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Pattaya Malls re-opening the new set up and QR codes....


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10 minutes ago, CGW said:

Note your comment, just looked at BBC (Brussels brainwashing corp) there is nothing about UK or German protests, you misunderstand where I am coming from, this should be headline news, but they chose to "hide" it, one thing that has surprised me with the current "agenda" is how powerful the media is, & how weak the population/people are. not happy about that fact!

Do I understand where this is going? sadly it looks to me like yet further subservience! if you know different please enlighten me , it would be welcome news!

It was on homepage on BBC news yesterday, the German protests were in The Guardian yesterday too, the Mail online was running the London protests and Piers Corbyn. It wasn't very favourable articles, 5G nutters, anti-vaxxers mainly. I'm not into that, just anti monitoring and believe in free speech.

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So, let's say 2 weeks from now you get contacted by health dept. because someone has the virus and you were in the same shop as them on a certain day. Do you have to go and get tested? who pays for it? Do you have to quarantine?

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12 minutes ago, mighty said:

So, let's say 2 weeks from now you get contacted by health dept. because someone has the virus and you were in the same shop as them on a certain day. Do you have to go and get tested? who pays for it? Do you have to quarantine?

I don't know but suspect you would be required to be tested, which I heard was being done for free, for all, in Pattaya area. Personally I would want to be tested, and if positive, I should go into quarantine. 

Thais arriving from other countries are being quarantined, and by all accounts they are catching a good few infections. 

Edited by jacko45k
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8 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Correct, that's what's happening in South Korea, China before that. Authorities will be alerted and they have your details, track you down and zappppp.


News from Richard Barrow, Lotus, BigC, Tops all doing the same QR code even some 7/11s.

Don't scan the code. Sign in as Joe Doe.

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There was an option at Central to just write down your name and phone number.

They asked to see at my ID card but never looked at the information on it and did not write down anything or check the information that I wrote on the checkin sheet.

Same with a few shops but not all required it, option to write name and phone.

Just sayin, if QR is bothersome. 

Edited by bkk6060
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11 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

There was an option at Central to just write down your name and phone number.

They asked to see at my ID card but never looked at the information on it and did not write down anything or check the information that I wrote on the checkin sheet.

Same with a few shops but not all required it, option to write name and phone.

Just sayin, if QR is bothersome. 


I don't have a phone, so just signed my name (signature so illegible). Staff just shrugged and let me in. Didn't ask to see any other ID.


If the Government is intent on creating a new world of permanent and total tracking they are going to have to issue QR devices to everyone to be carried on their person at all times, or this will never work. Let's hope that never happens.

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4 minutes ago, Greg O said:

Suck it up ? New normal ? Second wave ? Did anyone ever see a First wave ? No there is only Normal ! If you accept any of this then you are giving in and effectively authorizing them access to your personal data. It's a tracking App by the way. Don't accept any government or corporate attempt at re programming you into believing that rubbish. We are the providers and the consumers and can easily vote with our feet ! Thanks to the government Malls have been rendered insignificant as there are thousands of independent shops and restaurants outside of Malls. It's sad what the government has done to the business owners and operators. Either open without restrictions or the silly draconian measures or lock em down ! Malls are a convienience but not a necessity. Just my opinion and observation.  No bats were consumed during this rant...

Don't go. I'm sure they will miss the 40 bht that you spend at the subsidized food court...

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11 hours ago, Raphus said:


This is the new way of life for the next 12 months at least. Especially if there is a second wave during the coming winter.

The way how quickly they open in Europe the second wave hits already in July. By winter they are on their 5th wave.

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11 hours ago, Guderian said:

It just means there will be even more incentive to shop online. Come on Jeff Bezos, it's high time for Amazon.co.th to take on Lazada, lol. 

Postage charges have gone up since the virus with Amazon. Shipping to Thailand for a CD has gone up from £3.58 to just under £22. Needless to say my buying CD's from Amazon has stopped for now.

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22 minutes ago, ajarnmarc said:

each time the Thai's move they are required to register their new location, even if they rent,


You don't have that requirement in your home country?


23 minutes ago, ajarnmarc said:

they are to find someone that will place them on a house book where they stay. Why? It's just the law they say. Then when they move they have to track down the owner of the house book they got themselves registered on, to be removed from that book, so they can be placed on another book.

 The house owner is obliged to enter them in his blue book, and I doubt it is hard to find him because that is who they signed the contract with and pay the rent to.


25 minutes ago, ajarnmarc said:

Stupid really, and senseless paperwork.

Yes I agree, your comments sound stupid, and again similar requirement in every civilized country in the world to register your address.

The only difference is that here nobody cares if you don't, in your home country it will cost you if you don't

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14 minutes ago, spiekerjozef said:

The way how quickly they open in Europe the second wave hits already in July. By winter they are on their 5th wave.

European countries think that the virus activity will naturally fade when summer higher temperature arrives, the same way that the Flu disappears each year in warm season.

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12 hours ago, Guderian said:

It just means there will be even more incentive to shop online. Come on Jeff Bezos, it's high time for Amazon.co.th to take on Lazada, lol. 

You take on Lazada, you take on the Chinese government and by default the Prayut government. Fail, especially in the light of POTUS Trump's threat to revive his trade war with China.

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12 hours ago, wasabi said:

I hate to say it but if Amazon were available in Thailand that would improve my happiness here more than almost anything else I can think of

Amazon is available in Thailand.  I have received orders from them here.


"Improve your happiness more than almost anything else" oh come on think a bit more, you can not be serious.

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14 hours ago, redwood1 said:

most tables have a plastic partition between you and some one else.....So it would not be easy to talk to a person you are dinning with.... 

LOL, I can easily hear someone 6 feet away, plastic or no.  Heck, some hotel rooms I used to stay in here, you could hear through the walls. ???? 

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37 minutes ago, quake said:

Think it's shopping at small shops and markets for me.

Excellent. Spend more that way. ????


37 minutes ago, quake said:

They can stick there big brother stuff up there bottom. 

THAT'll show 'em. Bankruptcy is just around the corner.

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There are two basic ways that the authorities are tracking possible infections. The cheap and easy way is what the Thais are doing (so no surprise there), which simply involves scanning a QR code whenever you enter anywhere. That gives them your phone number (i.e. name and address) and location in case an infected person was found to have been in the same place at the same time. The downside is that, due to its simplicity and cheapness, it's a pretty blunt weapon. If you happened to be in, say, a 7-eleven at the same time as an infected person then they'd ask you to take a C19 test (no idea what will happen if you refuse, but probably permanent quarantine). The trouble is that they need to have a positive test confirmed by another lab, and that all takes several days at the best of times, so presumably you may be quarantined for a week or more until the results come back negative. And if, at some future stage, there's a second wave that's much larger than what we've seen so far, with a lot more infected people wandering around, then you might end up spending a lot of time in quarantine and being tested for no good reason. Naturally, the Thai government couldn't care less about such inconveniences, as long as they're not spending much money on their system.


No democratic government could get away with such a cut-and-slash approach, which is why South Korea developed its tracking app that tells the authorities not just if you were in the same shop or mall as an infected person, but just how close you came to them (via Bluetooth). Testing and quarantine is then much more precise, though such apps require around 70% of the population to use them if they are to be effective. In a highly unusual move, Google and Apple have collaborated to change the underlying protocols in parts of their OS's to allow such apps to work together easily, and without draining your telephone's battery in 30 minutes (all that Bluetooth pinging would have meant having your phone permanently active). Most western governments are trying to follow Google and Apple's lead and develop tracking apps based on their technology. The exception was the UK, which tried to develop its own technology, and that failed miserably (predictably), so now they will also have to use the Google/Apple approach.


This second approach is the expensive and complicated way of tracking, but it still needs around two-thirds of the people in a country to use it if it's to be effective in a pandemic. It's doubtful that many Western countries will be able to achieve that level of penetration voluntarily, so some means of coercion may be required. On the other hand, the cheap and simple approach being used by Thailand (and other beacons of democracy, probably, like Iran, Venezuela and North Korea, lol) doesn't give you the option of choice: if you want to enter the shop or office, or wherever, you will have to scan the QR code or show your ID or passport so that they know who you are. You always have the option to just walk away, of course, but life's going to get pretty awkward if you can't even use the local convenience stores, never mind Tesco and Big C, or Immigration, or the banks and post offices. In other words, for those entering the building, there will be 100% compliance, unlike with the Google/Apple-based apps, at least at the moment.

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9 hours ago, lkv said:



No other country in the world will implement such a thing (mandatory tracing in public places), unless they are either communist, wannabe communist, or military dictatorship.


9 hours ago, lkv said:

In democratic countries, people will not put up with this rubbish.

That list of countries is growing, unfortunately.  Those who want that type of society did not let this event "go to waste."  They want the CCP-system of survellance and control as "the new normal" - world-wide.

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13 hours ago, wasabi said:

I hate to say it but if Amazon were available in Thailand that would improve my happiness here more than almost anything else I can think of

Amazon IS available in Thailand.  In the past year they've even upped the ante by providing more vendors who will ship to Thailand.  Of course with Lazada a lot of times you can find things cheaper and without freight/customs charges, but if I can't find it there I can always find it at Amazon.

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Since the outbreak of covid19 life changed as we know it, it is what it is now & we must adhere to all these rules & regulations wherever we go in the world. We cannot avoid it. It's a real pain for all of us & I have lost count the number of times I've forgotten my facemark when leaving my home .......... returning for it just ruins my day. I've now plenty scattered around in my car, motorbike etc, so it's another object I must carry around. Wearing it I feel so uncomfortable, eating a meal with it on for me is unacceptable too & I certainly will not be visiting any restaurant anytime soon. Think the fast food outlets & takeaways are really on a winner now ........... no one wants to sit in a restaurant with all these regulations, especially with family. It's going to be years until things return to normal, unless a vaccine is not discovered soon the world economy will continue to spiral downwards ............ sad fact, but true.

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