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'It's not about you': Democrats bet Trump coronavirus response a 2020 winner for Biden

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"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Using this issue sounds like desperation, if the following poll is accurate:


The poll found that, on the coronavirus issue, the voters have no tolerance for partisan politics. When asked "is the coronavirus a . . ." Republican issue, only 9% agreed. Only 7% said it was a Democrat issue. A whopping 79% of likely voters say, "partisan politics have no role to play in the coronavirus response." These ratings span all partisan voter segments with 78% of Republicans, 76% of Democrats, and 83% of Independents saying that there is no room for partisan politics.



Trump could have easily been crushed, if the opposition had nominated a candiate who supported the working-class - opposed worker-replacement visas and said they would enforce the laws against hiring illegal-aliens.  But their base would never allow this, so ...  No "pro American Worker" party exists in the USA; only a minority of Republicans vote against citizen-worker replacement.

6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

This seems like a sound policy. He kept himself in the background, and let Trump shoot himself in the foot daily. If he could have limited himself to 10 minute press conferences focusing on Covid, he would have jumped in the approval ratings. But, he could not help himself, as usual. He ranted about the lockdown, he ranted about the benefits of swallowing lysol, he ranted about the Chinese. 


As I said before, Covid beat Trump one minute into the first round. He is DOA. All Biden has to do is show up. Goodbye Don. You will not be missed. The world will rejoice, as you are shown the door. Perhaps we will actually see a competent administration, a return to the embrace of our closest allies, and the correct amount of disrespect shown toward MBS, Kim, Xi, Putin, Sen, and the other despots out there who have been coddled by Trump. And most refreshing of all, would be a leader who actually knows how to negotiate! 

With Biden as president I'm sure that he and Hunter could make even more billions in China.

6 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Good to see that the topic has moved on from it's obsession with sex allegations. Recent polls show up even worse for Trump among regular voters. There has been a brilliant piece in the Irish times, but it is behind a wall so I can't link to it. However it focuses on how Trump has destroyed US standing abroad, in a few brief years. I can only quote a part of it briefly. (In accordance with the rules). I though that the Irish were generally big US fans.


"Over more than two centuries, the United States has stirred a very wide range of feelings in the rest of the world: love and hatred, fear and hope, envy and contempt, awe and anger, but there is one emotion that has never been directed towards the US until now: pity.

However bad things are for most other rich democracies, it is hard not to feel sorry for Americans. Most of them did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016, but yet they are locked down with a malignant narcissist who, instead of protecting his people from Covid-19, has amplified its lethality."


The rest of the world just hopes that there are enough decent people in the US who wake up and get rid of the worst, most self interested and self serving president they have ever had. The signs are beginning to look more positive. The country Trump promised to make great again,  has never in its history seemed so pitiful.



Perhaps it's a brilliant piece because it bolsters and confirms your own personal bias?  You have to remember that for every person you find who despises Trump you can find another who does not.

29 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:


Also, one has to consider the foreign relations aspect.  Considering trade talks it might be counterproductive to be overly hostile to China while the COVID threat was still in it's infancy and no one at the time was certain of where COVID was headed.


These are just a two examples which need to be taken into account before jumping to conclusions.  I'm sure others can come up with other apolitical facts and data to add which would answer your question.


A third is Trump's business debts with China. He's gone awfully quiet on his 'China' misdirections these past weeks. 

  • Like 1
32 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

With Biden as president I'm sure that he and Hunter could make even more billions in China.


Yeah, unlike, Donald, Ivanka and Jared...


Trump’s Personal China Dealings Resurface in 2020 Race



Politico noted that “Chinese state-owned companies are constructing two luxury Trump developments in United Arab Emirates and Indonesia.” In addition, the outlet added, “the president and his daughter Ivanka Trump, a White House adviser, have been awarded trademarks by China’s government [and] his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has courted Chinese investors in at least one other real estate deal.”


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3 hours ago, Silurian said:


Evidence Casts Doubt on Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Allegations of Joe Biden



Yeah, Biden was a Vice President for 8 years and silence from Tara. Then in 2016 and 2017, praised Biden in Twitter. Tara stated in 2009 that she initially left Washington because her husband got a new job and she got a job offer, then in 2018 she stated she left Washington because she was sick of imperialism and then for some reason in 2020 she has an epiphany that Biden had fired her.


Tara's story is consistently inconsistent.  If anyone needs to get their story straight it is Tara.



???? Look at who the "authors" of that article are ????

  • Like 1
36 minutes ago, simple1 said:

None of your post detracts from the fact trump was incorrect with his judgement of Xi and his denial of risk presented by Covid-19, even though he had been warned by his own intelligence agencies to be wary.  - we well know trump considers himself a better judge of people / events than his intelligence agencies. Highly unlikely, but one hopes his supporters can face reality and move along. trump is unfit to represent the Office of the President of the USA.

For one, even if we go along with your assumption that Trump misjudged Xi that's certainly not a crime nor does it even suggest incompetence.  No one makes perfect calls 100% of the time.  You know that but choose to paint your perception as an unforgivable error which lead to disastrous consequences.  There were no such consequences resulting from Trump's praise.  It's a complete non-issue.


You then paint Trump's early assessment of COVID as denial, a term you deliberately chose to suggest that the seriousness of COVID was already so well known that only a fool would deny the gravity of the situation and not respond properly.  At that time the intelligence agencies were reporting on COVID's potential.  No one knew where it was headed but now you want to play armchair quarterback.  Also, where is your mention of every other major political figure who was downplaying COVID at the same time?  What about Nancy Pelosi?  What about de Blasio?  What about all of the MSM outlets who guested M.D.'s downplaying it?  Why do you ignore them and focus only on Trump?  (I know why.)


Remember, too, ABC's bombshell story that said a report was issued in November by the National Center for Medical Intelligence that supposedly warned of a pandemic.  The Pentagon responded that no such report existed.  Hence fake news.  Some might think the media was already setting the narrative to try and make it look like Trump ignored 'dire' warnings from his intelligence agencies.


All in all I think yours is a simpleton analysis as it utterly fails to take so much more into consideration.

  • Confused 1
10 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

Only in America after Trump's handling and statements of Covid19 would he need defeating by election????


And only in America might people think sleepy, creepy, sleazy old Joe would've done better!

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1 hour ago, Gweiloman said:

So in November, it will be a choice between a brain-dead former VP and a brain-less incumbent President. Lordy, how the mighty have fallen. 


Sounds about right. You have to seriously wonder what the hell as gone wrong if these are the best two choices?



1 hour ago, Thingamabob said:

Brain-dead Biden will be gone the moment he is questioned about his involvements in China and Ukraine.


They'll keep away from answering those questions. And a lot of mainstream media won't pick up on it. All be hushed away like Hilary's baggage.

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6 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


And only in America might people think sleepy, creepy, sleazy old Joe would've done better!

No, that's something I'm 100% sure the vast majority of the whole world's population who have an opinion on the subject believe.

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25 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

<SNIP>Trump misjudged Xi that's certainly not a crime nor does it even suggest incompetence.<SNIP>  

LoL - not what trump says when the shoe is on the other foot. 

38 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

For one, even if we go along with your assumption that Trump misjudged Xi that's certainly not a crime nor does it even suggest incompetence.  No one makes perfect calls 100% of the time.  You know that but choose to paint your perception as an unforgivable error which lead to disastrous consequences.  There were no such consequences resulting from Trump's praise.  It's a complete non-issue.


You then paint Trump's early assessment of COVID as denial, a term you deliberately chose to suggest that the seriousness of COVID was already so well known that only a fool would deny the gravity of the situation and not respond properly.  At that time the intelligence agencies were reporting on COVID's potential.  No one knew where it was headed but now you want to play armchair quarterback.  Also, where is your mention of every other major political figure who was downplaying COVID at the same time?  What about Nancy Pelosi?  What about de Blasio?  What about all of the MSM outlets who guested M.D.'s downplaying it?  Why do you ignore them and focus only on Trump?  (I know why.)


Remember, too, ABC's bombshell story that said a report was issued in November by the National Center for Medical Intelligence that supposedly warned of a pandemic.  The Pentagon responded that no such report existed.  Hence fake news.  Some might think the media was already setting the narrative to try and make it look like Trump ignored 'dire' warnings from his intelligence agencies.


All in all I think yours is a simpleton analysis as it utterly fails to take so much more into consideration.

i wouldn't necessarily trust what the pentagon puts out.  the wording seems a little strange.


news reports were talking about november reports or reporting, according to "sources."


the fact that the pentagon spokesperson went out of their way to specifically state there was no such report "in november" is troubling.  given the lies and deflection and misinformation coming from government, i wonder why they were so specific.  gives me reason to think there could have been a report issued on december 1st warning of the pandemic, technically not "in november."

  • Confused 1
6 hours ago, AussieBob18 said:

Do your o

Do your own research - prove what I said is wrong. Show me evidence where the Dems have supported Trump's call for investigations of China and I will concede.  Rather than demanding I prove what I said is correct, with an accredited source you will accept, provide what proof you have to state that I am wrong.


Your quoted article paints an interesting story - China delayed and covered up but not 'too much' - when they finally became open about it they did good things.  Please.  The issue is did China delay and conceal - the answer is yes, and therefore they should be investigated. The investigation is about did they delay and conceal - and if so, how much damage was done because they did delay and conceal?  I will help you with that answer by telling you some of the things that will be investigated.  Did Taiwan sent their own team to check things out as they claim - and when they reported did Taiwan locked down travel to/from Wuhan as claimed - and therefore they started preparing much earlier than others and that is why they had few cases and very few deaths. Is it true, as Taiwan claims, that the CCP pressured WHO to ignore Taiwan's warnings, and did WHO ignore Taiwan's warnings. 


Maybe you should not only look at the opinions a very liberal left-wing Brussels based EU organisation - in that link you provided to me - if you want the truth.  I am not saying read only Fox - but I am saying you need to get both sides of the story to get close to the truth.  Hard to do I know, when when the majority of the media is liberal left wing biased, and the rest is conservative right wing biased. 

Do your own research basically means I have nothing to back up my statement. 

  • Confused 1
4 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

I only wonder. How many high educated people in US actually vote Trump in last time.

Nobody whit PHD or if so they have get they degree from cereal box!

If give vote that guy , you have to be totaly insane!

But hey you have freedom to speak what ever come from your mouth. Even total BS. So i use mine! And if some red neck from Texas get angry so what! 

Your dear president have done much more harm to your coundry than any president before him! 

But if look own belly button and nothing else, all seems to be fine! YEAH?

Get that wall and all problem gone!

It make me want be high educated person. Maybe get maybe many degree about cornflake box, give vote a many time. sure! Belly button love wall

  • Haha 1
23 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Finally Trump’s luck ran out. He disregarded his own intelligence briefings in January and February about the impending danger of the corona virus. The warnings from his intelligence in more than a dozen classified briefings known as the President’s Daily Briefing came during a time the President was mostly downplaying the threat of the pandemic. His habit of not reading the briefings and bristles at having to listen to oral summarizes resulted in his failure to mobilize for a major pandemic. By the time he declared a national emergency on March 13, the virus were rising rapidly. I am sure these classified briefings will surfaced soon and put another nail to his re-election. 


If that is not enough, the economy will do

him in. There will be no V shape recovery but a depression that the voters will suffered and reflected in the ballot boxes. Business will never be the same even after the lockdowns are lifted in all states until a vaccine is available for all. 80% of the people lived paycheck to paycheck before the pandemic and will have no appetite to spend after lockdown except for essentials and pay up debts. People will still be scared to move around and travel and that will affect related industries. The world will also be slow to recover and the supply chain will see big changes and take time to settle down. Poor and middle class voters will be the most letdown by Trump’s bailout for the big corporates leaving crumbs for them. The farmers got a double whammy of woes from trade wars and supply disruptions. Meanwhile the GOP senators are not seen helping their own constituents and have seen their funds raising declined while the Dems have record funds raised. 

Trump’s approval rating has declined and worse off than last 5 Presidents at around this time. 


Biden really have have things pretty easy for the election. Not the best but enough to beat Trump handsomely. 


The wish is the father of the thought much?

  • Like 1
51 minutes ago, simple1 said:

LoL - not what trump says when the shoe is on the other foot. 

Sure, respond ineptly only to what little you feel you can respond to, fail to address the rest, and feel victorious.  LOL

49 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Finally Trump’s luck ran out. He disregarded his own intelligence briefings in January and February about the impending danger of the corona virus. The warnings from his intelligence in more than a dozen classified briefings known as the President’s Daily Briefing came during a time the President was mostly downplaying the threat of the pandemic. His habit of not reading the briefings and bristles at having to listen to oral summarizes resulted in his failure to mobilize for a major pandemic. By the time he declared a national emergency on March 13, the virus were rising rapidly. I am sure these classified briefings will surfaced soon and put another nail to his re-election. 


If that is not enough, the economy will do

him in. There will be no V shape recovery but a depression that the voters will suffered and reflected in the ballot boxes. Business will never be the same even after the lockdowns are lifted in all states until a vaccine is available for all. 80% of the people lived paycheck to paycheck before the pandemic and will have no appetite to spend after lockdown except for essentials and pay up debts. People will still be scared to move around and travel and that will affect related industries. The world will also be slow to recover and the supply chain will see big changes and take time to settle down. Poor and middle class voters will be the most letdown by Trump’s bailout for the big corporates leaving crumbs for them. The farmers got a double whammy of woes from trade wars and supply disruptions. Meanwhile the GOP senators are not seen helping their own constituents and have seen their funds raising declined while the Dems have record funds raised. 

Trump’s approval rating has declined and worse off than last 5 Presidents at around this time. 


Biden really have have things pretty easy for the election. Not the best but enough to beat Trump handsomely. 


If only I could dream . . . 


Come November we'll revisit this post, O.K.?

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25 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

They aren't the ones taking a 2 hour a day prime time spot and using it as a campaign rally on national TV every night... 

According to a Washington Post article from two days ago (source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/13-hours-of-trump-the-president-fills-briefings-with-attacks-and-boasts-but-little-empathy/2020/04/25/7eec5ab0-8590-11ea-a3eb-e9fc93160703_story.html )

Trump had spent 13 hours in those briefings... More than two of those hours were spent attacking others. More than 45 minutes were spent praising himself and his administration... and a mere 4 1/2 minutes spent expressing condolences to corona virus victims... But yeah it's the democrats exploiting the tragedy... 

Geezus, WaPo must be fresh out of bombshell fake news to write trivia to spin negatively.

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