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Prayut says kids must study online until pandemic eases

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18 hours ago, Stadtler said:

Stadtler has a version on online learning that "no need internet when no hab."


It's called the Bible.  Child can read Bible printed on paper while waiting for special Flintstone's Tablet to arrive from Amazon.

Sure, thai children and even older (Male) thai people love to read comic books, the Bible being the biggest joke/comic book ever written!!

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17 hours ago, marcusb said:

Internet access- they may have internet but most of the students I taught at high school and uni were very careful of data charges, they always looked for free wifi. A few hours of online classes each day will use a lot of data.

Didn't the providers offer free data package during the Covid-19 lockdown, I could numerous SMS abut that – and also free voice time – however I didn't needed any, so I don't know how it actually works.

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17 hours ago, Yorkshire Tea said:

OK to open the malls, but not schools?

The malls are big money, and are owned by some very influential fellows - who don't forget have been (so we are led to believe) remarkably generous in deploying their influence in the fight against the virus!


Schools however...



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19 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I don't think there are many without access to a smart phone these days.

The current problem being, the phone app doesn't work.


Still have to pay for internet. As for smart phones how about this. Three kids each in school and each at different levels. Maybe all three have smart phones, but I doubt it indeed there's a chance none of them have a smart phone, still this would mean paying for internet for all three. I'm sorry but the digital divide or put another way the socio-economic divide is now front and centre and it's my guess (call me stupid) that there's way, way more students from poor families than rich.

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Covid allows some countries and governments to exert unnecessary restrictions on the population..

Thailand is well under control. Now it's just extending the convenience of control.

My humble opinion.

Edited by maprao
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13 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Still have to pay for internet. As for smart phones how about this. Three kids each in school and each at different levels. Maybe all three have smart phones, but I doubt it indeed there's a chance none of them have a smart phone, still this would mean paying for internet for all three. I'm sorry but the digital divide or put another way the socio-economic divide is now front and centre and it's my guess (call me stupid) that there's way, way more students from poor families than rich.

I've been bombarded with SMS from AIS and DTaC offering me free internet for the duration.

You only need internet on 1 phone, it can 'hotspot' for the rest.

Or you can use wifi.


I pay 150bht for unlimited 4mbs internet on my phone, hardly expensive.

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1 hour ago, digger70 said:

They expect that Every Kid Has an I Phone/computer and Internet. What about the Poor adults and Poor kids. There are still thousands of people that don't have that . 

What do they expect ,That those Poor kids don't have/need to learn. ???? 

Must be Thai Logic.


Aren't kids in the Uk still at home? (and the USA, and Europe?)

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PM say what say ,but need think too what say, ok, PM buy ewery thailand family were have school childrensewery home new computer. then can if internet have FREE ewery peoples. if not made this no speak anythink and do only first important visa law change normal human law, not cavemen pre history stupid law what not need anythink.

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20 hours ago, baansgr said:

Look how quickly numbers can increase. Russia one month ago had virtually none, now they are at 300,000....schools, bars, anywhere people are close is a breeding ground....taking the virus home to breadwinners will just add to the problem

Of course numbers can increase or a new virus could be discovered tomorrow. My point is that if there really were only 3 new cases on Sunday (2 yesterday), there is no justification in keeping kids off school. If Chan-O-Cha wants the figures to get down to zero before he opens the schools, he's deluded.  This virus is going to be around for quite some time yet and it will most likely flare up and down for a long time.


If he's wanting no infections before removing these and other restrictions, heaven help those of us waiting to go back to Thailand and visit our wives and families. The tourist industry and all its suppliers might as well pack up and go home permanently because its just not going to happen anytime soon. 


Its a pretty safe bet that infections will increase when measures are relaxed - I think most countries will experience that. Until a vaccine or treatment is found, the best anyone can hope for is to keep those infections below a level that the hospitals can cope with - either that or close economies indefinitely.

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The advice from medical professionals is that children up to the age of 17 should not spend more than 20 min. Looking at any screen (TV, Phone, Computer) without taking a break of 40 min. That is currently not being done. As my 12Yo plays on her computer daily during her spare time, this additional time on computer daily without sufficient breaks will have a detrimental effect on my child's health. I believe something should be done as schools will be open to law suits should children show adverse symptoms from too much screen time.

Edited by Sumarianson
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21 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

And for those kids with no access to the net? 

This is only for the Hi-So children, all others will learn to take up menial day laborer jobs and school learning except through smoke signals.  Thailand can not help those less fortunate....sarcasm dripping from the post.


Glad I have been home schooling my GF's two children, with all of the material I could find free on the internet, and then of course they have been taught in English and Thai.  My GF's daughter (who is 9) was on a video call to a friend of hers, and her friend thought it was so unfair and mean that she was having to study during this long break, while she (friend) has been able to run around and play as well as spending the day watching TV.  My GF's daughter clicked off of the video call, looked at me, smiled, and said "I do not feel sorry one bit", "She is such a F-Tard".  My GF and I were utterly surprised at what came out of her mouth, and we all laughed.  I hope she can take her tests to get into an international school so we do not have to play these games anymore.  Don't get me wrong some government schools are great, but there are so many kids fighting to make the cut and be allowed in. 

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