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Thaksin says Thai lockdown a mistake


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18 hours ago, thai006 said:

taksin is right by the way  thailand is not country like france , germany , UK  


 when you no work in thailand u not got money like these other country    , oh yeah 5000b  what a joke some people just spend that mount of money in just one night here lol 

I agree with your observation.Personally, I am still waiting on the promised $1200.00 from the US government.

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4 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

The current one is better in many different ways.

Better dressed or better at increasing the social divide in favour of those that "put" them in power?

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19 hours ago, Guderian said:

Well he could hardly have been expected to tell the truth and say that the government has done a world-class job of managing the virus so far. 

+1. Great Job. Swift action based on facts, not politics. 

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3 hours ago, mberbae said:


Judging by the extremely low number of Covid cases and related deaths, shows that

the Government ultimately did a good job. Those that agree with Thaksin most likely

are bar flies or Happy Ending shop visitors.


Perhaps they are people who have lived in Thailand  and have families and businesses here.

Despite your claim of (most likely are bar flies or Happy Ending shop visitors.) and there are many more of them than you think.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


So you think Thaksin's right - and the US, UK, NZ, Australia, France, Germany, Russia, China, HK, Singapore, India etc etc etc were all wrong.


Clearly your Isaan wife knows more than WHO, scientists, doctors and experts!



WHO is corrupted by politicians so who are these countries, doctors, scientists and experts so I can investigate who they are. Just 1 thing Fauchi has been a bureaucrat for 30 years if you look around youll see him with the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton thats only for starters. You talk about a corrupt crowd. Now their are also interviews stating that Fauchi believes not everyone should be wearing a mask and social distancing. The narrative changes constantly depending on who these people are talking to. You are probably a hack yourself because your putting out what those people are putting out. Whats your plans for the future if I may ask?

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38 minutes ago, yasin said:

This planneddemic thing is the biggest scam of all times! I cant believe people are still falling for it. There's no such virus that you can catch coming close to people or taking a walk at the park. Viruses don't even cause sickness and actually are excretion of our cells under stress from environmental toxins and dead cells. They are by products of our bodies cleansing efforts. The "germ theory" is only a theory that serves the dirty & evil pharma industry perfectly hence being pushing by them. No one has ever isolated a virus and been able to infect another  with the same exact disease. What they are actually doing is taking some genetic material from aborted fetal tissue, monkey kidney etc. Mix it up with poisonous heavy metals and tens of different chemicals, mix em up and inject it into others bodies what causes an extreme shock since things that are not supposed to be there in ones body and have no chance to get in there under normal circumstances. This so called vaccine raises all the alarm bells in the body and can cause extreme shock and death! So The only way to give someone a virus is to"inject" it into them.

 This all corona thing is the biggest lie of our life times. There are no people dying out of ordinary hence the general death rate is lower than even years prior to 2020. They're just re classifying normal deaths as Covid 19. That's how they're come up with those numbers. Even the test has shown that it's a complete joke by Tanzanian president who ordered samples taken from motor oil, a goat, a papaya fruit and a quail and put human age and names on them, the papaya and goat samples returned positive! If not enough people wake up to this fact we will all be herded into extreme tyranny and dictatorship that no one has ever seen before, all because of "nothing"! 

Umh, New York?

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2 hours ago, bipper said:

Hindsight is a great thing abs and it's still way to early to be certain. He also could have donated the billions he extracted out of the Thai economy first his own personal gain now that would be worth hearing. FOS! Oh and ignore.

To follow on your claim that Thaksin could have donated billions I ask a simple easy question. How much of Prayuth's personal fortune has he donated?

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When there would have been a cure against Thaksinitis and Shinawatritis, there wouldn't have been a six years long epidemy of green plague (and many more years to follow I'm afraid)...! What could Thais be vaccinated with now to get rid of that disease? Or maybe Thais should rather be contaminated with rabies, to get bold enough to bite all green and brown pants in the a.se? 

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24 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

And yet most Thais, who also have lived here throughout the times which you describe, and have equal if not better access to news, comment and opinions, don't agree with you now, and if we are to regard every electoral result since Thaksin was overthrown, have consistently not thought so!


Do you have proof of your assertion please?


Have you spoken "to most Thais"?


Whilst a significant proportion of Thais, the second largest by number, supported Thaksin's political vehicle, more actually supported the political vehicle of the current government. Close numbers though. 


A significant number, voted for the new and now dissolved Future Forward Party. This was a magnificent result given the party was new. And perhaps shows that many people, perhaps a growing number, are fed up with the old choices?

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2 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Thaksin stood for election and the EC was in the background. There was no one month delay in counting and reshuffling the votes and no cheating by the EC to allow small parties to bypass the rules and let them get a small snout in the trough.


There was no 5 year wait for an election as there was under this current lot. Even the Senate was legally elected and not handpicked by Thaksin.


Not only did he succeed the first time but he did it the second time as well.


EC, elections all perfect, above board and spot on under Thaksin!


Right-o, if you say so!


Do you remember how Thaksin used the law, threats, intimidation, to try and stifle critics and opponents?


The bribing that went on?


He certainly new how to orchestrate elections, gotta give him that.



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22 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

The Thai people, eh.


1. Taksin only gained power by spreading division amongst Thai people and next basically buying votes by promises of free money. Red Shirt  protests? Most protesters (poor and naive ppl) were giving 100 baht and loaded on busses as cattle.


2. Dumb? i dont thonk so. He is very smart (as oposed to Thaksin who is merely clever), AND is tuned in what the majority of Thais want. Look around how well the majority of Thai ppl support the anti covid measurements, both in public as on social media. There is no "boot on the throats of Thai ppl." Look at the Plastic Ban imposed recently, widely carried and applauded by both busineses and the Thai consumers.

Prayut is a smart leader, glad to have him during this crisis instead of one of those red shirt clowns.


Compare this current good management to how the Yingluck / Thaksin puppet regime "managed" the disaster flood of 2011.


PTP took decisions based on politics, favors, and lied, lied and lied. All about the money, and the money for them and their cronies.


It was the military that helped people then too by taking action.

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42 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

And yet most Thais, who also have lived here throughout the times which you describe, and have equal if not better access to news, comment and opinions, don't agree with you now, and if we are to regard every electoral result since Thaksin was overthrown, have consistently not thought so!

There are also lots of people in many other countries who vote for incompetent and sometimes likely criminal people. It seems many of those know how to motivate the masses. And the masses are not exactly bright...

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Sorry, but I'm with Baerboxer on this subject "a thief is a thief is a thief" fullstop. An exceptionally good thief, is still a thief. One of my ex BG girlfriends said to me during an argument once "yes, I am a hooker, but high class" - to which I responded "there is no such thing." A hooker is a hooker. Fourteen years after he got away with it, I wish this clown would just crawl off under a rock someplace. The missus' family all live in C Mai and can't stand him. Rare, that, in CM.

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24 minutes ago, Mikeasq60 said:

WHO is corrupted by politicians so who are these countries, doctors, scientists and experts so I can investigate who they are. Just 1 thing Fauchi has been a bureaucrat for 30 years if you look around youll see him with the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton thats only for starters. You talk about a corrupt crowd. Now their are also interviews stating that Fauchi believes not everyone should be wearing a mask and social distancing. The narrative changes constantly depending on who these people are talking to. You are probably a hack yourself because your putting out what those people are putting out. Whats your plans for the future if I may ask?


Not sure what your education level is, but I assume no Masters degree or PhD. The reason I say that is because both include an ability to research, to critically think, challenge and most certainly make you aware of not believing everything you read.


So you do your own research, you have a computer with search engines. And you chose who to believe.


And if that choice is Thaksin, well bully for you.

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19 hours ago, CGW said:

Best democratically elected "Prime Minister" Thailand has ever had - unfortunately! 

Oh really and how would you know that information as a fact. He & family are crooks like the trump family in the US.

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37 minutes ago, Neeranam said:



Deputy PM. Floating the baht, Chawalit(Big Jui), 1997, remember?


Killing thousands of people 2003 ish without trial, remember?


Comparing his government(which in no sense of the word was Democratic) to the one now is interesting. The current one is better in many different ways.

I have to disagree with you on your last paragraph.


The current government was only elected because the EC fudged the election rules before, during and after the election. There was NO election or public vote on the Senate at all. They were all hand picked by a committee who surprisingly enough were also elected as Senators.


It offers NO transparency, no audits, no accountability, in fact very little of anything. Has there been any progress on the reform of the Police, any action to eliminate corruption, any sign of bringing happiness and reconciliation to the Thai people which is what Prayuth promised so long ago back in 2014?


Yet you seem to believe that in many ways it is better than what was there before.


Can you name 5 real improvements they have made in the past 6 years, apart from the lottery tickets which have slowly drifted back to where they were before?

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17 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

There are also lots of people in many other countries who vote for incompetent and sometimes likely criminal people. It seems many of those know how to motivate the masses. And the masses are not exactly bright...


That's a very good point. The information and knowledge age we live in makes much more information readily available to a wider audience.


Not only modern and current politicians across the globe, but also some of those revered from the past, are shown to be less than pristine, honest, ethical, moral characters when reviewed.


And many, at the time were incredibly popular; excellent motivators and many delivered some very good things.


Human nature?

Edited by Baerboxer
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1 minute ago, billd766 said:

I have to disagree with you on your last paragraph.


The current government was only elected because the EC fudged the election rules before, during and after the election. There was NO election or public vote on the Senate at all. They were all hand picked by a committee who surprisingly enough were also elected as Senators.


It offers NO transparency, no audits, no accountability, in fact very little of anything. Has there been any progress on the reform of the Police, any action to eliminate corruption, any sign of bringing happiness and reconciliation to the Thai people which is what Prayuth promised so long ago back in 2014?


Yet you seem to believe that in many ways it is better than what was there before.


Can you name 5 real improvements they have made in the past 6 years, apart from the lottery tickets which have slowly drifted back to where they were before?


And yet, prior to the Covid 19 pandemic, most people didn't seem that bothered.


It seems there is almost an acceptance that no real change can be made and that the various factions are all much the same.


Similarly, can you name any real improvements the last Shin administration made? 



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20 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

Who cares what Thaksin thinks? Isn't he a criminal like his sister? Typical greedy nature.

Quite a few million Thais in the north east still care what he thinks.

They are all greedy no different what's going on today. 

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26 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


But, but, but, Prayuth etc etc


None of which excuses or changes the fact the Shin's thieved billions. And are keeping it!

I see you are back to the but, but, but comments once again.


I clearly remember the furore when Thaksin declared his assets at his first election win.


BTW has Prayuth declared ALL his assets as required by law or is still under the impression that he is above the law of the land?


26 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


EC, elections all perfect, above board and spot on under Thaksin!


Right-o, if you say so!


Do you remember how Thaksin used the law, threats, intimidation, to try and stifle critics and opponents?


The bribing that went on?


He certainly new how to orchestrate elections, gotta give him that.



And do you remember all the bribery that went on with the PPRP? How some ex MPs were offered large sums of money to desert their previous parties and join the PPRP.


How the current government abused the laws to get legally elected MPs banned from standing in parliament and even getting their parties disbanded.


Do you remember how Thaksin the current government is doing the same and worse using the law, threats, intimidation, to try and stifle critics and opponents?


I suppose that you are OK with that. 

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1 hour ago, CGW said:

Many in the media agree with "Isaan wife"

Not in the MSM you read though I'm sure, truth would ruin the "Agenda" do you really consider "WHO" trustworthy? or are you just being contentious? maybe a fan of their main sponsor?

Rock on "Isaan wife" think for yourself ???? 

Funny though, Thaksin wasn't prepared to let any kind of media criticize him. He was happy for people to think for themselves as long as they agreed with him. He completely squeezed the life out of the growing press freedom in the years before he came to power. He was in a position to do so much more for the people of Thailand but after his early gifts to the people decided to help himself, and didn't want that to come under scrutiny. 

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