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Thailand could allow alcohol sales for two days before new ban is enforced


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6 hours ago, 2long said:

There IS some sense in it. Read on...

Common sense would suggest that the reason for banning the booze is to prevent Somchais from sitting in groups and drinking, then after killing some brain cells going off to do other inappropriate things which would spread the virus, such as returning to hug and kiss family members.

Without 'generalising' I think it's fair to say that the government mainly target low-income Thai males as the target group to control in this case. From experience, these guys are completely incapable of buying in advance and rationing the booze for even a few days, never mind a month. This is partly because they don't have the money, and mainly because they can't control themselves or trust their buddies not to cheat. They drink all they have until it's gone.

In this sense, the 2-day window and a new ban makes sense, allowing expats and more wealthy to stock up and ration.

It’s also worth thinking that this country functions on rubber rules, the low class male population mostly have knowledge of small mom and pop shops with a room out back full of beer. I see my local wholesaler is still loading up boxes onto motorbike sidecars, so people are selling and shelves need to be replenished.


The average hi-so must be a little bit stuck on where to get a bottle of red or out of the loop on where to get a few cans on the QT.

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Does it make sense from my point of view?


Does it make sense, from the governments point of view? 

You bet!

When you have a country full of angry, hungry people with nothing to do and barely enough money to feed themselves...putting alcohol into that equation could be a recipe for an uprising!

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1 hour ago, OneeyedJohn said:

Hilarious, how would you even have a clue as to what most Thais are thinking. Are you down the community centre nattering away with them in your fluent Thai.

Precisely, spoke to a couple of shopkeepers, couple of friends, couple of family members. Good of you to put your vacuous sarcasm on to someone you don’t know. 

Edited by Bluetongue
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1 hour ago, OneeyedJohn said:

Hilarious, how would you even have a clue as to what most Thais are thinking. Are you down the community centre nattering away with them in your fluent Thai.

Of course, in my case its the village snooker hall. "Rack em up Somchai". 

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2 minutes ago, Mung said:

haha thank you Daddy, I am happy you allow me to purchase alcohol for 2 days. You are so kind ????


Yes, you're allowed to purchase alcohol, but there's going to be little or none available for you to buy, you'll have to wait in long queues potentially exposed to the virus, and what there is is probably going to be heavily rationed.

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1 hour ago, Canuck1966 said:

One of the richest people on the planet being able to affect millions of people's health/lives is extremely dangerous

It appears that he is trying to play God

He's a computer guy, what the hell is he doing interfering in health issues for?



Jesus, have you ever looked at what Rupert Murdoch does? Mark Zuckerberg? Bill Gates is a new-born lamb compared to them.

Bill Gates outlined the dangers of a pandemic in 2015. Please tell me what he is doing NOW that is ruffling your feathers.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Nick said:

Well maybe...just MAYBE...he was talking to the experts and listening to them!

And then, he took some of his money and tried to put it to the task!

Just an idea...

Or, of course, he is in bed with the New World Order and the reptilians and the Illuminati and something something 5G...

So you think it's a good idea for one person with one mind to have that much influence?

His intentions may be good but that doesn't necessarily lead to a positive result


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6 minutes ago, Saint Nick said:

Or, of course, he is in bed with the New World Order and the reptilians and the Illuminati and something something 5G..

I don't think anyone is questioning the above facts, are there still naive people out there who believe otherwise? surely no one is so blinded?

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7 hours ago, baansgr said:

So buying 8 crates all in one go and drinking 6 bottles a day at home for a month, or buying 6 bottles a day and drinking at home for a month....what's the difference.....either ban it for a valid reason or don't.

we are of course assuming anybody has any stock left,two weeks with no delivery from suppliers would have taken a very heavy toll on wholesalers stocks. i know it has on my partners supplier.

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Are we that stupid to believe the alcohol importers and makers have not concocted this scheme to boost profits?  It wasn't even discussed until the lockdown was extended for another month which means no bars open. Lets be truthful here.  This has nothing to do with COVID 19.  

Why not ban hand sanitizer, it's 75% alcohol?  

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3 hours ago, moontang said:

You might be lucky to get away with some serious scowls if you are seen drinking in public nowadays, might even get you an invitation to the local cop shop.

If I understood it correctly it is not forbidden to drink alcohol in public. But it is strictly forbidden to transport alcohol.


I just checked the law again and I have to correct myself. Drinking alcohol outdoors in public areas is not allowed. 


Edited by Oldie
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6 minutes ago, natway09 said:

The reason for the ban is to stop crowding.

They have just shot themselves in the foot by creating crowding  (But only for 2 dangerous days)

They have definately shot themselves in the foot, but maybe they should be aiming higher.

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14 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Funny how all the right-wingers are howling for their blood, but Trump is as pure as the driven snow.

Far left too. Horseshoe at work. Makes you wonder who or what is driving the smear campaign.

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Just now, poohy said:

yep extended for another month

madness, and just like lemmings the rest of the provinces will follow the first off the cliff edge


Putting countless people in a dire financial situation for no reason whatsoever

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1 minute ago, Canuck1966 said:

madness, and just like lemmings the rest of the provinces will follow the first off the cliff edge


Putting countless people in a dire financial situation for no reason whatsoever

thats my main fear now his merry mates will copy him

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