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Specifically for foreigners- Actual personal experiences of discrimination post CornHolio 69 BreakOut


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Hi all my expat brothers and sisters. 

Been thinking and feeling a certain kind of way lately...well honestly since the start of the CornHolio 19. Not a day goes by that I don't run into someone that is scared to be around me or come near me. I wonder and would like to know your general feelings of how and specifically what has changed in your personal opinion pre and post this "situation". 


I grew up in the US of Slaves and long story short climbed the corporate ladder and did well. Quite well, worked my tail off since I was 15 yrs old until my 29th year and then decided to sell and sold everything. Homes, cars, and endless amounts of stuff.  Decided to start traveling the world and did/doing.  Went here there and back around and ended up here in Thailand for the last year or so. Been living with my Thai GF here in the south for the last 8+ months straight. I originally liked and decided to stay here because from the surface I felt very welcomed and honestly very at home in the local city I stay in as there is very little tourist that stay here. The city itself isnt a destination so tourist never stay long, usually 1 evening max. Anyhow I get along with almost every single person i'd come across from the north to the south. Im the type of person who ensures eye contact and causes you to break a SMILE because I always have one beaming bright.  Well thats how I used to be in retrospect pre face Diapers. Now back to my 29th year...I left the USSA (United Soviet States of America) because of me finding revelation in many of my ways of thinking, desiring and believing. I did and continue to do daily research on why we are breathing ...alive I mean...lol. , The Federal Reserve, The Petro Dollar, Fiat Currencies, Governments and monetary policy. Quite frankly its an interest to study the majorities habits, preferences and well ....motives....and then do the complete and total opposite. 

Anyways back to the subject at hand....The last 5 months have been really hard....on im sure a whole lotta people, especially the ones that have been economically shattered and destroyed by ALL governments reactions to the CorNHolio 19 . That being said and respected Id like to read some other fellow expats/tourists experiences pre/post situation. 


For me its like this.

Ive done, seen, bought and been in the same places for like I said the last 8 months. NOT ALL....but the majority act as follows. 

Im cycling down the street, and the person sees that Im not Thai....-

----Swerves on their scooter to fix/adjust their mask almost hurting crashing so they wont breath my exhales?///!?? 

I'm walking with my GF 

-----Thais see me and Run aCross the street to the opposite side

-----We are walking in silence, enter a restaurant/market/store...she tells me something in english and people disperse, stare and FOCUS in horror as they powerWalk away.... 

-----Refuse me entrance and service in a barber shop and copy shop  (in fairness they have lovely printed signs posted multiple times all over shop windows "NO FARANG ENTER") In the copy shop i was quite embarrassed. 6-8 Thais on the computers and as I enter half put on their mask and the owner puts on her mask and tells me I have to go. I had the pleasure of being escorted out ...because......yea.... 


-----At the Gym that ive been going to for the last 1/2 a year , seeing the same dam people

They social distance me, avoid eye contact and have selfie pose contest with each other.



You know I wonder a lot and think a lot....especially now that I rarely make any new thai friends.....where has common sense gone?

I didnt know how it felt to be treated different because I guess you can say In Los Angelos where I was born and raised, being hispanic the majority of people are latinos or at least the cities I called home. I never encountered  "racist" actions towards me. But hey life always is teaching us...I'm grateful for the great time i had Pre situation and of course my loving GF that is thankfully WOKE and shares many of the same views as me. I hope to hear from you...yea you thats read my long post. Hopefully this can be a way of venting. 

 On a last note....I in no way, shape, or form are singling out Thai people....MOST is NOT all. Im sure if id be anywhere in the world ....traveling i'd be having the same feelings because of the severity and success of the Television Programming and all the other propaganda saturated media mediums governments are using to spew out their agendas. 


With warm regards all, thanks for YOUR OPINION> ???? 



Edited by clos88
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8 minutes ago, thequietman said:

This could turn into a major Thai bashing post, and it has been covered before, many times.  


I would suggest that it is removed, but will leave it up to the mods. ????

On a last note....I in no way, shape, or form are singling out Thai people....MOST is NOT all. Im sure if id be anywhere in the world ....traveling i'd be having the same feelings because



Thanks for reading and giving your opinion. 

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56 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

After reading your OP post, I'd cross the street and run away from you if I saw you approaching, and I'm not Thai!


If you think you're being funny, you're not... Just stupid.


Great response to my experience, not fiction FACTs. And stupid why> ? 

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48 minutes ago, JWRC said:

How can one person seemingly have all these problems? Nothing has changed for me, I certainly have not experienced any of what you describe. Is there something wrong with you?

Sure isnt something wrong with everyone? Are you perfect? This stuff is happening....I wouldnt be sharing if it didnt. lol 

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2 hours ago, clos88 said:

With warm regards all, thanks for YOUR OPINION> ???? 

Nothing much has changed for me.

Shopkeepers in the local stores, same as always, fairly friendly and helpful.

Local m/c garage, doesn't seem to have a problem, just had my m/c chain oiled and adjusted, 30bht.

Got a fantastic deal buying a s/h motorcycle.

Nobody in the village wearing masks, only needed for Tesco/7-11

Have to meet girls online is the biggest difference, but their prices have dropped, no need for bar fine or lady drinks.

Short-time hotels have also dropped their prices by around 25%.


If only we could sort out immigration, things would be almost perfect.

Long live COVID.



WOKE gf in Thailand ........ why would anyone endure that, you sound like a complete soy boy.

Edited by BritManToo
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12 minutes ago, clos88 said:

Great response to my experience, not fiction FACTs. And stupid why> ? 


Start with "CornHolio 69," and go from there....


Do you even know what the word/term you're playing with actually means?


Perhaps THAT'S why people around you are giving you a wide berth....



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Maybe you smell horrible, have a dirty unkempt unwashed hippie look? Or covered with pus oozing sores? I live in Bangkok and go around everyday to a lot of different places, eat in food courts, restaurants, take the bts/mrt/taxi and have faced no problem whstsoever. I did read on here that one restaurant in Bangkok was not allowing foreigners.

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2 hours ago, clos88 said:

Been living with my Thai GF here in the south for the last 8+ months straight.

Not my south, Hat Yai is still smiles and very happy to see you.

You must have some hideous deformity. 

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7 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

My thoughts exactly.


does the OP even live in Thailand... maybe the mods could check the IP address.

wow so defensive... interesting. And why would anyone post in a thai forum and make up a false story>> lol like what would one gain from that? jaja... 

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1 minute ago, clos88 said:

wow so defensive... interesting. And why would anyone post in a thai forum and make up a false story>> lol like what would one gain from that? jaja... 

Many do, hence why I believe you are as well.


you claim your post is based on facts, where are the facts ?

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3 minutes ago, Stocky said:

Not my south, Hat Yai is still smiles and very happy to see you.

You must have some hideous deformity. 

nice, good for you man. and not certain however, pre situation things were different. Thanks for your op 

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I've been living in the same city for the past 19 years. Almost on the same block for all that time. I haven't seen any change in the behavior of the people on the street, in the stores, or even in the elevators. I see smiles from my regular shop keepers, and smiles from the people on the street when I smile at them. Certainly no one runs away or crosses the street when they see me coming or hear me speaking English. You might wish to blame Covid19, to save you from some serious introspection.

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