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Millions sign up for contact tracing platform as malls reopen


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Apple and google should be strung up for this. The problem is that they both have created the ability for contract tracing but then left it up to individual countries to create their own apps / software for reporting and tracing. It should have been the other way around. Apple and google should have created the apps and then each country works off that data. As someone that travels extensively to many different countries, I can’t install each countries app - not to mention they don’t talk to each other anyway. So it’s only a domestic tracing. Pointless. Scanning QR code’s. For gods sake. 

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Today I went to 2 mall in CNX.  Both wanted sign in and out with name and Phone# or scan the QR Code with the Line App.  The App itself is rather slow.  It is 3 step process:  1) Scan QR Code 2) Click confirmation line 3) Click the Green circle on Line.  People were lined up to sign in or wait for the App to respond. Social Distancing????   

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On 5/18/2020 at 2:35 PM, Wiggy said:

They didn’t have much choice. 

Visited an older mall in Pattaya. No code scanning, no sign-ins, just temp check at mall entrances. Some optional gel at a few locations, masks were worn. Only hitch was exit doors from basement now locked, blocking use of grocery cart to push up ramp to taxi. So shop light.

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So far not using a phone app and signing in and out via paper. Only one paper so far had a place to write the time. So, for the others, I guess I might be there now. Also some places didn't have a clear sign out place for the paper version of the process. So, I suppose in the view of this system, I am still at those places right now, too. If it works at all, I should be getting a call pretty soon to say that I've been exposed, right?

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On 5/18/2020 at 4:14 PM, samsensam said:


the uk, with a similar population size to thailand, is recruiting 18,000 personnel required to administer and run contact tracing effectively. assume thailand will require the same, providing some much needed employment opportunities.

Thailand has had a Village Health Volunteer programme in place since the advent of HIV/AIDS, there are currently over a million volunteers throughout the country. This is the network Thailand has been using since the start to track and trace CV-19 infections. 


Makes 18,000 look pathetic doesn't it.



Edited by Stocky
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I went into Robinsons at Asoke today, played the ignorant farang card and was just waved in by the temp checker without needing to do anything much.


Likewise, went into a commercial shopping center in Pratunam and again played the dumb farang card. Likewise, was waived in without needing to sign in or QR code. I did get a purple dot sticker placed on my shirt which made me feel very special.

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3 hours ago, redwood1 said:

Yea the temp-check thingie is bringing up the same feelings of HATE I have for Songkran.....My personal space is repeatedly being invaded with-out my consent ......Temperature gun almost same as water gun..

Not to mention how accurate it is.     34.5c to 36.5c readouts when taken just a few minutes apart

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1 hour ago, essox essox said:

I NO HAVE smart phone so how the hell do I get into these SMART SHOPS ?????!!!!

Suppose you not only lack a smart phone, but lack a phone at all? Then you have no phone number to put on the paper sign in sheet. You cannot comply with their stupid, impossible system. "No hab phone, can no enter." Well, you can lie and make up a phone number: Thailand is a Buddhist country, and thus has no concept of sin or morality. So, none of the Thais who have lost their jobs recently have a zero prepaid balance that they can't afford to top up, and so effectively have no phone number.


Thailand is expert at not thinking about more than the most common, obvious case, then saying "We're done, now we can go play in Facebook!!!" Hence creating a system that is broken by design, and impossible for some to use. The single word "cannot" is a complete English sentence in Thailand.


    "High ho, high ho, it's off to work we go."

    "Nice song. Especially the 'High ho' part."

       -- National Lampoon's Bored Of The Rings

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