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Covid-19: Three quarters of Thais want to keep foreigners out, many cite fear of virus, says poll


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5 minutes ago, robblok said:

I hate the mask but keep it on even if some Thais don't.

As there are  way  many more  Thais in Thailand than foreigners the numbers would  predict  most  people not wearing masks would be  Thais.

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5 minutes ago, robblok said:

I hate the mask but keep it on even if some Thais don't.

As there are  way  many more  Thais in Thailand than foreigners the numbers would  predict  most  people not wearing masks would be  Thais.

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I mentions a week or so ago that the Mrs said that most Thais want to borders shut.  Humm.  TVer's scoffed.  Yet, here we are.
Go figure, 'eh?  Shoot the messenger.

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1 minute ago, Walker88 said:

Thailand is at a critical juncture in its modern history. Which way it goes from here is uncertain, as there are two competing camps vying for control.


One group wants things back to what they were, perhaps cautiously, but the goal over time is to be the Thailand it was last year, drawing lots of int'l tourists, some of whom come for the infamous nightlife.


A second camp wants to 'clean up Thailand's image' and also isn't particularly fond of farangs. This poll gives both incentive and ammunition to the second camp, who may see a more moral/less farang Thailand as a vote-getter.


If the second camp wins, it is conceivable that places like NEP, Soi Cowboy, plus Walking Street and Soi 6 in Pattaya go the way of the dodo bird. It is also conceivable that farangs will be less welcome, including those who think their retirement visas or Thai wives give them a right to stay in Thailand forever. If real xenophobia picks up steam, piggybacking off Covid fear, and becomes a voter preference, one could easily see all farangs asked to leave, including those with families, retirement visas or Elite Visas. I suspect leadership is looking to see which way the winds are blowing.


Don't think so?  Did you ever think the airports would be shut and foreigners barred from entry? That even 'extended visa amnesty' farangs would be barred from inter-province bus lines or barred from entry to certain provinces?


Some will say money always wins, and generally one can bank on that in Thailand. Certain folks do make decent dosh off farangs and the nightlife, but there is a camp within the current govt that is not friendly to farangs, nightlife or alcohol. Also, the fact that the govt was willing to throw into poverty a few million Thais whose income was dependent on foreign tourism and nightlife is proof that those citizens with minimal clout are given scant concern.


The jury is still out. If I were planning a long life in Thailand, I would make contingency plans in case the 2nd camp wins.



Money will always win the day here.

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8 minutes ago, Catkiwi said:

That figure may be right but it is not only sex and beer bars. It is about pubs, clubs, hotels, resorts, tourist attractions, taxi's, beach vendors and on and on. Millions of Thai people are out of work and need tourism to survive. 


Have a look at the European vacation places in Spain, Italy, Croatia and Greece. No tourist anywhere. 

Millions worldwide are out of work especially in the tourist business and it will continue to be like this.


it will need several years to get back to a new normal.


... in case there is no vaccine soon, it will maybe will never go back to normal


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2 hours ago, tonray said:

Apparently at least 24.28% of Thais work in the sex or beer bar industry

Yes, and nobody works in restaurants, hotels, at touristic markets as taxi driver, guides, etc. Let me guess, when you wrote your comment you only thought at Pattaya.

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9 minutes ago, connda said:

I mentions a week or so ago that the Mrs said that most Thais want to borders shut.  Humm.  TVer's scoffed.  Yet, here we are.
Go figure, 'eh?  Shoot the messenger.

Doe's she also say this includes the dirty Thais who bring the virus back with them ?  According to the goverment, we have no cases from the existing people in Thailand, which included Farangs

Why the worry with the virus, the scared Thais, who often either go without masks, or fail to wear them properly, yet will accept the death of thousand of their children on the roads ?

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21 minutes ago, Walker88 said:


A second camp wants to 'clean up Thailand's image' and also isn't particularly fond of farangs. This poll gives both incentive and ammunition to the second camp, who may see a more moral/less farang Thailand as a vote-getter.


If the second camp wins, it is conceivable that places like NEP, Soi Cowboy, plus Walking Street and Soi 6 in Pattaya go the way of the dodo bird. It is also conceivable that farangs will be less welcome, including those who think their retirement visas or Thai wives give them a right to stay in Thailand forever. If real xenophobia picks up steam, piggybacking off Covid fear, and becomes a voter preference, one could easily see all farangs asked to leave, including those with families, retirement visas or Elite Visas. I suspect leadership is looking to see which way the winds are blowing.


Some will say money always wins, and generally one can bank on that in Thailand. Certain folks do make decent dosh off farangs and the nightlife, but there is a camp within the current govt that is not friendly to farangs, nightlife or alcohol. Also, the fact that the govt was willing to throw into poverty a few million Thais whose income was dependent on foreign tourism and nightlife is proof that those citizens with minimal clout are given scant concern.



First: election was just a few months ago, nobody is campaigning for voters now.


Officially prostitution is prohibited in Thailand,

all governments had a blind eye on the nightlife places and that will be also in future like this.


No farang will be ask to leave as long all papers are in order.


..but it will need some time to get back to



and don't try to make everything look bad 

Edited by franzs
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53 minutes ago, robblok said:

Not talking about superiority, though many farangs on this forum seem to think masks are not important (think they have superior knowledge and dont to follow the rules look). I don't care if they are important or not it makes us look bad as a group. These guys are doing us a disservice. I hate the mask but keep it on even if some Thais don't. As a foreigner your always under more scrutiny by some so why give them opportunity. 

Well the post I was replying #35 to was talking about superiority so when you agreed with that post the logical inference is that you also beleive it is to do with superiority. So lets stick to the topic and not move the goalposts. 


If you have any evidence that these two individuals pulled their masks down due to a feeling of superiority or due to 'superior knowledge' please do share it. Otherwise I will stick by my reply to post #35. 


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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Seems logical to me I also dont want the borders to open to the US and Europe. Why import the virus. We might have to go back to the previous lockdown. Let it wait a bit longer and see how things develop. So far its far worse in other countries. 


Then people will moan again about alcohol bans or the closing of shops ect. Why import the trouble of others. Right now it seems to be going the right direction. 

For once I agree with you. I think people who live here should be allowed back in (subject to 14 days quarantine) but letting tourists back in will just put us back a couple of months and we'll be back in lockdown once the cases rise. 

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