of all the "Mainland Chinese " there who have been trafficked by Triad gangs for cheap labour....... He also said that the Triads were kicking the B-Jesus out of the Mafia......... Sounds feasable to me.........Got it from the China mans mouth ..... 

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      These pages are filling faster than what I can read, I have been looking for an explanation on how this virus has grown from I assume a dirty Wuhan wet market, My first thoughts we're, how come the Chinese are not suffering from food poison related illnesses, so what has created this change to a virus. my only conclusion so far, has been that an illegal item has been added to the food chain, and where could that come from ???????

     The experts do not seem to have given any explanation.  ?????

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1 minute ago, Nyezhov said:

The danger of one source. 34 of those cases are one french tour group. 

It's uses the official sources from each of the 173 countries that have reported infected. Where is your source?


The danger lies with China that claims no more infections or deaths for days now while the US, Italy, Spain and others are fast catching up. Russia is of particular interest with few reported cases in a very cold country of 145 million people. (438 cases, 1 death)

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i just have to say it is good many of you old gents are talking about these topics... I do have to say your about 2 months late to the party. Some of you are very behind in your thinking... at lease i didn't read anyone say but its just the flu or look at all the road deaths, blah blah blah,  i will give you advice that the best news is by using twitter and getting reports and links to the lancet studies and first hand accounts from Doctors from china and elsewhere and all the immunologist.  twitter app loads blank so its important to follow the correct people.. I would suggest searching covid19 and start reading and following people.. if you intelligent it doesn't take long to figure out who is smart and telling the truth.. I follow tRump just for fun.  A bit about me and why I have spent hundreds of hours reading about this topic.  I flew through Shanghai PVG Dec 26. on my way to BKK. 5 days later I had all these symptoms for 5 days. I have a thread about this but everyone figured the normal flu... I didn't pop my Zpack which was the main attack I faced.  Overuse of antibiotics.  Anyway Jan 21 i flew back though PVG wearing a N95 mask all the way. hardly anyone wearing a mask and at least 3 nearby people coughing bad including the lady next to me. I flew thought Seattle the day after the first confirmed case... Not a temperature check or anything... I knew we were screwed. 

I tend to have jet lag after my trips, partly my fault as i look at my phone and start lineing at 2 am.. for 10 days I never slept more than 2 hours at a time as i read more and more about China and the virus my anxiety grew.   I was smart enough to go mostly cash in my investments. I should have been smart enough to short cruise ships hotels and the spider.

If you guys keep relying on major news you will never learn the truth... 


I forgot to add the 2 strains have been validated by more than one lab using DNA. very old news. 

One more interesting finding is the virus was detected on surfaces in 2 cruise ships 17 days after people vacated the rooms and some rooms where it was found had asymptomatic people . no wonder China and S Korea wash the streets.  


Edited by Elkski
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7 hours ago, rayw said:

This is likley why we see a much slower spread of the virus here and in other similar tropical climate countries than in the cold wintertime temperate climates.   So some positvie news for us here in Thailand but spare a thought for our friends and family stuck back home in the winter climate who are far more at risk than us here. 

So with weeks of inactivity in Thailand, why over the last week are we seeing a significant increase in numbers just as we've entered the hottest time of the year with temperatures rising toward 40 degs.

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9 hours ago, rayw said:

How totally misinformed that is.  I highly respect China for its responsible and efective actions in curbing the spread of this virus.  I think sadly for the good folk of the USA that the extreme Capitalist nonsense there and lack of affordeable or better free medical care will result in far more deaths there and possibly a terribel reulting sporead of this virus there.  So yes once the dust has settled I hope the world does condemn the USA (not China) for the lack of free medical care and available cheap or free necessary drugs and vaccines when they become available (already well in development (yes you guessed it in China where people come well before profits) . 


The USA of all people should have such a sensible free at source medical system there (similar to the UK or what we truly had in the UK before Thatcher !!) in the richest nation of the World, it is disgusting that they do not IMHO.  Only chance of putting that right is to ensure Sanders gets selected and then elected as a much needed decent US preisdent who puts people before greed and excess profits. Yes all people should have a choice but NOT simply just purchasing power !!!

WOW! rayw you are a complete China propaganda supporter/promoter aren't you? 


FACT:  China was NOT responsible in that they attacked their own doctor among doing other despicable deeds to their citizens, (later him dying from the very virus he tried to warn the government about), for talking about convid-19.  The government of China when to great links to suppress any reporting to their own people and to the world months before it was known that the virus was raging unchecked in China.  Even China's government didn't take their own situation seriously until it was way out of control and killing their citizens!


FACT:  China does not put their citizens before profit; Look at what they are doing to their own people;  Organ harvesting for profit from prisoners and mass imprisoning and killing of their muslim citizens, (these are proven facts) this is just to name but a few of their human rights atrocities.   I don't know what bubble you have been living in, but China's government is for the upper elites and the money they rake in is NOT for the people; their standard way of doing things is: regular citizens are to be used, abused, and come in last.   


And furthermore, you nor I will know what will, (or will not), transpire within the USA and how they implement or how they will recover from this horrific tragedy.  It's just too early to tell.   But we do know for a FACT, if China's government, would have acted responsibly and warned the world sooner, that China had the convid-19 running loose and out of control in their country, there would be a lot less people catching the virus and a lot less deaths!   So I really think the world SHOULD look at the actions of China's government or lack thereof and take the appropriate steps to call them out on their stupidity and greed.

FACT:  The USA needs to have universal healthcare that I agree with you about.  And Bernie could be the man to do it, if he won the presidency. 

Stay safe and may your environment stay healthy!  Peace.....

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14 minutes ago, waders123 said:


FACT:  China was NOT responsible in that they attacked their own doctor among doing other despicable deeds to their citizens, (later him dying from the very virus he tried to warn the government about), for talking about convid-19.  The government of China when to great links to suppress any reporting to their own people and to the world months before it was known that the virus was raging unchecked in China.  Even China's government didn't take their own situation seriously until it was way out of control and killing their citizens!


That doctor was told to stay quiet because there was an official investigation taking place at the time that was attempting to get to the bottom of whether or not there was an epidemic etc. He was seen to be drawing too much attention to the issue before the investigation was complete.

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19 minutes ago, waders123 said:


But we do know for a FACT, if China's government, would have acted responsibly and warned the world sooner, that China had the convid-19 running loose and out of control in their country, there would be a lot less people catching the virus and a lot less deaths!   So I really think the world SHOULD look at the actions of China's government or lack thereof and take the appropriate steps to call them out on their stupidity and greed.


The Chinese government doesn't have a monopoly on stupidity. Various branches of the US government, including the CIA, tried to raise the issue of the outbreak in China with the President as early as late December and he simply didn't want to know, it took several weeks thereafter for the coin to drop. In addition, the US President removed funding from the CDC which paid for the one viral expert in China who might have detected there was a problem. As result that person and the associated team was withdrawn in July last year and not replaced citing budget cuts.

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1 hour ago, waders123 said:

Nothing was said about one government or the other having a monopoly on stupidity.  However, it is clear, China's government WAS in the "driver's seat" and regardless of any other country saying/doing anything, (or not), they had a responsibility to their own people and to the world to be forthright and report what was happening immediately.  Heck, they refused help from other countries when offered and made statements at the same time that nothing was happening with this virus; it was all fake news!  You can blame another country all you want but it doesn't erase the fact that China screwed the pooch on this one.  And I hope the pooch bites back and so does the puppies!

Only with the benefit of hindsight is what you wrote true. Everyone on the planet understand that China is a secretive state that does not make public its affairs until it is ready. As far as China was concerned, at the time  there was an outbreak of seasonal flue which it was investigating so it's not as though they were not doing anything, they were investigating the matter. Nobody had any reason to believe this time around that seasonal flu would be something much more aggressive.

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23 hours ago, korse said:

On Iceland they have discovered more than 40 different strings of the virus...

It is mutating..and it seems like it is getting more contagious, but less deadly.

Viruses usually get less deadly. Italians mostly had 1,2,3 problems.

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1 hour ago, waders123 said:

I disagree:  Hindsight only is in part of the statement that I wrote.  Again I say, "China's government WAS in the "driver's seat" and regardless of any other country saying/doing anything, (or not), they had a responsibility to their own people and to the world to be forthright and report what was happening immediately."  That statement was NOT hindsight but baldface FACT.  Another FACT:  China refused specialists in this field of expertise to help even after it was known it was NOT the outbreak of seasonal flu, and it was out of control!  That wasn't hindsight but again, FACT!

China needs to be called on the carpet for their "underhanded and shady" tactics they continuously try to pull on their global neighbors.

First case detected in Wuhan on 1 December, how much sooner should the Chinese have told everyone else?


"China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!"

—Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 24, 2020
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This is scaremongering at its worst from a person who should know better and be ashamed of his or her wanting their 15 minutes of fame, hang your head. the death rates are the same in italy in the respective age ranges as anywhere else in the world and the vast majority of Italian virologists scientifically say it is the same strain as in china.

Dr Manoon Leechawengwong just do your job.

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20 minutes ago, johno49 said:

This is not a time for blame

One can't blame China, a virus like this can arise anywhere in the world. The Spanish flu pandemic most likely arose in the US.


We can blame all other governments because they saw what was happening in China and should have closed off and isolated (what they are now forcing their people to do), but failed to so. China too, probably should have isolated Wuhan before 50% of the people had left. 


But the real, reckless irresponsibility was from our own governments who failed to isolate when there was still time and it would have made a difference. They did nothing until it was too late.

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On 3/23/2020 at 2:23 PM, webfact said:

Dr Manoon Leechawengwong is the ICU chief and disease expert at Bangkok's Vichaiyut Hospital in Phayathai district. He is a leading expert in respiratory illness.

If this is the opinion (because it certainly isn't fact) of a so called expert, then God help Thailand. Looking to see his name in print like most Thai government members.  How can you trust the authorities when their 'leading experts' come out with complete BS.

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