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No confirmation on when international tourists can return to Thailand: PM


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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


Or they could open the borders. allow in any tourists, and have the same sort of figures the UK enjoy.


Way to go ezzra!


Agreed. Ezzra gets it. If we are going to get beyond this as a species, we all need to contract this virus so we can develop herd immunity and get beyond this lockdown foolishness. No sense in putting it off.


The faster everyone gets sick, the faster we can get back to reality.  Very few people will actually die from this virus relative to the deaths that are going to come from the economic and social blowback of this stupid lockdown and containment approach we have taken.


Just make sure the health facilities are not overwhelmed and open up. Only reintroduce restrictions if the medical resources start to buckle under the strain.


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3 minutes ago, simon43 said:

Can someone please remind me how many people have died in total from Wuhan Flu in Thailand, and how many people died yesterday in car/motorbike accidents in Thailand?

Probably about the same.......????

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2 hours ago, Spellforce said:

I know too many thai people in Pattaya who are starving now.

I start to have an unsafe feeling now. I hope they will at least allow 1st of jully the chinese tourists to come back.

Hopefully they’re vegetarians.

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2 hours ago, AndrewMciver said:



Like i said, they had 1600 cases yesterday. That is a stark difference to your claim they had 10,000 - which is false. They have never had anywhere 10,000 infections a day, which is a gross exaggerated lie. 


As i said the UK has carried out nearly 5 million tests on the population, with them now ramping up to 200,000 a day. Antibody tests rolling out next week. Thailand meanwhile has only carried out 400,000 tests in total, and zero antibody tests. Both similar populations sizes.


The UK rate is also high because of the problems they have had in care homes for the elderly. 


That's why no one can really be sure how many people in Thailand actually had the disease. But it's fair to say it's has not succumbed to the pandemic like many European countries. Be it luck, climate, health of the population (namely weight issues), density of the cities they have done well. 



a big ratio in the UK are ethnic cases but its not known why ,quite apart from care homes

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Hopefully that situation will be warning for many people who want to retire here and try to build life. Before your girlfriend /wife can betray you. Ok . Can accept and move on. Have some money not big problem if people learn from one case. But when government try to betray you. Then no chance to move furthermore. Why betray. Look your self. People who buy elite visa for big money. What happen to then now? And much more no needs to explain. Everyone knows.

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6 hours ago, JCP108 said:

In the same boat. I must travel from Thailand to the U.S. in the near future for family matters. Right now, looks like I will not be able to return for some time


Same here.


My concern re this "fourth quarter' business is that by then the US will quite likely be having its second wave.  So I would not bank on being able to travel then. If things do open up, go as quickly as possible is my plan in hopes of getting back before second wave is noticeable

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14 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Dutch husband (I know, but try to keep up), and on just her second visit there she is allowed to stay in that country with a five-year visa. Just a little bit different to Thai rules

Just as well for her that the Dutch husband is not Australian husband

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If Songkran does go ahead as stated from 4th to 9th of July, then I can be assured that there will be no bars open before then and an alcohol ban will be re-imposed to ensure that the number of deaths on the road will be vastly reduced as happened in the week from 12 - 17 April 2020 :-)


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1 hour ago, Trolleen said:

Before I thought to buy elite visa  when thai baht was low and Norwegian money hight. Lucky did not do it. Pay 20.000.000 for 20 years and stay under restrictions in phuket krabi samui. Good choice? 

It's just a glorified tourist visa. I have it. To their credit, they added 6 months to the validity due to covid.


The minimum for any sort of security would be permanent residence. Not available without working and paying taxes.

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10 hours ago, ezzra said:

Meaning that the Thai tourism industry will continue to be in the crapper and millions who depends on it for their survival will continue to suffer and lose their life's works and investments witch will take years to recover from, way to go PM...

Just like anywhere else in the world. Except Sweden, UK  of course. But nobody wants to go there anyway.

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Hey Bangkok Barry and Dr Jack - Your comments on Hungarian/Oz Immigration are interesting, to me at least. My brother (now retired) was a senior public servant in Centrelink (the dole office in Oz) and was sent to Hungary at Oz govt. expense (yes we taxpayers paid for it) to set up their dole/welfare system, some years ago just before his retirement. He was there for a year. He told me that it was a fantastic place (who knew) and, that their immigration system in particular seemed to be geared to helping people and attracting foreign retirees, but was really painless to go through. Their social welfare system is based on the Oz model, so they have the dole for those really in need (and a few bludgers too I guess). Sounds like the total opposite of LOS ha ha ! I also note that the report says that 'both the Oz and NZ govt. have made overtures to the Thais to open up for visitors from both places ASAP". Useless for me/us if there are no airlines flying in or out of Oz. 

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36 minutes ago, bigupandchill said:

People die at a relatively manageable rate across the whole country from car/motorbike accidents. Covid has the potential to overwhelm any local medical infrastructure with many people requiring ventilation, intensive care etc if is allowed to spread unchecked. The two things are not the same.  

You shouldn't have to explain that but thank you for trying.

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1 hour ago, Advocatus Diaboli said:

. If Songkran does go ahead as stated from 4th to 9th of July, do you think they will open up the Bars before that period? A good guess says no.

A terrible guess says no. I have talked to 3 people in the bar trade in Pattaya who have all indicated June 14th. Government says July 1st or thereabouts. I'm on the ground in Pattaya, lots of indications that its imminent.

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