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Trump 'not interested' in reopening U.S.-China trade deal after report of Beijing discontent


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2 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

Yawn. All just part of the normal diplomatic negotiating process. Keeping the opposition on its toes.


I expect that the current 'pact' will continue to be mostly implemented, to the more or less secret surprise & satisfaction of both parties. Which won't stop them from jockeying for position as they approach Round 2 ...


People need to look through what their heroes SAY and check carefully what they DO.

True, and with the process in China far less visible than in the US China has the upper hand there.

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Hours after the report was published, Chinese importers on Monday bought at least four cargoes, or about 240,000 tonnes, of U.S. soybeans on Monday for shipment beginning in July, and additional sales are possible, two traders familiar with the deals said on Monday.


The purchases were the latest in a recent string by China, which U.S. officials say has also begun implementing other parts of the trade deal regarding intellectual property protections."


Does not look like backing out to me.More to the point, is Trump upholding his part of the deal?

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29 minutes ago, Logosone said:

I don't dislike Trump as such but his ultra-nationalist US-or-death policies are a danger for the world economy. Again the Forex markets take a nose-dive because everyone expects yet more economic warfare between the two elephants.


If Trump were to go it would be excellent for global market stability, but I fear he will destroy Biden in the upcoming election.

I'm afraid I have to agree. Still hoping for 2 possible options though, one a different dem. candidate, 2 a change within the rep party, but especially the latter hope is much more wishful thinking than realistic.

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5 minutes ago, CaptRon2 said:

Your post is somewhat hypocritical, accusing someone of not reading what was written about when only days ago you were exposed as doing the exact same thing, I suspect you remember arguing The NY Times was a credible reference, when in fact the reference was an opinion piece from the Chattanooga Free Press.

Do you actually have evidence that Mama Noodle did not read what was written or are you just making false statements again? 

Do you think its ok for you to criticize someone for something you have been exposed as doing (with evidence) even thought you have not provided  any supporting facts other than a difference of opinion?

Why post if you can not be truthful?

Show me the posts please.

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41 minutes ago, stevenl said:

I'm afraid I have to agree. Still hoping for 2 possible options though, one a different dem. candidate, 2 a change within the rep party, but especially the latter hope is much more wishful thinking than realistic.

Even if the Dems put up a new candidate, a stance like Trump's leaves marks. That new candidate could not be seen as soft on China, as that is something Trump has now made an issue.


However, the biggest chance of Trump being voted out is that his handling of the pandemic becomes his swan song. The injecting disinfectant bit may endear him to some or disqualify him to others, but if the pandemic becomes a failure he will suffer. Witness BoJo in the in the UK.


Happened even to Churchill. If the electorate things you're wrong you're out.




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Just now, Mama Noodle said:




I too would prefer the west over China. However for the moment that is out because Trump is in the white house and Republicans are super baddies. 

Glad you added 'translation', next time use a better program please.

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2 hours ago, Tug said:

I don’t think they (unleashed)the virus that is a straight up act of war the virus originated in China just as the 1918 pandemic started in the American Midwest as far as trump spinning about looking for a scapegoat is going to cost a lot of farmers their homes and farms and consumers are going to be paying lots more for trumps tarreffs what infuriates me is people implying another country committed an act of war on us that’s untrue and dangerous we all should be cooperating responding to this crisis 

And meantime the clown thinks he looks like the tough guy who is saving America and MAGA!

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