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Thailand Aims to Turn Away From Mass Tourism and Target the Wealthy


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Heard it all before. The truly rich would not visit in sufficient numbers. They're not stupid and thousands of destinations have nice beaches. They prefer stable places with non-commie governments. Thailand's best bet at a spectacular revival is to stick to what it is good at and eat a huge slice of humble pie. The people are suffering.

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51 minutes ago, greeneking said:

Just a few steps from the Oriental in Bangkok the super rich will be walking on broken paths past noodle soup carts and their debris, barked at by the dogs and welcomed by smiling taxi drivers whose meters don't work.

And face slow journeys through traffic to whichever destination they have decided upon.  There are very few interesting places to go to.  Nowhere is good enough to justify the time it takes to get there.  The shopping often more expensive than if they bought at home.

And I quite like Bangkok.

I suggest Casinos if they want any chance of changing things.

Maybe they'll come for the whores!

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1 minute ago, daveAustin said:

Thailand's best bet at a spectacular revival is to stick to what it is good at and eat a huge slice of humble pie.

They don't eat humble pie, they eat somtam!

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11 hours ago, BritManToo said:

No, I used to holiday in Spain all the time, fantastic beaches and very clean, beautiful clean and clear water.

Thailand is dirty and every beach I've been to had sand flies.

Me too, and for me there's no comparison, Thailand beats the <deleted> out of Spanish beaches. 


And if you stay at a 5 star resort in Thailand with a private beach, well, there's no way any beach in Spain or resort can get even close to it, mainly because beaches in Spain just don't have the natural beauty that Thai beaches have. Even the water is colder in Spain.


But anyways, you have your opinion and I have mine, but I'm pretty sure lots of really wealthy people also prefer Thailand over Spain, there's a reason why Thailand is full of high quality 5 star resorts. It's not just backpackers in Pattaya's dirty beaches.

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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

If I were rich, I wouldn't be taking holidays here.

That's the thing, rich is a relative term, there's a load of different levels of rich between Bill Gates and Somchai. I know of at least two forum members who have assets in the teens of millions of dollars, that's not unusual in this day and age, both live here to avoid tax and live very nice lifestyles....are they rich?

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47 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I live in a Thai middle class gated village, they're all one or two pay checks from repossession.


26% of people in the UK have less than 1,000 Pounds in the bank, the median in the US is $7,000, it doesn't shock me that Thai people are the same.

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This is a great idea. Make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Or perhaps this idiot thinks the rich medical and business travellers will go to the mom and pop shops to spend money and eat street foods. 

Gotta hand it to them trying to make their idea sound so glamorous though. It's obvious they care nothing about the people in this country. 

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On 6/20/2020 at 7:57 AM, mr mr said:

please do explain how they will get to said destination with *minimal risk* driving on any road in this country ? 


wealthy people post wuwu will also be making strategic decisions. 


derp derp.

Helicopter. 555555555

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On 6/19/2020 at 2:32 PM, rooster59 said:

Once the country’s borders are reopened and so-called travel bubbles are agreed upon, marketing efforts will be geared toward wealthier individuals

Silly man...wealthier individual have a watch like you & Prawit

That means they know this is no time to be in Thailand ????

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Are you kidding, you guys are crazy if you even think that could work, you have <deleted> on tourists for years and <deleted> on expats living here and now you thing you can target the rich, i tell everyone i know not to come to Thailand because the government is not friendly to ferangs and wants us all to bend over to get reamed, it is laughable until things change in the LOS forget it.

It is not hard to create a comfortable environment here for tourists and expats but it is clear to most of us that you do not want us just our money.

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23 hours ago, sungod said:

Speak for yourself, I had a 10 grand bin for lady drinks before all this happened, I had em queuing round the table........ ????

Around the table? Surprised they were'nt queueing out the door and down the street to get a slice of that! ????

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23 hours ago, Walker88 said:

This "Tourism Minister" seems to pretend the wealthy don't come to Thailand for the agogos and escorts, as if the wealthy don't have their peccadilloes.


Wealth and its often concomitant power allow one to feed one's appetites. He should know, as it's likely many of his fellow leaders have their university age mia nois luxuriating in a Bangkok condo while waiting for 'daddy' to sneak away for an afternoon tryst.


Certainly a man of his 'sophistication' knows that the "Gentlemen's Clubs" of London and NY are not filled with truck drivers getting thousand dollar lap dances, but rather $10 million/year Investment bankers and hedge fund managers, i.e., the super wealthy.


The well off, perhaps as much or more than anyone, like to get down and dirty.  Birds do it, bees do it, and the uber rich definitely do it.


23 hours ago, Airalee said:

Thailand only needs to do two things to make tourism BOOM.


1. Embrace and Own the fact that they have some of the best looking prostitutes in the world.


2.  Legalize ganja (after learning how to grow something worthwhile...California dispensary quality)


Then, market it like crazy in puritanical feminist ridden nations. (Yes...this will <deleted> off the women...but so what?  They aren’t the big spenders here)

Advertise smoking a doobie on the beach after hitting up the BJ bars and you’ll have every male from Australia to Timbuktu beating a path to your door.


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On 6/20/2020 at 8:00 AM, Logosone said:

Mallorca tried this without success. There are just not enough rich people. The plebs are the masses, it's where the real money is. Who do you think finances the millions footballers earn? The plebs. It comes from advertising, ie products bought by the plebs.


The plebs have huge financial power but don't know it.

Big spender is a relative value.  As the article states, they are looking to get rid of backpackers and busloads of Chinese.  What’s not to like?

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