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‘No double standards’ in dropping of charges against Red Bull heir


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So the Killer-Boss seems to be a free man now and can return to Thailand.


He is a very dangerous man as he is above the law and is allowed to murder a police officer, let alone a normal citizen.


He has gotten himself a "Licence to Kill" . 

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I guess the biggest question is, Was a plea deal made and arranged with non disclosure requirements which allowed the charges to be dropped or dismissed.  It does happen that way in the US occasionally when a big name is involved....

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41 minutes ago, randy723 said:

I am a retired policeman and any policeman or department in the police that lets a cop killer go free and unpunished is no better than the cop killer himself. When I was a policeman all the money in the world could not keep us from bringing the cop killer to justice. I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR ANY THAI POLICE THAT DOES NOT STAND UP AND FIGHT THIS DESION TO LET THE NO GOOD COP KILLER GO FREE.  The grandfather should slow be put in jail for harboring a cop killer.


you have to remember that once the case was presented and delivered to the district attorney whatever occurred next was out of your hands. Only the DA or in this case the AG determines the cases fate.  30 plus years in Law Enforcement myself showed much inequality when it came time for prosecution of a case. Win/Loss percentages were more important to a DA and a plea agreement was a win in there book.  I had a DUI Manslughter case reduced to reckless driving and speeding. So nothing make sense when a case is clear as mud due to failure to investigate properly here.

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The message - and warning - is clear. Stay away from hiso inbred elites, and anyone remotely connected with them, because these super-rich pond-scums can do anything (mostly unpleasant) to you, your family and loved ones and get away unscathed.


As for the police, they are just a loosely-organised bunch of low-life thieves and extortionists in poop-coloured tights, ready to clamour over their own for an extra baht. Heck, even the triads and the mafias have more honour and self-respect.

Edited by outsider
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20 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Thailand's image is of ladyboys and prostitutes, corruption, numerous military coups and a place where democratically elected governments are overthrown by military force, where opposition political party leaders are threatened with jail and their party banned from politics for the flimsiest of reasons, a place where any criticism of certain people can land you in jail for a decade or more, of a land where money and influence places you above the law, a place where VIPS are never ever jailed for any crime including plotting to murder, of a land with some of the lowest education standards in all of Asia, of a land with the most dangerous roads in the world.


and despite all these, so many of us still want to stay here.

I am one of them, not liking, but accepting the situation.

I wish I had the valor of the ones who came, saw / experienced it,

and left. 

At 72 I now will continue to accept and abide. 



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I do wonder how many zeros were on the price tag for this travesty.  (Or should I say price tags as there certainly would have been many at the trough.)  Our high-roller Ferrari killer might want to keep a low profile.  It would be a "shame" if some civic-minded Thai decides that "street justice" is in order. 


Thailand isn't even remotely close to emerging from the "third world."  The country resembles a circus, and a poorly run one at that, making of Thailand a laughingstock.  

Edited by LarryLEB
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No matter what everyone thinks .............. it's the way things are done here, no foreigner will ever get their head around it. Certainly he is guilty of causing death by dangerous driving, drunk UTI & leaving the scene of the accident, but money talks. Hiso lawyers & hugh payments must have made this possible. It is certain that "blood money" been made to the policeman's family long ago. Just the legal system & police authorities "milking it for all it's worth" by not closing the case. 

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Let's see if I can get this straight. I rich snot nosed kid was clearly at fault and killed somebody in a traffic accident. In most countries that is called vehicular manslaughter. The changes were dropped and there was no family or political influence and no money changed hands......RIGHT!!!!!!! I have a bridge that I would like to sell you in New York!!!!

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What I find absolutely fascinating: not only do they provide this farcial outcome of a cut- clean case after years and years of dragging their feet for everyone to see!

But THEN, they can't even help themselves and provide non-sensical, laughable and ridculouse statements like this one!

It is like stapping someone with a knofe and instead of getting help, they just rub salt into the wounds!


On an unrelated note: good luck to all the brave people, now demonstrating!

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for the policeman's family to accept dropping the charges the envelope must have been very, very, extremely thick & big... as for him returning to Thailand hummmm, if I were at his place I would watch my back

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8 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

for the policeman's family to accept dropping the charges the envelope must have been very, very, extremely thick & big... as for him returning to Thailand hummmm, if I were at his place I would watch my back

Yeah well publicized and mentioned dozens of times in this very thread, it was 3 million baht.


did you read the thread or just ride in on your high horse ignoring whats already been posted ?

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1 minute ago, Don Mega said:

Yeah well publicized and mentioned dozens of times in this very thread, it was 3 million baht.


did you read the thread or just ride in on your high horse ignoring whats already been posted ?

just woke up man, didn't read shxx, sorry if it's double/triple or quadrupled down.... policeman life worth ONLY 3 million it's a bargain

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1 minute ago, Don Mega said:

Its not here so build a bridge and get over it.

did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, what's with the fuss...relax, take a walk it all settle down

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Great timing Thailand!! you got millions of poor people who can't eat or pay their rent or make a living during this time and you let this POS get away with murder! Another billionaire trust fund boy Having cappuccino back in the old neighborhood!

Well done! ????

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I just had a silly - if not downright absurd - thought:


Maybe it's all a ruse to lure the bloke back to Thailand by merely pretending that all charges had been dropped so he can finally be arrested on home soil.


But then again, that idea only lingered in my mind for a brief few seconds and I quickly discarded it. They simply are not smart enough to pull off an elaborate scheme like that, disseminating false news to the national and international press alike, hoping that "Boss" reads about it and immediately jumps on his private jet to return home.  

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18 minutes ago, RICO86 said:

Great timing Thailand!! you got millions of poor people who can't eat or pay their rent or make a living during this time and you let this POS get away with murder! Another billionaire trust fund boy Having cappuccino back in the old neighborhood!

Well done! ????

No, they dropped the charge of reckless driving resulting in death.... Not murder.

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