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Pattaya's Coronavirus Cock-up: Chaos on first day of lockdown as leaders scurry for rethink

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9 hours ago, colinneil said:

Leaders in Pattaya scurry for rethink?

Problem is they didnt think before deciding on a lock down, they just implemented it without thinking it out first.

Thais are utterly unable to link A with B. If I do A then B might happen. See it all the time with their driving, but it's there in every walk of life. I suppose it stems from the education system that actively discourages critical thinking, and even those who might see a problem are unable to raise it if the person organising the cockup is older and/or their superior.

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8 hours ago, Kerryd said:

"77kaoded said it was not just the traffic - each of the five checkpoints were struggling to interpret what ID was necessary to move in and out of the city."

What is so hard about that ? I've seen the (regular) police and the Immigration Police when they do a shift change. The incoming shift stands in formation and gets a briefing from the (commander/shift supervisor/whoever) and then they go do their jobs.:cheesy:

We knew a couple days in advance that we (foreigners) were supposed to have our passports and a "residence certificate" and a special form (with an English version already available) detailing who we are, where we are going and why.
All that should have been passed on to every oncoming shift for days before the barricades went up.

There shouldn't have been any confusion at all about the documents. I was hoping to find out what they were doing with that new form (looking at it, stamping it or keeping it when you went through a checkpoint) but the only person who reported going through a checkpoint said they never even checked him for documents at all !

Possibly they just didn't think there'd be as much traffic as there was and couldn't handle it without making the problem worse (by having to check and verify the documents of every single person trying to pass through).
And then there's the issue of what to do with the people that "forgot" one piece of paper or something and now they have to try and redirect that person back the way they came.

I think I'll put my mask on and go talk to my neighbour though I don't think his English is good enough to explain it to me.

Looks like there is going to be a few inactive duty positions available. :cheesy:

12 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Thais are utterly unable to link A with B. If I do A then B might happen. See it all the time with their driving, but it's there in every walk of life. I suppose it stems from the education system that actively discourages critical thinking, and even those who might see a problem are unable to raise it if the person organising the cockup is older and/or their superior.

Do you never worry that posts like this will result in a SWAT team to your house? 

4 hours ago, patsfangr said:

The FIRST responsibility of any government is the health and welfare of its people. Some reasonably effective planning for a significant emergency is clearly a mandatory aspect of holding a position as head of a government at any level. 

That doesn't apply to Trictatorships the first responsibility of a trictatorship is to fill ones pockets with the earnings of the populous.Trictatorships are not governments they are administrations. 


gov. need to clean up this dirty filty city for better protection and give people free Alkohal and Sanition materials to keep clean and teach Thai people do not eat so much junk food teach them about how to immune them self ? it is simple protection that gov. do not do care to do clean all that dirty Beaches public place and spray weekly for Flies and Musqito they bring more disease 

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They really do stand out for their utter brilliant clear thinking and logic. Let's face it, since when have you EVER seen a Thai that can make a plan for 2 hours in the future?

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4 hours ago, Mung said:

if this country had a climate of -5 to 5 degrees Celsius, not only would road deaths be higher than the already outrageous figures, but the country would have been decimated by this virus by now through their haphazard thinking and shoddy planning; not to mention the greedy intention of letting in tens of thousands of Chinese tourists throughout January and February 

I've been asking myself the question about the weather and infection rates and had been a disbeliever however today I saw a 2 minute video which said that in colder drier climes and maybe just drier climes is once the virus is exhaled the moisture surrounding the virus evaporates making the virus lighter and floats around for a longer period of time and with people's tendency to be inside more increases the rate of infection in the tropical climes the evaporation doesn't occur so much and the droplets fall to the ground quicker.Now I'm having doubts about my disbelief of the weather's impact.




8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Government bureaucrats are supposed to have action plans for every eventuality. They have no excuse not to have one for a pandemic since Ebola, SARS, swine flue, bird flue etc appeared.

In a "perfect world" ... maybe.  What have YOU done to help?

5 hours ago, patsfangr said:

The FIRST responsibility of any government is the health and welfare of its people. Some reasonably effective planning for a significant emergency is clearly a mandatory aspect of holding a position as head of a government at any level. 

Are you serious?  This is Thailand!

10 hours ago, Toany said:

They will have to sort things quickly.  The airports of Wuhan are open again.  Soon there will be hordes of Chinese trying to enter Pattaya.

Don't worry. Nobody wants them to not come in. They desperately wait for those hordes of Chinese. Does anyone believe Thais will send them back??? They will quickly declare China virusfree and Chinese SAFE foreigners from a SAFE country. They will be the first to be allowed into Thailand! Money speaks...Anutin listens...

1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Thais are utterly unable to link A with B. If I do A then B might happen. See it all the time with their driving, but it's there in every walk of life. I suppose it stems from the education system that actively discourages critical thinking, and even those who might see a problem are unable to raise it if the person organising the cockup is older and/or their superior.

Yes, such a progressive country.  ????

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2 hours ago, RedPill said:

No big deal, thousands of people close to each other ... figuring out what is going on and what to do?


In times of social distancing.


I thought you are always so critical about things ... and this one is no big deal, just move on ... we all make mistakes.


mhhh, well, you can be a bit more critical about this, no problem to talk about it ????


You know me RedPill. I am never to critical of things. ???? 

They saw this and they took down the checkpoints and let people go. After that most people was probably sitting in their cars too.

No problem. Just a minor mistake. Have a heart. ???? 

11 hours ago, Toany said:

They will have to sort things quickly.  The airports of Wuhan are open again.  Soon there will be hordes of Chinese trying to enter Pattaya.

Hordes of infected Chinese allowed into Thailand. How stupid can you get. Risk the lives of Thai Citizens just for money. 

1 hour ago, GeniusFarang said:

It comes down to idiots just sucking the governments @$$ and believing everything they see in world news. Usually in the more poor places (I.e Thailand) it’s easier to control the masses. They don’t ask questions, they snap to attention and they do as their told. This is why you see so many poor and uneducated people that go with the flow. Hey is that a giant Cell tower? Yeah just build it right next to my home that’s cool! 

Now we just tell them to wear a mask (even though it doesn’t stop the spread of anything) they will all do it like a herd of cattle. Tell them they can’t go out past 8pm (which makes no logical sense at all) then they will follow the rules and get upset at others that don’t. It’s a monkey brain. I mean a lot of monkey brains on these threads too. What a GREAT idea lock down a city and keep poor people who are already struggling stuck in a city where you have banned essential business from selling essential goods like....food. Great idea genius’s!

Everyone reads mainstream BS and then reacts without using their “unevolved” brains. I’ve never seen so many weak, ignorant minds in my life until I started traveling. Crazy how easily controlled and brainwashed people are by the same 6 companies that own all of your media. 

But hey, keep spraying that hand sanitizer water all over the streets that will keep the boogieman away. Lmfao.

Did you get all that from infowars.com? Should have thrown a "sheeple" and "globalist elites" in there somewhere to go full tinfoil hat.

  • Confused 1
2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

other countries would pay benefits if unemployed, set up food banks and probably a lot more than that. What is Thailand doing about the people who have no money and can't register for the 5k a month? let them starve?


some further reading for you, think empathy.



Sure, it´s sad. However, different persons attempts suicide all the time in this country because they can´t handle reality. All from tourists and expats and citizens.


Where has this thread gone to. It started with the lock down cock-up and now it full of hot air and wind.


Anyone know what is happening with the lock down going forward?


Pattaya to adjust lockdown.


"The new checkpoints would be set up at Dolphin Circle; the entrance of Pattana Nua (North Pattaya) at the Prinya Sai 3 intersection; Pattaya Klang (Central Pattaya) at Soi Arunothai; Pattaya Tai (South Pattaya) at Soi Kophai; and Jomtien checkpoint on Jomtien Sai 2 Road.


The checkpoints will be manned by combined teams of health officials, Bang Lamung district officials, volunteers and police who will strictly screen people entering the town. They will start operating from Tuesday and will be in place for three weeks or until the situation returns to normal, said the mayor."





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11 hours ago, colinneil said:

Leaders in Pattaya scurry for rethink?

Problem is they didnt think before deciding on a lock down, they just implemented it without thinking it out first.

brings to mind the THAI saying DONT THINK TOO MUCH !

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, GeniusFarang said:

Everyone reads mainstream BS and then reacts without using their “unevolved” brains.

If everyone did as you suggested that would include yourself,and you call your self a genius!Nice to come across a genius with an "unevolved" brain. 

  • Haha 1

"The new checkpoints would be set up at:
Dolphin Circle;
the entrance of Pattaya Nua (North Pattaya) at the Prinya Sai 3 intersection;
Pattaya Klang (Central Pattaya) at Soi Arunothai;
Pattaya Tai (South Pattaya) at Soi Kophai;
and Jomtien checkpoint on Jomtien Sai 2 Road.

By the sounds of that, they are just going to lock down the "heart" of the city between South Pattaya Road and North Pattaya road, from just below Sukhumvit down to Beach Road.
And blocking Jomtien #2 road somewhere.

Odd that this is coming out first in the Bangkok Post though. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1897390/pattaya-to-adjust-lockdown

Also seems odd as there's no way they can control traffic coming in/out of that area with just those checkpoints.

12 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

Amazing what 1-2 elderly deaths a day can do

Amazing , given the number of likes , how many have taken your post literally.

Amazing that so many still dont take this pandemic seriously.

Amazing that the Thai government expects lockdowns to be effective ,when their lack of testing has produced low infection figures that squarely mitigate against compliance.

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