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Do you have a gik?

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On 5/28/2020 at 10:27 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

Think about what might happen if she becomes your gik. And then you have a misunderstanding. She knows your girlfriend and she might use that in a way you don't like.

It's so easy to have sex in Thailand with someone who does not know the wife/gf. Which makes the situation so much easier.

I know what a gik is but what exactly does gik stand for?

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56 minutes ago, petermik said:

Some years ago in my early 40,s back in the UK I met a married lady in her mid 50,s...as I was newly divorced at the time and she made it quite plain her hubby was not interested in rumpy pumpy anymore I thought what the hell if I don`t someone else will....what a woman...an absolute "pocket rocket" who could not get enough,3 years of bliss for me and she taught me more than all the others put together.....god bless her :thumbsup:

Lucky you, but as I understand it she wasn't a GIK as you weren't with anyone else. IMO YOU were the GIK.

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2 hours ago, kwak250 said:

Think your getting a lot more cheese pizza from all your sideliners .

Imagine it as a cheese dump from thousands of punters .

You missed the point these are not normal working girls they are sideliner's with jobs and careers many of them.

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2 hours ago, LukKrueng said:

If you pay per transaction I wouldn't call it a gik. 

Well, maybe, I don't want to pay per month as some do and it's academic if I pay per time or per month. One things for sure we ALL pay one way or another.

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18 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I know what a gik is but what exactly does gik stand for?

As far as I remember there was at least one Thai movie about giks a couple of years ago. Since then that word is often used. I don't remember the name of the movie.

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On 5/28/2020 at 10:08 AM, BobBKK said:

No money, no honey. She sees you as generous and wants to extrapolate that generosity. I have several gik's (or sideliners) and simply pay them for each entertainment. If you like her pay her, if you love your GF stay away. Personally I dont have GF's only sideliners - life's easier that way and I don't want Cheese Pizza every night.

I quite understand and I tried it for a time after I first arrived but, I speak only for me, I preferred to have one girl full-time. Ha! I suppose after a lifetime total of five long-term relationships one could observe my MO as serial monogamy.

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1 hour ago, Logosone said:


That was not moralising, just an observation.


That poor over the hill, economically desperate forty-five year old woman clearly has no economic options and in her desperation decided to offer services for cash to a 78 year old guy, who already admitted he's not a looker.


So it's very obvious you're just a walking dollar sign to this mature lady. You are mammon. I did not take any moral position on this whatsoever, whether it was wrong or right. I merely made an observation.


However, in terms of viability you could do worse than look at the experiences of Abraham, the first guy with a gik, and how well that worked out with his first lady.


In the end this is an obvious dilemma, if the gik is better than your current woman then you'll want the gik and will create untold problems with your current woman.  If the gik is worse than your current woman then there's not much point in the first place to even consider her. Either way you don't take the offer if you have any brains.








You clearly fail to understand the commercial relationship with most gik's.



Looks don't matter, age doesn't matter ........................... sex and money matters.

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1 hour ago, RocketDog said:

Tip: if you don't want to be crtitcized as having a religious bias then don't bring religion into discussions where it's irrelevant. 


Worship of gods of any type is an invitation for doubt by others as there has never been any proof that any such fanciful beings exist. They exist only in your imagination so you do best by keeping them there when interacting with rational people. 


You are certainly entitled to your opinion but any attempt to buttress it with religious arguments is futile. 

I don't worship gods of any type and I'm not bringing religion where it's irrelevant.


Nor am I using religious arguments. 


Not everything in the bible is religious. There is plenty of poetry, philosophy and indeed relationship advice.


And when they tell you that you can't serve two masters, guess what, they're right. They're not making a religious point. They are making a philosophical point.


You can't pursue both material and spiritual well being. Here material would by physical, ie sexual, well-being. The OP can't pursue his sexual well being with the 45 year old gik, and yet hope to enjoy the spiritual comforts of his current relationship.


However, he can ruin the latter in pursuit of the former.





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39 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:




You clearly fail to understand the commercial relationship with most gik's.



Looks don't matter, age doesn't matter ........................... sex and money matters.

Yes, it does look like in the case of the OP, since he's considering a 45 year old woman, that looks don't matter, age doesn't matter, for some people.


That's not the point however. 


His current gf is also in her 40s. So if he were to really like the Gik, this could then jeopardise his current relationship fatally. 

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22 hours ago, shy coconut said:

So what you are saying is that, no you don't have a gik, but a rotation of ladies

whose company you pay for.

Not even that ,,he has several prostitutes phone numbers that he can phone when the need arises,,,,,,I suppose it’s one way to save paying the barfine and lady drinks????????????????????????

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On 5/28/2020 at 11:25 AM, Logosone said:

The bible is very clear on this.


No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve God and mammon.


Matthew 6:24

that is out of context,
it is the other way around, it is about being served by two servants.
in other words, having a relationship and an "active" friendship with someone else.
One of them a steady relationship and the other a needy person:

Now let's take the following also out of context and we have a justification from the same book:
"Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them."
interpreted as "when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,so that your giving may be in secret."

Carry on ....

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On 5/28/2020 at 10:08 AM, BobBKK said:

No money, no honey. She sees you as generous and wants to extrapolate that generosity. I have several gik's (or sideliners) and simply pay them for each entertainment. If you like her pay her, if you love your GF stay away. Personally I dont have GF's only sideliners - life's easier that way and I don't want Cheese Pizza every night.

Gigs are often used as a nice, socially acceptable word for prostitutes, especially from old men.

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59 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:




You clearly fail to understand the commercial relationship with most gik's.



Looks don't matter, age doesn't matter ........................... sex and money matters.

Virtually every relationship is about sex and money.


Particularly with a man well over 70 who admits he's not all that good looking.


His first relationship is most likely also about sex and money.


So if he finds the Gik more to his liking, his current relationship could then suffer. The Gik is just another relationship based on money, not that much different from the first.



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1 hour ago, BobBKK said:

Well, maybe, I don't want to pay per month as some do and it's academic if I pay per time or per month. One things for sure we ALL pay one way or another.

I'm not saying you're wrong for paying per transaction, just that that's not the definition of a gik. More like sex worker that would service multiple men and charge per transaction. A gik usually refers to a girl you kinda keep on a regular basis for a sort of casual relationship and not only for sex purposes,  and supposedly be with only you (whereas many do have same arrangement with more than one man at a time). Btw - I had few giks in the past (one at a time) with no financial transactions whatsoever - no cash, no gifts, no shopping. Just go out, enjoy each other's company and usually but not always have sex. 

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18 minutes ago, KKr said:

that is out of context,
it is the other way around, it is about being served by two servants.
in other words, having a relationship and an "active" friendship with someone else.
One of them a steady relationship and the other a needy person:

It is neither about servants or masters. The master servant relationship is just a metaphor. It was chosen because it was legally impossible at the time to have two masters. But that's not the point.


What Jesus is noting is not a legal impossibility, but a psychological one. While the slave might at first believe he can serve both masters equally eventually he will come to prefer one over the other. 


The slave here, btw, is clearly the OP, who is a slave to his sexual desires. However, if he were to pursue his sexual/monetary relationship with the Gik, the risk would be that he will come to prefer one over the other, ie the Gik over his current gf. Many problems may potentially result from that.





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42 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

where is your toilet? we have 3 in the house, thankfully. 

I have 3 full bathroom and a bathtub in my main bathroom. If I need to explain to you the meaning and how it works then never mind. Have a good day.

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3 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

I used to spend a lot of time in meetings with a Gik. 


Khun Khru Gik at my school to be precise.


I was guest of honor at her wedding.



Were there a few smiles at the wedding, apart from the normal?

I was playing golf with three Thais, and I referred to my caddie in my innocence as "nong sow ( little sister ) . The guys fell about laughing.

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On 5/28/2020 at 1:33 PM, Lacessit said:

I know it's a lockdown, but isn't desperation creeping in?


Isolate , masterbates .

  Keep your money in the bank..


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On 5/29/2020 at 12:43 PM, Logosone said:

It is neither about servants or masters. The master servant relationship is just a metaphor. It was chosen because it was legally impossible at the time to have two masters. But that's not the point.


What Jesus is noting is not a legal impossibility, but a psychological one. While the slave might at first believe he can serve both masters equally eventually he will come to prefer one over the other. 


The slave here, btw, is clearly the OP, who is a slave to his sexual desires. However, if he were to pursue his sexual/monetary relationship with the Gik, the risk would be that he will come to prefer one over the other, ie the Gik over his current gf. Many problems may potentially result from that.

First of all, a slave cannot serve two masters, (s)he serves the owner.

Then, maybe OP likes both of the ladies and treats them equally.
If everybody is happy with that arrangement, then what are we talking about?

Or, maybe, OP decides to have a bit of fun on the side. 
Who am I to judge whether that is appropriate, let alone right or wrong ?

Many problems ensue from walking on the sidewalk or otherwise engaging in the local traffic,
yet most people do go out.

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