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Leading Thai doctor in dire warning: Deadly Italian strain of Covid-19 now set to wreak havoc in Thailand


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Why don't you call it the China Virus. It is the same virus from China that has been spreading all over the world. You cases are climbing because you have not been recording them since January. Trying to shift the focus of China and on to Itally? The only super spreader was the Chinesee lady you arrested last week that was blowing <deleted> out of her noise all over the bus and transport areas. She was infected as hell! China is Thailands friend but Thailand should have stopped it in January yet today they still have flights comming in from China. Whay a bunch of bull <deleted>! You had people from Itally in Thailand who were infected becasue of China and went back home and you are focused on them. Let's be clear it is all over the world and it came from China. China new of this Virus put let everyon loose in China for Chineese New Year. 100,000 of thousand came to Thailand and you have been hiding the number for months. Now everybody nows and Thailand looks real foolish making the statement it is came from Italy. Take some responsiblity and grow up Thailand.!

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4 minutes ago, Travelerusa40 said:

Why don't you call it the China Virus. It is the same virus from China that has been spreading all over the world. You cases are climbing because you have not been recording them since January. Trying to shift the focus of China and on to Itally? The only super spreader was the Chinesee lady you arrested last week that was blowing <deleted> out of her noise all over the bus and transport areas. She was infected as hell! China is Thailands friend but Thailand should have stopped it in January yet today they still have flights comming in from China. Whay a bunch of bull <deleted>! You had people from Itally in Thailand who were infected becasue of China and went back home and you are focused on them. Let's be clear it is all over the world and it came from China. China new of this Virus put let everyon loose in China for Chineese New Year. 100,000 of thousand came to Thailand and you have been hiding the number for months. Now everybody nows and Thailand looks real foolish making the statement it is came from Italy. Take some responsiblity and grow up Thailand.!

If you look very closely you will see the virus that was present here in January and February was a much milder version of the mutated one that subsequently struck Italy and that has now been imported back to Thailand. That was why the number of cases and fatalities was so low, it seems the Thai gov. wasn't hiding the dead or the number of ill people, they simply didn't exist, as they didn't in neighboring countries also. But now the Italian virus (not the Chinese virus) is here with a vengeance and we will see Thailand follow the Italian model and lots of people will die, arguing over what we should call the virus seems banal, under the circumstances.

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I just would like to voice the following warning; the super spreader is the government not having locked down the country 7 - 10 days ago already. The "man pen rai" attitude, combined with the fact that many Thais flatly ignore any rule, regulation or instruction ..........

To claim now, that the devastating strain has now arrived in Thailand ..... could implicate that it is the Italians fault (I am not Italian). 

Such viruses do, for survival reasons, mutate faster than many people think and, in some cases, mutate in such a way, that the problem goes away (see "Ebola"). A deadly epidemic, which decided to mutate away from killing people. 

Here the evolution seems to have taken this virus strain to new heights and 
dangers - the only way to meet this challenge is to lock down everything, if necessary invoke a curfew. Thailand is experienced with curfews, albeit not 24 hours a day but look how the French are getting by with their de facto curfew. 

In closing, it has nothing to do with Italians. Chinese business people invested, years ago, in Italian fashion and, to keep the "Made in Italy" label, employ 50'000 Chinese. Upon return from this year's Chinese New Year the epidemic started in Italy. Combined with an overaged population in Lombardia and Friulia it resulted in terribly high death tolls. 

So call it the Chinese virus, because that's what it is. In previous cases like H1N1, H5N1 and SARS - among others - China always got away with it. Maybe it is time to clean up China, its "if it moves, we eat it" culture combined with some basic hygiene which is in (mostly) complete absence.

Isolate yourself from others for a short time - for the sake of not getting infected, clean handle bars of shopping trolleys, wash hands to no end and wear a mask. Latter is useless against the virus, I know, but it is an uncomfortable obstacle in touching your mucus membranes in nose, eyes or mouth ???? 

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53 minutes ago, saengd said:

arguing over what we should call the virus seems banal, under the circumstances.

Agreed, but at the end of the day this mess is ALL down to the Chinese and their revolting and disturbing 'culinary' habits. It has bitten them right on the a$$ but the rest of the world is paying for it. With this and all that's going on in the South China Sea, I truly hope they are brought to their knees and see the errors of their ways. Won't happen of course and their Thai puppets will likely continue the tired line of whose fault they want it to be. :sick:

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16 hours ago, darksidedog said:

It's great in retrospect to be able to see the sense in shutting the stable door, while you still have a horse, though he is simply uttering what many of us have been saying for nearly two months now, that Thailand should have had a strict immigration procedure in place a long time ago. Keeping the arms open in welcome for so long to save tourism numbers, was bound to have consequences sooner or later.

I didn't see any scientific evidence above to back up his claim this is a different strain, so hope he has that at least partially wrong.

One has to question how much of an expert these Thai doctors are. He rambles on with his opinion. Guessing that a person ( obviously Thai if farang it would be a headline) returned from Italy, how often we were told the scanning at the airports was excellent. Bad news WHO has proven thermal scanning say at airports is at best 10-12 % effective. Its time these big face Thai medical experts listened to WHO findings and follow those and not make up their theories they cannot support. Like the " every one must wear a useless disposable mask".

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Posts containing unattributed content have been removed as well as the replies.  Please provide a valid link to the source of information when posting. 


A conspiracy troll post and the replies have been removed.


Some other troll posts and the replies have been removed. 

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The Thai government love China so much they even follow like monkey's their plan let them all leave on buses so they can spread! 

Anyone who visit or live here who have their eyes open about this government knew it was a matter of time!  Now, those who always think we bash Thais where are they now asking us to leave if we don't like the place because you can't even do that now?  ????️‍♀️

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There is no scientific evidence to support Manoon's theory. It does sound alarmist to me, and let us hope he is wrong. Precautions are a good thing. We all need to practice them, and do out part. But fear mongering is not beneficial. Paranoia is not what we need, at this time. I said it before, and I will say it again. I think many of the virologists and researchers who claim that the virus cannot thrive in this heat, are correct. Sure, there is still going to be some direct transmission. But, it appears that the contagious droplets cannot survive on a surface for more than an hour or two, in heat of 30c of higher. So, we appear to have that in our favor. At least the heat here is good for something! 


So far, we are looking at a minuscule number of cases here. Well under 1,000. Malaysia has nearly double that, but they allowed Mosque services to continue, until they realized it was too little, too late, in the way of prevention. That was absolutely inane. No other tropical country in the world has the kind of numbers we see in the US (up to 43,734 as of now), Europe, and NE Asia. Even Brazil, as huge and populated as it is, only has 1,924 cases. So, let's all calm down, take a deep breath, and be thankful we are here in Thailand. I consider it to be one of the safest places on earth, right now. Let us hope we do not see a great spread of the virus here. 

Edited by spidermike007
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Aside from this article being another insane save of face even during crisis tactic..... the worrying part

is this is no time to be adding xenophobic scare tactics to an already spooked population


Regardless of what he meant it will be interpreted in many ways.

Bottom line? Thailand is waaay behind in testing & educating the population

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Yet again, another Thai 'expert' that knows more than anyone else.  Pretty much every doctor and scientist around the world disagree with his statements.  Many studies of the current mutations have been done and the conclusion from all sources is that none of the mutations are any more deadly than the others.


One of the reasons of the high numbers in Italy is that it's one of the most aging populations in Europe with a high percentage of 'senior citizens'.


Another piece of Thai BS.

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1 minute ago, meechai said:

Aside from this article being another insane save of face even during crisis tactic..... the worrying part

is this is no time to be adding xenophobic scare tactics to an already spooked population

Common Thai people don't read these articles. Up in Isaan they haven't even heard about Songkran being postponed.  

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Not to make of light of the situation, but could you imagine if the "Super Spreader" had been a farang ?   Deportation for the lot of us.......   "He said that a relative of a person in the boxing fraternity who had been to Italy started the spread of the Italian strain of the virus".  Makes you wonder what immigration was doing letting someone in from a very high risk country......... 

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1 minute ago, HHTel said:

Yet again, another Thai 'expert' that knows more than anyone else.  Pretty much every doctor and scientist around the world disagree with his statements.  Many studies of the current mutations have been done and the conclusion from all sources is that none of the mutations are any more deadly than the others.


One of the reasons of the high numbers in Italy is that it's one of the most aging populations in Europe with a high percentage of 'senior citizens'.


Another piece of Thai BS.

99% of the diseased in Italy were old weak people with other diseases as well. 

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Just now, SupermarineS6B said:

Not to make of light of the situation, but could you imagine if the "Super Spreader" had been a farang ?   Deportation for the lot of us.......   "He said that a relative of a person in the boxing fraternity who had been to Italy started the spread of the Italian strain of the virus".  Makes you wonder what immigration was doing letting someone in from a very high risk country......... 

If you read about super spreaders in articles overseas, they never mention numbers like 50 persons, but maybe 10 in comparison to 2-3 which is quite normal.

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1 minute ago, JimmyTheMook said:

You ever look at the bulk of the expats in TH ?

And have you read about any cases in Thailand with old weak Italians with other diseases? I think not. 

Keep your facts straight. Being old is not same as being sick. 

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Read it carefully.....The virus was introduced to a so called "super spreader" after a relative arrived back from Italy. Suddenly 50 people were infected at a boxing event and these have gone on to cause a rocket in cases in Thailand.     Basically guaranteeing it was a Thai that brought it back....... hence no name or nationality....   Dangerous article...... especially when the population's as scared as it is.........

Edited by SupermarineS6B
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What an idiot of a doctor.
How does he explain, the fact that other European countries have a much lower death rate than Italy compared with the amount of infected people?
Fact is the population of Italy is over aged. More than 75 percent of those affected in Italy are older than 51 years, almost four out of 10 affected people are even over 70 years old.
Fact is, age is definitely a risk but there is no other certain evidence why some countries have more casualties than others.
Both strain L- und S-typ has been found in China.  

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27 minutes ago, Kohkah said:

What an idiot of a doctor.
How does he explain, the fact that other European countries have a much lower death rate than Italy compared with the amount of infected people?
Fact is the population of Italy is over aged. More than 75 percent of those affected in Italy are older than 51 years, almost four out of 10 affected people are even over 70 years old.
Fact is, age is definitely a risk but there is no other certain evidence why some countries have more casualties than others.
Both strain L- und S-typ has been found in China.  


There is evidence that influenza vaccines specifically increase the risk of coronavirus infection. Here is why, a phenomenon known as virus interference.


In September 2019, Italy rolled out an entirely new type of influenza vaccine. This vaccine called VIQCC is different than others. Most available influenza vaccines are produced in embryonated chicken eggs. VIQCC, however, is produced from cultured animal cells rather than eggs and has more of a “boost” to the immune system as a result. VIQCC also contains four types of viruses – 2 type A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2) and 2 type B viruses.2 It looks like this “super” vaccine impacted the immune system in such a way to increase coronavirus infection through virus interference that set the stage for what happened in Italy.









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14 hours ago, Logosone said:

Thanks, now read this article:


 "A paper published by Lu Jian of Peking University and colleagues on 3 March in the journal National Science Review analyzed 103 virus genomes and argued that they fell into one of two distinct types, named S and L, distinguished by two mutations. Because 70% of sequenced SARS-CoV-2 genomes belong to L, the newer type, the authors concluded that virus has evolved to become more aggressive and to spread faster.

But they lack evidence, Rambaut says. “What they’ve done is basically seen these two branches and said, ‘That one is bigger, [so that virus] must be more virulent or more transmissible,’” he says. However, just because a virus is exported and leads to a large outbreak elsewhere does not mean it is behaving differently: “One of these lineages is going to be bigger than the other just by chance.” Some researchers have called for the paper to be retracted. “The claims made in it are clearly unfounded and risk spreading dangerous misinformation at a crucial time in the outbreak,” four scientists at the University of Glasgow wrote in a response published on www.virological.org."




Thanks, yes interesting, the key word here is "Overinterpret". Trump is not alone in jumping on the anti-science bandwagon, so many people simply don't understand the principles of scientific enquiry, peer review, etc. "If it is Science it ain't simple", people who live by banner headlines hate this fact.

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